Friday, April 27, 2007

"Inside my head"

In this magazine that I got from Darlene I recognized a quilt I made from this pattern some years ago.

And I looked through my big pile of quilts in the sewingroom and found it. This is one of my favorites and I named it "Inside my head". Because sometimes my head is filled with ideas, and things I like to sew, and it feels like my head is spinning around and around. Do you know that feeling. Wanting to do everything at the same time, but the result is that nothing is accomplished. This quilt is handstitched and handquilted.


Darlene said...

Oh my that is so pretty! Handstitched and handquilted - you are so incredibly talented.
Thank you for digging it out of your sewing room to share with us.

Anonymous said...

THIS feeling.... is totally ME ! Now I understand why I have sooo many Ufo's ! (and Darlene's magazines won't arrange things ! LOL).
Your quilt is fantastic, dear !
Big hugs & smiles !

Carole said...

wow! You hand pieced and hand quilted this quilt? That is beautiful. I can see why you like it! thanks for showing a picture of it!

Libby said...

I know that feeling well . . . like I'm just swirling and swirling and getting nowhere - quick *s*

Hanne said...

Lovely quilt! I guess it describes my brain at times too ;-) Enjoy your America packet. It was filled with lovely things. I am looking forward to tomorrow! I guess I will come home with some goodies as well, don't you think? :-)

Angie said...

That's a beautiful quilt, May Britt!You did a wonderful job on it!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a beautiful quilt May Britt, hats off to you for doing everything in it by hand. I know exactly what you mean about that swirling feeling....

Patti said...

Marvelous quilt May! The colors are so vibrant and alive. I love it! Well done.

Greenmare said...

Yes I do know that feeling! I live that feeling regarding sooooooo many things I want to create. That quilt is GORGEOUS!

Cynthia said...

lovely quilt May Britt.

Helen said...

May, that is a very beautiful quilt and I will look for it when that magazine arrives in my magazine shop. It will be great to say to my friends that I "know" the quilter!

Anonymous said...

What a quilt! You have all the reasons in the world to be proud of it! Very, very nice - the colors are beautiful!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Far better than the magazine, those colours! Those scares me to think about sewing them. i love your pincushion and I enjoyed your mail, regards, tracey. Hope your arm is improving,

Hedgehog said...

Love this quilt! Another one for the to-do list!

Rose Marie said...

Oh, it's lovely and I like what you did with the hand quilting!

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