My summer vacation is now over for this time. We came back home late yesterday and it feels good to be home. We had two great weeks.
But I have missed you all. Two weeks without any internet connection. That's hard :) I missed reading your blogs and getting emails from you. That means I have a whole lot of mails and blogs to catch up now. I looked at my bloglines and I noticed a lot have been going on while I have been away. So I will now enjoy some days browsing through all the blogs. But I have decided it will be almost impossible to comment on each and every post so I have decided I start from scratch now with my comments. So please don't feel disappointed if I do not post any comments on your posts this last two weeks.
This trip started on friday 13th with 13 hours of driving up north to
Mo i Rana where my boyfriends sister live. We were going to meet her at the mountain to join her and her family at their cabin. We arrived the cabin at nine in the evening, had some food and then we went on a little party out on a little islet. We were picked up with a boat and it took one minute to get to the islet. If you look at the photo below you can see the little islet in the middle of the photo.

The islet was not big :) But we were about twenty people out there. Laughing, playing guitar, singing and making coffee on the open fire.

Look at the wiew from this little islet. Isn't it beautiful. This photo is taken at midnight. You know this far north the sun never goes down during the day. But this day it was clouded and the sun hided behind the clouds. Even though you can see the snow in the mountains it was not that cold. Wearing a thick sweather and sitting in front of the fire kept me warm.

You probably don't believe me when I tell you at 02.00 this night/morning all the girls (and one little boy) jumped out in the water for a bath. Off with all our clothes and into the water, but not for long :) After the bath a nice glass of wine at the rocks. And we all fet so warm after the bath. I will also mention that we took another bath later this day when the sun was shining.

This is the wiew from the cabin the day after. The sun was shining and it was so warm.

And this is a photo of the cabin we stayed at.

During the day a rainfall came and made a lovely rainbow. Not only one rainbow, but we counted four rainbows.

We stayed at this cabin this weekend and on monday we continued our holiday driving to Dønna. I tell you more in my next post. And save the quilty stuff at last :)
Saying for today:
A home is built of peace and love … and not of wood and stone,
a place where happiness lives and memories are sewn