I am a memeber of Stinas Angel Story book club and the deadline for finishing the top is approaching very fast. I have until oct 1st to finish it. And Stina is pushing me to finish it. And today I had decided to spend all my day working on the top. So the first thing I did this morning was to find all the blocks and fabrics.

After breakfast I started to rotarycut all the squares that should go between all the blocks.

And I started to puzzle...

Here is the first 1/4 part of the top sewed together.
I really like the result so far.
And the quilt started to grow.......

And grow...........

And grow.............ooooopss................this is photos from my walk today.
Had to get som fresh air, and the sun shined so beautiful. And on my walk in the forest I took some photos of these mushrooms.

Back home I continued sewing the top together.
And now it's almost done. 3/4 are sewed together. The last part is just partly sewed together. But now it's late and I think I call it a night. But I think I will manage to finish it before deadline. Tomorrow I am teaching a workshop after work, but I got tuesday evening to sew the rest together.

My friend Bjørg (no blogger) is also working on the Angel Story Book. She hoped to finish the top before the deadline, but while rotarycutting the frames for the blocks she had a little accident. The rotarycutter was too sharp, and her finger was to close to it. So she had to go to the hospital to have a look at it. And came home with a huge bandage on her finger.
So let this be a warning. Be careful with your rotarycutter.
Saying for today:
A messy house is the sign of a happy quilter