Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Spools, envelopes and decisions

One thing that makes me angry when I'm sewing is an empty spool. And it always happends when I'm in a hurry. And ALWAYS when I only have a few inches left to sew. Do you agree??? Therefore I have started to wind up several spools every time I'm empty.
I have finished Tanyas little sewing bag + an extra one for another friend. Tanya, I have posted the pink/red one to you. Hope you will like it and use it. I cross my fingers that it will have a safe flight over to Japan. I have so much fun making this bags. And it's a nice way to use some of my stitcheries. I'm now planning to make this bag with applications on. Maybe prepare it as a new class this autumn. I have many ideas.
So yesterday I posted a lot of envelopes. Click on the photo and see who gets them.
Wish you all a nice sewing day. I'm going out on the porch now to stitch on my Leannes House block #6. Or should I start experimenting on application on a new drawstring bag. Or should I prepare some new Applique Designs blocks, or some daisy blocks, or..............
Decisions, decisions...........


Anonymous said...

These bloody bobbins ! You are sooo right ! Good idea to fill in some spare one (how didn't I think of that ?)...

oooh, these stitchery bags are so cute ! I really do hope you will write a tutorial on them, some day ! (come on ! You hve to work, while I'm on vacations ! LOL)

OF COURSE, I enlarged the photos with the envelopes !... And what do I see ??? MY name,on one of them ! Yepee ! You're such a darling ! THANKS, dear ! Can't wait getting it !

A special biiiig hug to you (and smiles !)


ps : of course, sewing counts as an aerobic exercise ! Cutting does, too! You should see how thin my hands are ! (... but only my hands ! LOL LOL)

The Calico Cat said...

I think those bobbins happen to everyone... I have become quite lazy - I use prefilled bobbins for a lot of stuff... :o)

Chookyblue...... said...

yippee can't wait for the mail now.....

Chookyblue...... said...

opps...thaks for whatever my surprise is....

Hanne said...

I usually fill more than 1 bobbin at a time, but it happens anyway I run out ;-)
Your drawstring purses are very cute.

Darlene said...

Oh look there's an envelope for ME! WooHoo! Oh I can hardly wait. You are such a sweetie, May!

The drawstring bags are adorable!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little bag. I agree with Nadine, a tutorial is definately in order. All those lucky ladies receiving a package.

Anonymous said...

Those darlign little bags look like the perfect thing to carry your lunch to work in.

Susan said...

I do six at a time and I still run out at the worst possible moment.

Your daughter is lovely. Such stunning eyes..........

I am waiting for a tutorial on those bags............

Heather said...

I have the same thing happen to me, even if I fill several bobbins, the last one always runs out at the wrong time LOL! I give up! :D

Your bags are adorable :)

Gerry said...

Good idea with the bobbins, May. Your little bags are just too cute. And how fun for the gals getting an envelope!

Unknown said...

Oh it would be so nice if you would write a tutorial on the bags, they are so cute.

Juliann in WA said...

I like to have my bobbin case full of wound bobbins so I don't have to stop and wind them when the sewing frenzy is in process. How fun to see my name on that envelope. Something fun coming my way!

~Bren~ said...

The bags are adorable!!! I LOVE bags but am intimidated by the patterns. I would love a tutorial as I have never made a bag. :0(

Tanya said...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! It is adorable!! I can hardly wait! What a good friend you are to make all these things and send all these things and think of your blog friends! I'm so glad you won something on another friend's blog!!!

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Stitching on the porch sounds great! Your little bags are just darling!

Pam said...

Those bags are so pretty! Enjoy the day on the porch :))

atet said...

Those bags are adorable! I love the stitcheries, and they would be just as cute with some applique on them as well.

I have the same problem trying to decide what I'm going to work on next. I tried making a list -- but, well, I'm just not a stick to a list kind of girl!

Anonymous said...

I think the bobbins must be some kind of Murphy's Law of sewing! ARGH! I'm with you, I always wind several at a time. Stupid bobbins. ~A :-)

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Mine always do that as well!!! great idea. Great win as well, a real windfall, lucky you!
As mentioned before...lucky daughter, lots of cakes, singing and gorgeous little bag. You are a good Mum, Tracey

Little Penpen said...

Please, please, please write directions for the little bags. What cute Christmas gifts they would make for dear friends. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Yvonne said...

Your bags are so sweet! I agree about the bobbins....I sewed at least a dozen strips the other day after my bobbin had run out....guess I should have been paying more

Anonymous said...

I love your darling little bags you made with the stitchery on them. Good job.
Sent off your winning today. They tell me it will be there in 10 days. Keep your fingers crossed.

Rose Johnston said...

Yeh bobbins r the most frustrating...i always fill 3 at a time but sometimes they vanish so quickly!!! those bags r gorgeous, they would make a great tutorial!!!

Shelina said...

I hate running out of bobbin thread too! Sometimes it brings a deadend to the momentum I have in making a quilt, and another UFO has been created.
Those stitchery bags are really cute. I'm tempted to make some too.

LOl - the first three letters of my word verification are aby!

Angela said...

I love your lil stitchery bags.

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