Today I have been invited to write a post over at Stash Manicure. I feel so honored to be among the contributers to a great blog. So if you want to read about Buttons and Ribbons and More you can visit the blog. I guess due to the time difference the post will show up during the day. Madame Samm has set the post to be published at 6:00 AM (Madame Samm time).
And I would be happy if you came back here and gave a comment about the post Buttons and Ribbons and More :)
Now I am soon of to a DJ workshop with Hanne. She have come here to spend the weekend with my local quilt guild and give us a tour through different techniques she have used on her DJ and NI quilts. Really looking forward to this workshop.
Saying for today:
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have,
and one of the best things you can be.
~Douglas Pagels
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have,
and one of the best things you can be.
~Douglas Pagels

Congrats to you for the guestblogging :o) That must be such an honor to do :o)
Hope you'll enjoy your weekend, making those DJ blocks! I hope you'll share some pics during the weekend. Say hello to Hanne :o)
Congratulations ! I am going to have a look.
Great!Flott innlegg May-Britt, Gratulerer.
Hej, vilken bra post du skrev! Det låter jättekul med era utmaningar. Om jag hade haft lite mer tid hade jag gärna gjort något liknande, men här gäller det att prioritera tiden.
Ha en fin helg!
Dette er imponerande! Du har verkeleg levert dine saker bra, og eg er sikker på at mange kjem til å ta opp ideen! Helse Hanne og Bente, seie B. må få seg blogg, er sikker på ho har masse å vise fram. Den klehengaren var no ei perle!
WONDERFUL! I have shared a link to your Stash Manicure post on my on-line quilter's group and asked them if anyone would be interested in doing something like that. We would have to share photos of our completed projects as we live all over the US as well as one lady in England. Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful post.
Congrats my dear May...May this be a chapter to a new beginning and that we all see you at STash Manicure once again..YOU are a PERFECT guest blogger. Warmly from my heart to yours madame samm
Well done!!!! I enjoyed your post and the challenges look like fun.
Have a great weekend with Hanne.
It was fun to read your guest post, and to see your friend's blog. Karmen
Gratulerer! Det blir spennende. Riktig god helg til deg!
Great job May!!!! I enjoyed very much reading about the challenges. You all have very creative minds!! I hope you continue with this "game" for a long time and tell us about it.
I loved your post on Stash Manicure. And after two references to Norwegian songs I had to stop by and see if you were from Norway. My brother Josh served a mission for our church in Norway so it has a special place in my heart. Nice to meet you.
You have done very well May Britt, the post you have written is very, very good, congratulations:))
Så kult!!
What a lovely guest piece on Stash Manicure - well done! Great idea that I'm going to steal and share with a couple of my lovely quilting friends.
Lovely 'home' blog too....
great guest blogging!
The article was very interesting and inspiring!
Take care, Leslie
I have just read your post on Stash Manicure. It was WONDERFUL. I loved it. I love the idea of challenging friends and everyone having the same things to start out with. Good idea.
Så artigå få et slikt oppdrag. Jeg har lest igjennom blogginnlegget ditt og det var veldig morsomt skrevet - godt valgt tema. Til inspirasjon. Ha ei fortsatt fin helg!
I loved your post on Stash manicure...have fun at your workshop!
I loved your post May Britt, such wonderful ideas and creativity.
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