Friday, July 06, 2007

Summer holiday

Now it already past midnight. I'm a late blogger today. Or am I an early blogger.

Today I am going on summer vacation and will not be able to blog anything for almost three weeks. I promise I will bring my camera and take a lot of photos to show you later. We have so many beautiful places in Norway and I hope to show you more of our beautiful country. I have not started to pack my bag yet. But I have prepared a lot of projects to bring with me. I do not know if I get any time to sew, but just in case, I have both application and stitchery with me. Several different projects. And if I am lucy I get my ordered stuff in the post today. And it is some new stitchery projects.
So until then take care and sew a lot.
Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful vacation May britt. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing all you wonderful photo's on your return.

Tazzie said...

Be sure to have the very best time!

meggie said...

May Britt, Happy holiday to you!
Enjoy yourself, & relax & rest.

Jenny said...

Enjoy your holiday! Hope you have good weather.

Sweet P said...

Don't know if you've left yet or not, but I hope you have a good time.

I'm trying to round up some interest in a stitchery swap. Would you be interested in one after you return from your vacation?

sewprimitive karen said...

May! Have a wonderful vacation! See you when you get back.

dot said...

Have a great vacation.

atet said...

Have a great vacation May Britt -- see you when you get back!

Laila said...

Hello. Have a beautiful summer. Can't wait to hear about it. Hope you will return with lots of new ideas... Take care and love it.

Hanne said...

Enjoy your vacation :-)
May we get a lot of sun from now on!

Unknown said...

Have a lovely time May - look forward to your holiday photos

Tanya said...

Have a great vacation! I'll be gone about the same time as you so I guess both sides of our world will be quiet. I'm sad about being out of contact but I'll be looking forward to visiting again later in the summer.

Chookyblue...... said...

covering your last three posts you have been busy and beautifully creative....have a wonderful holiday and look forward to your creations when you return......will miss you while you are gone........have a wonderful time.........

Helen said...

Hi May Britt,

I have nominated you for the "8 random things" tag. Please ignore and don't do it if you don't want to, or if you've done it before and/or are totally bored by the whole thing.

Oops, just realised you have gone on vacation. Never mind, maybe when you get back.

Helen said...

PS. Have a great time.

Yvonne said...

Have a wonderful vacation!

Libby said...

Enjoy your vacation - lots of resting (and a little stitching, too *s*)

Patti said...

Just in case you get back on one more time before you leave - have a marvelous time and get lots of stitching done!

Rose Johnston said...

Have a great holiday May Britt, be safe and relax (and get heaps of stitching done!!!)
Cant wait to see the pics when u come back!!
Take care

Unknown said...

Enjoy your holiday.

Teodo said...

Happy holydays.
ciao ciao

Shelina said...

Since I didn't get here in time to say goodbye, I hope that you are having a great time, and hope that you come back with lots of fun pictures to show us. Enjoy your vacation!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all the photos when you get back! Safe journey! ~A :-)

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