Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spring in Oslo

I am visiting my boyfriend in Oslo this weekend and yesterday we went to the city. It was so beautiful weather. Sun and it was warm. One of the first day when you leave your jacket at home and just wear a T-shirt. The city was crowded with people out enjoying this warm day.

We walked up against the royal castle.

The flowers are blooming and this photo is taken behind the castle.

Where also the ducks where resting in the sun.

Not far behind the castle there is one of my favorite quiltshops. Kathrines Quiltestue has a lot of beautiful patterns and fabric of my taste. I forgot to take photos from the shop. My boyfriend was waiting patiently outside the shop while I was trying to hurry up in the shop. I had no intention buying anything because I actually did not need anytning.......... LOL Did I manage not to buy anything......NO.....of course not LOL

The first weekend i May I am going to take a quilt class and I am going to make a beautiful christmas table cloth....or a spring table cloth. And of course I had to buy some fabric to this class. I have nothing back home LOL. We are also going to use triangles on a roll and I bought this roll now. Perhaps I will make both the christmas and the spring/summer table cloth at the same time. Bente, who is giving this class, was teaching in the quiltshop yesterday and she told me that if you are a fast sewer you can manage to make two on the same time. I guess I will do that, because I can't make up my mind which one I will make.
Quilt saying for today:
Life is like a patchwork
Make it precious day by day
Have a pattern for your life
Adding fun along the way!
- Author Unknown-


Leigh said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time. I love the green spot.

Chookyblue...... said...

Beautiful flowers and by the way I always enjoy your little thoughts at the end of your blog. Congrats on winning a prize from @ parcels in the ,mail now from Australia. Yippee.

sewprimitive karen said...

Hi, May, sounds like a wonderful visit with your boyfriend; how do you happen to live in different cities? The flowers and palace are gorgeous.

QuiltingFitzy said...

How far do you have to travel to see your boyfriend? My, my, aren't we curious, lol. I only ask because my husband and I dated across the nation, that crazy? No, it was true love!

I love, love these fabrics. I am certain fabrics in far away places are better than what we see everyday.

Darlene said...

A wonderful Spring day! Your boyfriend, flowers, people, blue skies and a QUILT SHOP. A great day, indeed. :-)

Susan said...

Thank you for sharing these photos. The castle is amazing! I love the fabrics you bought for your tablecloth.

Triangles on a roll really make life easier. The trick is to iron the HSTs with the paper on, pressing it back so that the perforations are bent. Then, don't tear the paper off.

Grasp the point of the triangle that is free and give a quick snap, holding the other side of the square with your other hand. This will almost always give a complete removal, without tearing any stitches. Just peel away the skinny part on the other side of the seam.

I use a 15 (or 1.5) stitch length when I sew, and that makes it easier, too.

Hanne said...

I am looking forward to see what you make from the triangle paper and those lovely fabrics :-)

Anne Heidi said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I love the fabrics you bought, hope you'll show us the result of your class :)

meggie said...

Perfect day out. All that lovely scenery, flowers, & the quilt shop!

Anonymous said...

Oslo looks just fabulous! Love the new fabric that you 'needed'. Hope to visit Oslo this year!!!All the best from Australia.

Anonymous said...

May Britt the photographs are beautiful. Those flowers are stunning. Love your fabrics you bought. Now we just need to wait to see the finished product. Distance between you and your boyfriend must be a pain, my dh and I were on different sides of the world, Australia and the USA.

Teodo said...

Your pictures are gorgeus.

I used one of your particular phrases, that I love very much, for a my post.

Thanks, ciao ciao

Laurie Ann said...

Two at the same time. My favorite method!!! :)

Sweet P said...

Thanks for the tour around Oslo. It looks like a beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

Funny to see some pics from Oslo on your blog too ;)

Cynthia said...

thanks for sharing the lovely photos of Oslo

Nicole said...

I love the photos from your trip! The fabrics you bought are my very favorite color combination. And I must say, what a patient sounding boy friend you have! He must be a "keeper" as my grandma used to say.

Candi said...

The pictures are just beautiful! thank you for sharing. Your tablecloth is going to be just beautiful!

Wendy said...

Wonderful spring pictures of Oslo and a Quilt Shop too. Isn't it hard to have someone waiting outside while you shop. I could browse forever in a quilt shop but when hubby is waiting I get out quicker.
I look forward to seeing your 2 table cloths.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Hi, enjoyed the pics and loved the flowers. Of course you needed fabric and he is a good boyfriend! Looking back thru' some previous posts and I love the chook ones that got bindings, well done! Tracey

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