Wonder how many I will make this time? It was fun looking in my DJ book again. About 10-11 years ago I started making DJ blocks. And I think I had made about 50-60 blocks + some triangles. I got so bored with the colours I had chosen so I gave the all away to Nadine.
Think it will be a small quilt this time. But who knows. Some of us girls have agreed to meet once a month, so we can inspire eachother to continue sewing on these small blocks. It was so fun sewing on these blocks again.
Think it will be a small quilt this time. But who knows. Some of us girls have agreed to meet once a month, so we can inspire eachother to continue sewing on these small blocks. It was so fun sewing on these blocks again.
Saying for today:
Our lives are like quilts -
bits and pieces,
joy and sorrow,
stitched with love.
~Author Unknown
Vilken härlig DJ-träff! Jag har gjort två DJ-block, kanske dags att göra ett par till. :)
what fun..........Hanne has done so well with both her quilts.......goodluck with your new DJ journey..........
Hanne's quilts are stunning....it won't be too long May Britt and you will have a quilt like that...your blocks are lovely
I read your blog regularly and always enjoy it. When I saw your blog today, I was really excited! The Dear Jane quilt caught my interest a few years ago and on Oct. 1st I started my blocks. Hannes quilt is gorgeous!! It excites me to keep working on my DJ. How could you give away 50-60 blocks?! Nadine is one lucky lady and you are very generous! Good luck with your new DJ. I'm on block E3. Pat McDonald cmcdonald-44@hotmail.com
I started my Dear Jane in 2004. Now I am working on the last four blocks !
Så interresant å lese!! Dere har sannelig vært flinke. Gleder meg til å se din DJ etter hvert:-)
So much fun.. loved to see Hannes quilts again.. magnificent ones.. and wee done of you with those tricky blocks.. and good luck with the rest!!!
What a wonderful day! I wish there was a Dear Jane group here, I would definitely join. Maybe that would get my Jane out of the UFO pile.
May Britt, I'll bet that you get hooked on these sweet blocks once again!! Have you seen the free BOM's on the Dear Jane website? Brenda P has made them available to us all to "play" with!!! All the best!
Papa's star center is SO tiny! Still, a fun block to do. Thank you for sharing Hanne's beautiful quilts. Her jane is exquisite!
I found your blog through stash manicure and look forward to visiting often.
Best Wishes & Happy Quilting,
I would like to do a Dear Jane. Maybe one day, LOL!
We had a wonderful time. My papas star I think I will resew. I dont like the result. And Hanne is such a clever lady, and teatcher.
What beautiful quilts! But it is some undertaking, a lot of work:))
Your blocks look lovely, well done on you to get so many done. Hannes quilts are stunning, such a lot of work in them.
Keep going until you've had enough and then you'll still have a beautiful quilt. You have some fabulous fabrics to choose from. Hannes quilts are stunning.
Å, så gøy å se alt sammen. Det er nesten så det klør i fingrene, men jeg tror jeg skal styre meg. Kommer aldri til å bli ferdig!
How fun to take a workshop from Hanne....her quilts are always such an inspiration to me.
Dear Jane is a journey....enjoy it!
Så flott en helg du har hatt. Å så flinke der har vært - kjempe gøy.
Both quilts are so beautiful!!! what a great work!!!
That is quite a fabric stash (we are envious). How fun to see the project group and to see Hanne's quilts there. Her NI quilt is one of our very favorites.
Hanne's quilt is gorgeous! I admire people who make a Dear Jane and remain sane! lol It is not on my to do list! I'd go stark crazy with all of those little pieces! lol I will be starting the Farmer's Wife BOM. The blocks are 6" finished. Much more manageable! ;o) Have fun! Cheers!
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