Today it's Mothers day in Norway. I have visited my mum and both my children called me on the phone. And I found this beautiful poem on the net that I will share with you all.

It takes a Mother's Love
to make a house a home,
A place to be remembered,
no matter where we roam.
It takes a Mother's Patience,
to bring a child up right,
And her Courage and her
Cheerfulnessto make a dark day bright.
It takes a Mother's Thoughtfulness
to mend the heart's deep "hurts,"
And her Skill and her
Enduranceto mend little socks and shirts.
It takes a Mother's Kindness
to forgive us when we err,
To sympathize in trouble
and bow her head in prayer.
It takes a Mother's Wisdom
to recognize our needs
And to give us reassurance
by her loving words and deeds.
It takes a Mother's Endless Faith,
her Confidence and Trust
To guide us through the pitfalls
of selfishness and lust.
And that is why in all this world
there could not be another
Who could fulfill God's purpose
as completely as a MOTHER!
Helen Steiner Rice

I know Nadine is safe back home in Belgium after her visit to me. We did not say goodbye to eachother........just "see you later".
While she was here we took a workshop together and we manage to finish our quilt tops before she left. There is still a lot of work to do on them. A lot of applique on the stars and on the background. But I will enjoy finding appliquepatterns in my japaneese quiltbooks. I know I will applique baskets, flowers and hearts on mine.

Nadine spoiled me with presents when she arrived my house. And now I have another addiction. I can't stop reading this book!!!!!! Nadine gave me the three first Elm Creek books. I LOVE THEM. Can't stop reading. I'd heard about them and had planned to buy them. And Anne Ida had #4-5-6 double, so she will let me buy them from her when she comes back from australia.

And Nadine also gave me this wonderful japaneese quiltbook. There's a lot of inspiration in this book.

And some beautiful japaneese fabrics.

This weekend I have been working on my Butterfly garden.

I love doing needleturn applique and now I have two new "tools" to help me.

I love this silkthread. I know Leanne used it on her Butterfly garden and I asked my quiltshop to order it. Nadine gave me the dark one and I bought the light grey in our quiltshop. It's so lovely to applique with it. I can really recomend it.

The next "tool" is the Roxanne glue-baste-it. I got it from Kim at Honeysuckle Cottage. A small bottle of glue which helps me to keep my small applique pieces at place. Leanne showed us how she used it when she had her workshop in Trysil. I love both my silkthread and the glue.
Saying for today:
Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and trees, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, but there's only one mother in the whole wide world.
~author unknown~