Monday, July 02, 2007

Another project for summer

It's amazing what you get done when the television doesn't work. The cable net is out because they are doing something on it. They tell me on the phone it would work after four, but now when it's soon midnight it's still only snow on my tv.

Because of that I have spent some time (more time) in the sewing room. I have organized it a bit and then I started on the new block of Gail Pans "Sewing angel basket". Have you visited Gails blog? This was block #5 (but the third I have yet). It is fun playing with the fabrics to get the look I want it to have. I did many different alternatives.
And this is how my block look like sewed together. The drawing is done, and I'm a tough brave girl using my Micron pen. Because when the line is drawn it's there. No way to undo it. But I love drawing stitchery with this pen. It makes so fine lines to sew on.

Then I started doing these circles. A fourpatch cut in a circle. What will it be????

A new pincushion. I have for a long time wanted to make this pincushion. It's from Anni Downs first book "An Angels Story". It was so fun to make, though I struggled a bit with sewing the circle together. But it turned out very cute I think. So tomorrow I will make more of these. May be this will be the one I swap in the Pincushion exchange over at The Country Cellars blog. And I hope the postman will bring me the newest book of Anni Downs tomorrow. I ordered it from australia last week. I could not resist ordering it :)

I just got to know that I will have surgery on my shoulder august 22nd. So I have some time to worry. But I'm looking forward to get this done, and perhaps my shoulder will behave better :)

Saying for today:

There's nothing more exciting
than starting a new project.


Anne said...

I have been enjoying your blog for quite a white and just decided to "de-lurk". :-) I love your work. You have made some beautiful things and I just want to say thank you for showing us all these great photos of your creativity.
Have a great week! :-)

Pam said...

I love the Leanne's BOM stitchery you are doing. It is so pretty. I was looking at the Honeysuckle Cottage website. The is so many pretty stitchery patterns out there, maybe I should try some.

Did you get the BOM sent to you from Australia? I was wondering if they ship to Canada. Just thinking out loud :))

Little Penpen said...

How CUTE! I love the pin cushion!

Unknown said...

Cute pincushion. I hope your shoulder will be better than new after the surgery in August.

Silverthimble said...

Your pin cushion is adorable!

Anonymous said...

May Britt, try not to worry about your shoulder too much. Just think of all the stitching you'll be able to do once you have it done. Love your pin cushion and your new stitchery block.

atet said...

May Britt -- as always your stitcheries are beautiful. You know you are one of the reasons I've started doing some embroidery myself.

Love your current projects!

Hanne said...

As always your work looks so good :-)
The pin cushions are very cute too.
August 22. will come before long. Enjoy your holiday and your stitchery until then.

QuiltingFitzy said...

Good luck with your surgery May Britt. Mine is beginning to feel better on it's own thank goodness!

Your little pincusion is very cute and your new block is just the best, as usual.

Rose Johnston said...

I have that book, now u have made me wanna try that gorgeous pincushion...good luck with the surgery and try not to worry too much!!
Take care

Angie said...

Your stitcheries and the fabrics you're using are wonderful. And that pincushion is just too cute! :D

picperfic said...

I have to have surgery on my shoulder too,I found out yesterday....I will porbably have mine in Setember, when my youngest goes back to school. I love the pincushion, in fact I'd really like to make one!

Darlene said...

Your stitcheries are always wonderful - those angels are adorable. And, your pincushion is lovely - obviously I love it. You always do the cutest things. I swear I'm coming to spend time with you. :-)

Darlene said...

Don't fret about your shoulder surgery right now - enjoy your stitcheries and sewing - the time will be here before you know it.

Holly said...

Hi there,
love your blog and all of your projects, it's so nice to see what's going on in Norway.

thanks for sharing your work and thoughts.


Juliann in WA said...

Love those angel blocks and the pincushions look so fun. Will keep your surgery in my thoughts.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Cute pincushion idea and I just love your new stitchery project. I had to look at the links you added and of course now I too want to order lots and lots from Australia! I did my very first stitchery this long weekend - I love it.

MARCIE said...

Love the cute stuff you are doing! Your patchwork and stitcheries are wonderful! Take care.

Wendy said...

You do such cute stitcheries, I use the Pigma pen for tracing and love it better than anything else. I guess I must be good at tracing since I've never had any problems. The pincushion is oh so sweet!

Anne said...

Hej May Britt! :-) Tack sa mycket for hjalpen! Thank you so much for your helpful comments!
I love that cute pincushion and your stitchery is just beautiful. I'm sure the surgery will go well and that you will feel a lot better after you have healed.

Libby said...

I love all of your new BOM pieces and the lovely items from your prize *s* It is funny how much can be done without the television - I try to remember to turn it off, but then I remember something I want to see.
Hope all goes well with your shoulder !

Laila said...

Hello. Your Pin Cushion are so cute. I hink i'm gona make one to. Maybe with some stitchery on it.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I love that pincushion. Now I have to order that book I guess so I can make one. Love your stitchery blocks too. I love stitchery.

Good luck with your shoulder surgery. I'll be thinking of you.

Susan said...

The stitchery is so cute. I like the skinny border first. I use the Pigma or Zig pens to mark. They don't bleed, for one thing. I also have them in all colors so that I am stitching with thread that is a similar color to my line. It helps obscure it a bit, if I go off a little.

The pincushion is darling!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Hi, I've noticed it is a little quiet in the summer blogging territory as well, that is one area where being on the other side of the World does interfere, we have time to sit inside and look at blogs and the Summer girls are onholidays!
I love that circle pincushion and always enjoy Anni Downs work, we see a lot of it down here.
Pleased there will be an end result with your shoulder, that will make life easier! tracey

Unknown said...

I always use a micro pen for tracing stitchery patterns - they do give you a lovely fine line - I just hold my breath and go hoping I don't wobble!

Teodo said...

your new project is very nice, and the pincushion is very very lovely.
Happy summer and happy work.
ciao ciao

meggie said...

Lovely gifts you received May Britt.
And I do love all your work, & the colours you choose.

Ila K. said...

What a charming pin cushion!

Best wishes for your surgery. Hopefully you'll be better than ever when you have recovered.

Judy said...

You are a brave girl! I have a very tiny thin pen too but I am always worried that the lines will show under the thread! Everything looks fabulous! Can't wait to see it finished.

Sorry about having surgery, I have some to do too and don't look forward to it either!

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