Lappemakeriet was another wonderful shop attending the quilt meeting.
and they have som wonderful BOM's. I am now sewing on the one with the eight pointed star. Package #3 had arrived when I came home sunday evening.
I love this BOM from Lappemakeriet.
Fun to see what the northern quiltshop had in their shop. Almost like all the other shops, but they did have some patterns from local designers.
Quilteglede had also come to Tromsø with their shop.
And this is Åsne with her shop Quiltefryd.
A lot of temptations in this shop too. I love this tablerunner.
And so fun to see the original Life is Beautiful quilt from Hugs and Kisses
still have a lot of blocks to sew on this one :) And of course the kit for this quilt came home with me.
I guess you understand that my head now is spinning with sooooo many ideas. I just need more hours each day to get it all done.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing those tons of pictures!!!
I'm just staring at and want to sew them all...
What a beautiful pictures, what a lot of ideas. Thank you, Roos
Oh, oh, so many beautiful pictures, thank you:)
I can only imagine how much of your "pocket" money you left there, LOL!
Wonderful photos of all those inspiring ideas. I often feel like I will never live long enough to do all the projects I have in mind. Oh well - it's just such fun to try. And I like your new (what is it called) Title bar at the top of the page. Very nice.
Great eye candy. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful quilts!Those inspired me a lot of ideas.
Tusen takk for at du deler bildene dine med oss andre som ikke var der. Sååååååååååååå misunnelig på dere som fikk oppleve det. Ser ut som det var utrolig mye fint og inspirerende.
Din blog ble min reise til TOS; nesten da:-) Ja,virkelig fint for oss som ble hjemme. Takk skal du ha,for alle bildene. For referatet fra møtet,får vi andre steder!
Have enjoyed everyone of your posts... And looked at all the wonderful shops and gorgeous quilts... So talented you Norweigians are!!!!:0)
How fun! I love kits, although I seem to work on my scrappy quilts a lot more and the kits linger on my shelves!!
Thank you for sharing these pictures I so enjoy seeing quilts from other people and these are so beautiful ,wonderful !!It must have been so hard to leave things behind ;-)
Hi May Britt.. thank you for sharing your trip with me. I really loved the "shattered tiles" quilt on the left of the 12th photo down... so much so that I have tried to contact the shop!! We'll have to see how I go, as I couldn't really read the words and so guessed??? Anyway I have emailed should be fun
Så mange flotte bilder du har tatt! Masse inspirasjon!!! Regner med du hadde en alle tiders helg, med mye inspirasjon. Det klør vel i fingrene når du har sett så mye fint :o)
Ønsker deg en alle tiders helg med masse kreative innspill :o)
Takk for at du deler disse bildene med oss som ikke var i Tromsø. Har kost meg her inne - sååååååå mye fint og se på.
Ønsker deg en riktig god helg.
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