Monday, June 11, 2007

Leannes House BOM

Leanne Beasley is coming to Norway the last week in october to give classes. And I have registered in one class. I do not know what class it is yet. I just know I want to meet her. I am so looking forward to this. Last year I started Leannes House BOM. I did five blocks and then it was abandoned. Why, I do not remember, but when I now have restarted on it again, I think it was because I regretted not using batting behind my blocks.

This weekend I found my abandoned blocks and sewed the last four blocks. My sewing room is the most chilly room in the house :) And now I have 4 1/2 blocks to stitch during the summer. It would have been fun to show Leanne it when she arrives.

Block #1 is finished

Block # 2 is also finished

Block # 3 is lacking flowers where it says SPRING

Block # 4 , have done just a little bit stitching on this one

Block # 5 is it's lacking a little heart down to the left

Block # 6 ready to be stitched

Block #7 ready to be stitched

Block # 8 ready to be stitched

And finally block # 9 also ready to be stitched

So now you know what I'll bring with me on my summer holiday. Stitchery is very easy to do in a hot summer day. Everything is drawn on the fabric and you don't need to think about what you are doing.....almost. So if you are wondering what to bring on your summer holiday I recommend stitchery. If you don't have a pattern there is a lot of free stitchery pattern to find on the net.

Saying for today:

PS: I am overwhelmed by all the comments I got on my previous post. Thank you so very much. The winner of a drawstring bag will be picked early tomorrow (norwegian time).


Anonymous said...

May Britt, they are sooo beautiful ! I'm sure Leanne will be delighted to see your beautiful quilt finished !

Yes, nice stitcheries are the best things to bring along, while on vacations...
I'm going to prepare some, to take with me to Italy.

Big hugs & smiles !
(who is strongly crossing her fingers and toes for the draw string bag, tomorrow !)

Anonymous said...

May Britt those are so pretty, can you remember the name of the bom? I agree stitcheries are so easy and you don't have the weight or the heat of a big quilt on your lap.

Judith said...

Great fabrics and colors for the quilt. I am doing her Journey of a quilter and now have pieced 3 and am doing the stitcherie on one. Hope to sew also the fourth one and than I can work on the stitchery next weekend when I am on a little long weekend holiday.

Hanne said...

Your blocks are lovely May Britt :-)
I had to pick the red heart off my block # 1, as it frayed to much, even with fusible web. I will redo it tomorrow, with another fabric.
Seeing your blocks again is an inspiration, as is the fact I am signed up for Leanne's class as well :-)

Vicki W said...

These are really pretty blocks! I have not seen this pattern before.

Unknown said...

Your stitchery is beautiful, and I like the fabrics a lot.

CONNIE W said...

They are so beautiful and that's a project I could enjoy doing. I haven't seen her patterns in the states yet but I understand they are now available so I will do some checking for them. Her patterns are so yummy.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Those are sooooo pretty. I started some stitchery yesterday - I'm happy to say that the stitches came back to me easily and I shall show my "stitch lesson" on my Blog as soon as time permits.

And I totally agree with stitchery being portable - I already found out how thankful I was to have something to do with my hands while sitting outside in the gorgeous weather this weekend.

kristy said...

I love your quilt May Britt! The colors you have chosen are fabulous!!
How exciting it will be to meet Leanne.
I am just finishing the quilting on my Leanne's House BOM.
You can see mine here:
Kind regards,Kristy.

meggie said...

Those blocks are soo lovely! You are such a neat worker. I love seeing all your projects.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh my, sooooo pretty - each and every one of them! They are fresh, and light, and delicate, etc. Lovely.

Hoping, hoping, hoping ...

Tanya said...

The stitching is so beautiful! You're right. For the summer, stitching would be a good take a long projects. I'll have to look at some of the sites to see if I can find something cute.

Ms. Jan said...

I love your 201st post! The blocks are just adorable and I can't wait to see how they come together.

Wendy said...

Wow, your blocks are wonderful and you have finished so many. It will be fun to meet Leanne and show her your finished blocks. Thanks for sharing them.

Angie said...

They are beautiful, just beautiful! You do such nice work!!

Diana said...

May Britt, those blocks are lovely. I'm glad you decided to finish them--they will make a beautiful quilt.

Libby said...

You project is just darling. It will be a joy to share your work with Leanne whether it is fully complete or not.

Julia said...

I love this pattern!! Where can I get it?
Thanks, Julia

Melanie said...

I love your colors-- the bright's fit the quilt perfectly. Great job.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I"ve always loved that Leanne's house but no way could I do all that stitchery. Yours is gorgeous so far! What fun to meet her in the fall! Your stiching is wonderful!

Pam said...

Very pretty blocks - they look like they will be a lot of work. You will be busy with them this summer:))

Carole said...

That is a beautiful quilt. I just love it! Are some of the blocks hand appliqued? You guys are such a tease with all your embroidery work! I'm getting real close to picking up again! Like I need another hobby! lol Enjoy your class. Thanks for sharing!

Chookyblue...... said...

the blocks look great........

Teodo said...

These blocks are very beautiful.

I'm happy you are going to meet Leanne.

ciao ciao

Little Penpen said...

What a beautiful BOM! These are gorgeous! I am trying to finish up some blocks before July 29, when we take our vacation, as I want to start on something new for vacation. I love seeing your work!

Monika said...

Heia Mai britt :)
Flotte blokker - som alt du syr :)
Synd vi ikkje skal til gjøvik i år - da hadde du fått besøk :)
Smil fra monika
ps- eg mangler din adresse

atet said...

Your stitcheries are so beautiful! You have convinced me to give it a try! Oh boy, a new skill!

Susan said...

Wow. I love your quilt! I love the way you have embroidered and embellished on regular quilt blocks!

Grazia said...

Wonderful blocks!!!!!!
Very nice colours!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! This is my first visit here! You have a wonderful blog, and this quilt you are working on is fabulous--it is so colorful & cheerful! I'm more of a sewer& knitter than a quilter, though I do like to dabble in quiling from time to time. I'm an American living in Norway, btw. I look forward to coming by here again. Happy Days! :o)

Anonymous said...

I love this pattern, I love your fabrics/colors, I love the embroidery, I love your blocks! MUST. HAVE. THIS.

corry said...

love the flowerbasket on block 4, lovely!!

Jenni said...

What a lot of work May Britt. I don't have the patience I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Those blocks are so beautiful! I can't wait to see the whole quilt.

Silverthimble said...

These blocks are gorgeous!

Mary Johnson said...

This is so cute - I've seen this BOM referred to on other blogs and usually just skim the stitchery posts but I love these blocks.

Li de Liége said...

Amei. amei... quero fazer um igual!!!
li de liége

Carmen said...

very beautiful.

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