Yesterday was a day filled with vitamin Q. Finally I got to meet Anni Downs. She is one of my favorite Australian designers and I have loved her patter for a long long time. And of course when Kathrine announced that Anni was coming I had come. And I was one of the lucky one to attend to Anni’s class.

This is the cute tablerunner we was going to start sewing. I love it.

Anni is a great teacher and it was fun to watch and learn how she was doing her needleturn applique.
The pattern for these two small projects was a little gift from Anni to all of us that joined the workshop.

My houses are lined up and ready to be appliqued down. Did not do so much because of my bad arm. It was just fun to be there.

The whole class group.
So happy finally to meet Anni in person.
As always Kathrine brings almost the whole shop to these events.
And of course a lot of Anni’s models and patters was focus.

And as always a lot of other projects that inspires me

Later this thursday Anni was going to have a Show and Tell. About 170 ladies came so you can just imagine there was a high level of laughing and chatting.

First there was a show and tell for Annie. She is a very popular designer here in Norway and several ladies had brought quilts made from her pattern. Sorry I was not able to take photos of those.
Then there was Anni’s turn to tell about her quilting life. Just enjoy the photos:
Thank you Anni.
You made my day.
Saying for today;