Monday, September 27, 2010
For sale - TIL SALGS
I want to sell this project, and will only post it in Norway because of the postage. Therefore the rest of this post only in Norwegian.
Jeg kjøpte dette prosjektet for et par år siden, men har nå funnet ut at jeg antakelig aldri kommer til å sy det ferdig. Hovedgrunnen er vel helst at det ikke er helt mine farger. Jeg er ikke så glad i blått. Så jeg ønsker å selge det til noen som har lyst til å fortsette på det.
Jeg har sydd litt på det og alle stoffene som hører til ligger i esken.
Her ser dere et bilde av hvordan det vil se ut når det er ferdig. Det er Jinny Beyers "Around the world", størrelsen ferdig er 82x82 inch. Ny pris kostet esken kr 2400,-. Jeg selger den for kr 1500,- + porto. Er du interessert så ta kontakt med meg.

Christmas table runners
You remember the red "crazy log cabin" blocks I showed you in my previous post. Today I have worked a little bit on this project.
And this is how it looks like now. I will quilt the tablerunner before applique the hearts. And then some stitching. Thinks it looks good (even though the color here is sooo wrong). I am making two similar, so perhaps this is a good start on my christmas presents.

Saying for today:

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Vitamin Q weekend
This has been a long weekend filled with vitamin Q.
I was very clever this weekend and did not overdoo any sewing. My shoulder is starting to feel better and I just have to be very careful.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Have you missed me
I just realized there is two and a half weeks since my last blogpost. And I started to get mails from blogfriends that was worried :) Nothing wrong, time have just flown away the last weeks. Thanks for your concern :)
The last days I have been cursing the closing of bloglines. I had so many blogs on my list there. Now I have decided to put them in my sidebar, but also to be very selectiv. Still not finished with my list, but I think this is actually a good way to follow blogs. I have already started to comment more and that is a goal for me. To comment more on the blogs I follow. My bloglist in the sidebar will be long, because there is so many wonderful quiltblogs.
And as you see I have given my blog a new look. But the header did not come out so good. Guess I have to make a new one, but I really like the old one. Have to figure out how to make it better, or just make a new one.
Frida cat and I have had some good time in the sewingroom. I started to machinequilt my autumn houses. I have to take it veeeeeeeeeeeery slow because of my bad shoulder. And as you see the quilt inspector looks after me.
I have still a lot of quilting to do on this quilt, but I am so happy with the look of it.
Last weekend I visited my friend Laila and helped to move her sewingroom into a new room. It was so fun to look through her stash, books and patters. And I think Laila got a little surprised to find several forgotten projects.
I have been taking a lot of walks in the lovely autumn sun. My physiotherapist and doctors order. Long walks and swing with my arms. And it really helps, both on my shoulders and my mood.
At the last meeting in my quiltguild I gave our members a challenge. We have all been talking about making a new sampler for a long time. So I have made up some blocks for a minisampler. Here is my first two blocks.
and today I have cut the pieces for the next two blocks. It is so fun to sew on the line again.
While being away for several days on a workshop last week (with no internet in my room) I had traced the first block of "Angel among us" to stitch on in the evenings. I stitched almost the whole angel, then I decided these dmc colours was not my chose (even though I had selected the original colours). So what do do..........I unpicked all my stitching. And to unpick that much stitchery is not easy. I guess Hanne and Bente (no blogger) is laughing of me now. We have agreed to start stitching "Angel among us" together and I cheated and started early before the two others. So now I am back on scratch with this project LOL
But I have enjoyed stitching these two small stitcheries. Do not know what to make of them yet.
So here is a little summary:

And as you see I have given my blog a new look. But the header did not come out so good. Guess I have to make a new one, but I really like the old one. Have to figure out how to make it better, or just make a new one.
Autumn is a second spring
when every leaf is a flower
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Goodies in the mail
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