Do you have special memories about christmas:
I remember when I was a little child every christmas was always very very cold. And when I walked across the road to celebrate christmas with my grandmother the stars where so bright and the snow was twinkling. I was always so excited about christmas and I still is.
Another memory is when my father made me a dollhouse. I have peeked through the keyhole and seen what he was doing. But when all the gifts was unpacked at christmas eve, I had got no dollhouse. My dear father had discovered me peeking in the keyhole and wanted to tease me. Of course I got my dollhouse, but it was a lesson to me.
....... but I am still very curious about the gifts LOL
Turn the right side out.
The bottom will now look like this.
Measure the top of the tube. Mine is 10 inch wide. Cut two pieces of a matching fabric 5 x 11 inches. That is the 10 inch + 1/2 inch on each side that you will fold in. Have you made a bigger og smaller bag you have to measure your bag and add 1 inch.
Fold all the sides as on the photo and sew. Then iron it with wrong sides in. Sew a line one inch from the fold on both.
Then pin it on the bag like this and sew.
Then you have to stitch it down on the wrong side by hand. And sew a line on the front to hide the seam allowance.
Make two cords to lock the bag and voila........you got a new bag.
This is probably the most horrible sewing procedure you have ever read. Hope you will be able to understand. It is one thing to make it in Norwegian, another thing to translate it to understandable english LOL And please if you can help me to explain this in a better way please let me know.
If you choose to make one please let me know. And show it on your blog. This can be a very nice present for christmas. The one I have made now is for a little 3 year old girl. She had to have princess fabric. I will add some bathfoam and lotion for her.....I think. A teenager would probably love to get makeup in her bag. For boys I would probably add something else.
I have added this makeup bag on the sidebar if you want to make it later.
I have made two christmas gifts. These two cosmetic totes was easy and fast to make. I think I am going to make more of these. Perhaps one for myself too. And my DD also wanted a new one. Perhaps I'll make her one and fill it with soap, lotion and makeup.
My four blocks for the Country Whig Rose wall hanging" from the Simple Blessing book are done and I have sewed them together. I will now start on the border around very soon. I love doing needleturn applique.
While watching tv this weekend I also got a lot of handquilting done on my "Say it with flowers" I have only a few weeks left before it have to be finished. I have entered it in my quiltgroups ufo-challenge and we are going to show them the last thursday this month. I am quilting the last flower and then I just have the border left.
Guess what this is going to be? This is something I started to sew on this evening. Six hexagons and four diamonds put together............ I'll show you tomorrow !!
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
I had a day off from work today, and I'm beginning to feel much better after having the flu. My windows was dirty, and I cleaned everyone of them. Then I went to the shop and bought a little beautiful lightholder. Now it is hanged up in my kitchen window, with a little candle burning in it.
I started making two christmas gifts today :) Only 7 weeks left to christmas and I have to hurry up now. I know there are several of my relatives and friends who wishes a homemade present for christmas.
And I have continued applique on the last block for my "Country Whig Rose wall hanging" from the Simple Blessing book. I got a lot done while watching "71 grader nord" and "Bratcamp UK". I am so keen on getting this quilt done now.
Tomorrow I'm back at work againg. And in the evening I am going to the UFO-meeting. I have decided to bring my "Lazy crazy" quilt. I got this kit as a gift several years ago. When I found it in one of my ufo boxes I got a bit amazed. I thought I had done much more work on it. I had only made four blocks, but I had cut the fabric for the rest of the blocks. I can't understand why I stopped working on this. It is beautiful.
Take a look at the beautiful sunset this evening.
There was already make one big red rose on the block, and I thougt I had to add some more red on it. I made a red heart embellished with green beads. And on the little heart I added in the middle of the heart it says "Made with love"
Some more red roses and beads. A white lace with some white pearls and tiny red daisy stitches.
And this is Synnøves block finished. Now it can go back home to her. I think it turned out beautiful.
* oct post: I want to recuce my UFO's. Still have two left of the three UFO's registrated on my quiltgroups UFO challenge to complete. One is basted and is going to be handquilted. I will try to baste the last one this week and perhaps I will machinquilt it.
Yes I did baste the "Say it with flower quilt" and I have quilted 2/3 of it. Have to finish it before nov 30th when we are going to show our finished ufo's at the quilt meeting.
* Oct post: Start making christmas gifts.
NO....and that bothers me. Just 7 weeks until christmas. Better hurry up.
* Oct post: Organize all my patterns. I have to because I have been looking for a certain pattern and I can't find it. And I have a lot of patterns.
Yes, I did organize some of my patterns. I have put all my stitcherypatterns in a cover. I have put all the others in boxes. And I found several lost patterns stucked in books and fabric. One advice on lost patterns: Look in you fabricstash or in books or magagazines.
* Experiment more with my CQ. Looking forward to receive the book I have ordered.
I got the book, but I have done very little on CQ. But I will in november.
* Handquilt on my Spinning wheels NO
* Handquilt on my Sunflower dresden NO
I have concentrated my handquilting on "Say it with flowers"
* Have to continue on the quilt I am going to have above my sofa. The wall is still empty. Have made 3 blocks. One more to make and then put the border on. Priority one.
Yes I have started the last block. Working on it now.
October was not my month of quilting. I got so out of focus. But reading other blogs tell me I was not the only one. So in november I have just a few goals.
No 1 priority is getting focus on my quilting again. So I will not have more goals in november. That means I can do whatever I want whenever I want. I have started onJudy's Quilt for an hour, and I will enjoy doing this one. And I will continue handquilting on my "Say it with flowers" and applique more blocks. But I will not pressure myself to reach any goal this month.
One of my best friends have made a blog. She makes a lot of beautiful things and I hope she will continue blogging. So please take a look at Anita's blog and encourage her to continue. We live so far away from eachoter and that's a pity. But we talk on the phone and teases eachother often. She is a dear friend to me.