Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our summer visit in Grimstad - The boat trip

My boyfriend and I have been in Grimstad for some days. First we visited my friend Anita and her husband. We had planed a trip with their boat, but the weather was not so good so we did not go for a long trip. But we had a very nice tour around the coastline of Grimstad on saturday evening.

Here is Anita in front of Mathilde.

Idar, Anita and Tom.Me hoping not to get sea sick. But I did well. It was so fun.

And now some photos from the coastline. It is so beautiful. It is so romantic with white small houses, the boats, seagulls screaming and the waves. In beutiful sunshine. But when the weather is bad I guess it is not that romatic.

Safe back at the harbour. This was a really nice trip. Thank you Anita and Tom for taking us on this boat trip.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this trip with us. The scenery is lovely.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful coastline May Britt, thanks so much for sharing your photo's with us. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

Ms. Jan said...

May Britt, thanks for sharing your pictures--I feel like I was there. Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation. jan

sewprimitive karen said...

Beautiful coastline. Thank you for showing us the scenery photos and the pictures of the quilt shops. What a great picture of you, too!

Darlene said...

No matter the weather it still looks lovely and very romantic. Enjoy the other trips.

Susan said...

Thank you for those pictures! The boat ride looks like it was just wonderful. I loved the pic of the red and white houses and buildings along the rocky shore. Can they sleep on this boat? I saw there was a galley!

Carole said...

Wow, beautiful coast line. It reminds me of Nova Scotia. Thanks so much for sharing your vacation!

Teodo said...

Wonderful pics.
ciao ciao

meggie said...

What lovely photos! So glad you had fun.

no said...

Hello: Ijust got to your blog, it is really good.I will be visiting you often,congratulations!

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