
Not ready for this yet.
This morning minus 12 C.
And I've read in the newspaper
that we probably will get snow these days.
Hope they are wrong.

My DD is coming home for the weekend today and I am soooo looking forward to that. We are going to have a great relaxing weekend together. And when it is so cold outside I will enjoy my stitchery. Perhaps I will find my Joy of Life quilt and start quilting on that one again. Good to have a quilt in the lap to keep me warm, but I do not know if my shoulder allows me to handquilt now.
Saying for today:
A daughter is a day brightener
and a heart warmer. ~Author Unknown
It is cold here too - minus 8 C - and I hope the snow will hold back for a while yet.
It is perfect weather for hand quilting with a big mug of tea and a fire in the oven.
Enjoy your visit!
I Nordfjord er det 0' og litt snø, tidlig med snø i oktober! Ha ein god dag.
Oh I believe you that you are not ready for this - me neither. And I wont complain about our temperature anymore - we had 0 C this morning. But on the other side winter time is sewing time ;-)
Hello May, oh my, minus 12, I cannot imagine how cold that is! We are in the middle of Spring and today was just lovely, 25 degrees celsius and lots of sunshine. Your weather is perfect for indoors and stitching! Have a lovely weekend, Ann ~ Australia
Minus 12 !!! I though I read the thermometer incorrectly!! I cannot imagine how cold that is!
We are expecting 29 C tomorrow and I am going to melt!
Have lots of fun with your DD.
Love the saying.
It is a bit warmer in The netherlands, but at the moment rain and thunder !
Thats cold! In holland it is raining and cold +10. Thats for us cold!
Sorry, my englisch is very bad, but I folling you a long time. But a comment is very dificult. You have a very nice blog and I hope your DD can come this weekend!
Have a great day!
Groet, Hennie
We've had a light morning frost here but no temperatures below 0 yet. Yay!
Enjoy the weekend with your daughter. Have fun, be close and stay warm.
Too late! Snow came to Trondheim Tuesday...and more yesterday. The children are so exited.... I`m not...
Now I have a good reason for indoor activities.... that`s gooood :o)
All the best to you and yours, enjoy your weekend with DD.
Is this your daughter who is a photographer?
How about making a pot of soup or stew? That seems warm and cozy on a cold day.
What a blessing to have a daughter!
In my country is cold too, but not so cold like in yours.
J'm so happy that you'll have a perfectly quilting week end. Tomorrow j'll go to a big patchwork fair .
happy quilting
Enjoy your weekend with your daughter May Britt, they really bring so much joy to our lives!
Men er det så kaldt,altså; trodde nesten jeg hadde rekorden med -7,2
men ser meg jo slått!! Fin innedag da for litt søm:-)
Happy Quilting, May Britt.
One word: BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! :o(
Hei! Kjempefin blogg du har, også så gøy at du skriver på engelsk:) Takk for at du deltar på min giveaway! God helg :)
Oh, I would not want your cold! We have had some night frosts here, but days are still quite good. But it will be nice to be by the fire, I like that part of the winter.
Oh way too cold! Have a wonderful weekend with your daughter!
UFFDA.... Her var det kaldere enn hos oss i nord
Winter is on its way here, too. There have been a few snowflakes today and the sky looks ready to deliver more.
I'll just go back to my quilting because that makes the weather less bothersome. ;o)
Enjoy your time with your daughter. Stay warm and have a happy day!
Sunday it was cold and rainy and the rain had an icy feeling to it. Right now, though, we are having what we call Indian Summer - it's 21C here! It only lasts for 2 or 3 days and then we'll get hit with winter. It snowed in Canada and on the northern US/Canada border. Our weather usually comes down from there, so winter is on it's way. Make some cocoa, pull out that stitchery, and have fun with your dauther!
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