I jumped in my chair, reading the mail over and over again. WOW.....Madame Samm had an idea about a new banner for my blog. WOW....hurried to answer her, yes of course I wanted a new banner. I have for a long time thought about making a new banner, but I am not so clever on such things, so it have been delayed and delayed. And my previous banner got blurry and not nice when I upgraded my blog some time ago.
In a short time I had the first testbanner in my mail. And I loved it. After some mailing, I loved the new banner she came up with even more. My wish was to have a little cat down in a corner. And look at that cute cat she added.
This banner is so me. Red is my colour, I love the stitchery heart and the cuuuuuuute little cat. For you that do not know it already my blogname abyquilt has a meaning. ABY stands for the abyssinian cats and QUILT is just for Quilting = therefore ABYQUILT.
And Madame Samm has nailed my banner.
It is purrrrrrrrrrrrrfect :)
Saying for today:
A hug is worth a thousand words.
A friend is worth more.

Så flott bloggen din ble da! Herlig med litt nytt innimellom :-)
God helg!
Your new banner looks wonderful and I know what it is like to keep putting off these things when it eats into precious quilting time. Happy stitching!
May Britt... it´s lovely... so COOL..;O)))
WOW, I love it!!!!!!
Den var super fin..GRATTIS!!!!
Kjempefin! Passer så bra til din blog :)
Kor fine bloggen din vart ....
og banneren er jo berre digg ;)
fredagsklemma sendt ;)
Hi May.... The new banner is soooo lovely... It sure looks like what you had wanted... Hugs :)
I love the new banner. I've been reading your blog for a long time and I think it definitely reflects you - ie the one we know from your posts.
I just LOVE your new banner. It is just purrfect!!!
It is so cute!! and now we know what Aby stands for. I love your new look, enjoy!!
Congratulations on your new banner! It looks good :-)
Åhhhh heldig gris ;oD
Så flott den ble, gratulere May Britt
Ein riktig God helg til deg :)
Sooo cute, indeed !
Oioi, DEN var lekker! Ha ei god helg;o)
love the header.............
kjempefin. Bra med gode venner ikke sant, klem.
Your banner looks great. It is very artistic.
Wel done, May Britt, you did it!
Your new header looks great:))
AWE...M. Samm...Isn't she a DEAR!!
She can sure wave a magic wand over a person's blog. Great new banner!
Denne var knalltøff, skikkelig stilig. Gratulerer. Jammen kjekt med gode hjelpere. Ønsker deg en fin, fin helg.
Madamme Samm does have a gift for creating a banner that so reflects the blogger. Enjoy!
Cris from Western Washington, USA
Yeahhhh... I love the new banner!! Red is just sooooo my colour as well, and the stylised cat is really cute!! I just need to get blogging again, never mind updating my look!!
Hugs Gloria
Hello May Britt,
yes, your banner IS absolutely perfect!!!
I love it :-)
Hugs & Greetings from Germany
Så spennende banner du har fått. Gratulerer!
Er ofte innnom bloggen din.
God helg.
Hilsen Ruth i GQL
Awesome, May Britt. Your new banner looks so wonderful and fresh.
Kjempeflott er den - og så heldig du er :-)
You got a lovely banner and your blog looks fantastic with the new one :)
Love it! Congratulations. :-)
Love you new banner May Britt! It is definitely you.
Love your new look. Madame Samm is so talented and generous. Love waht she created for you. Enjoy!
Så fin blogg du har fått ! Madame Samm har gjort en glimrede jobb og jeg syns du er kjempe heldig.
I love it!! it looks great! :)
cool banner!
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