While visiting Hanne this weekend (thanks Hanne and Kjell for hosting such a wonderful party), we suddenly realized that we had no OPAM's this month. And that was one thing we could not allow. We both have set a goal to have at least one OPAM each month.

Sewingmachines on the table,

cutting stripes,

and then some stuffing to do,

and here is my two pincushions.
Hanne's blog to se what she finished today.

And when I came home this evening, I pulled out this little quilt (pattern Leanne Beasley). I had already basted it and started to quilt it. A few hours of quilting and then sewing the binding on, I had finish #3 ready.
Three finishes in one day!!!I am so happy.I hope november will bring a lot of finishes, because now I really have to start making some Christmas gifts. Only 54 days to Christmas.
Saying for today:
Christmas is not as much
about opening our presents
as opening our hearts.
~Janice Maeditere
Thanks for a wonderful weekend! A lot of happy memories to cherish :-)
I saw the post on Hanne's blog and you both looked so beautiful and it sounded like such a wonderful way to celebrate. Love your pincushions and little wall hanging.
You two work well together...love your little stitchery May Britt
GREAT job ! ;>)
Nydelig liten stitcheryquilt, og fine nåleputer!
Cute finishes for this month. How is your Dear Jane coming?
Christmas can't be that close! I never finished the binding on my Fall quilt!
Mange fine stunder med hyggelige
quilte venner,det ser jeg stadig på din blogg:-)
Takk for at du viser LH-bildet,
nå vet jeg hva min OPAM i November kan bli(hvis ikke jule-UFOer må helt over da)!
Only 54 days for Christmas!!!! oh no! I have also to begin my Christmas presents too! Beautiful work, the little quilt is very nice! Have a nice week!
nice finishes........goodluck for November.....
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