And then I have been so worried about my cat. Little Frida had another surgery yesterday. Monday evening I discovered big lump again on her stomach and we rushed to the vet. This time it was a big hernia in her belly.

The rules for the "You Make My Day" award, are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know through an email or posting to their blog so they can pass it on. You may get the award more than once, so if you do, consider yourself very loved! So pass it on!!! In no particular order is my list of ten Who Make my Day!!!
Hanne, Nancy, Nadine, Leanne B, Rose, Carol, Helen, Sølvi, Christine , Dawn and YOU.
But there are still sooooooooooo many bloggers I love to visit so consider YOU as one of the bloggers that make my day :)
But there are still sooooooooooo many bloggers I love to visit so consider YOU as one of the bloggers that make my day :)
I know some other bloggers also have given me awards and tagged me, sorry I have not mentioned it and I do not remember who did it. But my days the last weeks have been so crazy.
While being a babysitter for Frida I have almost finished my third elm creek book. I LOVE THEM. So I have ordered four new books. Thanks Nadine for presenting me these books.
And one good thing.................I'm back to work now in march !!!!!!!! My shoulder is so good now and I start to get restless so I guess it's time to go back to work now. Just a few days a week in the start to see how my shoulder will cope with it. I'm so happy now.

Saying for today:
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
I do hope my little Frida will recover promptly from now on.... You had tough days but fun mail came at the right moment, fortunately :>)
THANKS for the award (you deserve yours soooo much, dear !), and I'm so happy too, that you enjoy the Elm Creek reading .....
Biiiig ((HUGS)) and smiles to all of you at home !
I hope that Frida will be fine soon...I know how you are about this!
Sending lots of positive healthy thoughts for Frida. Watching a pet suffer is as bad or worse than watching a child suffer. At least the child can tell us where it hurts.
What great news about your shoulder - though going back to work will certainly cut into your stitching time.
What kind of pen do you use for transferring your stitchery design to your fabric? Looks like the blue washout marker.
I am so hapy to hear that Frida is doing much better. Cannot wait to see your new stitchery completed.
Oh those Elm Creek books are so very addictive.
So sorry to read about Frida. I was wondering what was going on. I hope she will feel better soon. Cute little stitchery! Enjoy your little goodies!
Congrats on the award, well all your goodies....poor Miss Frida hope she is now on the mend...
Oh poor Frida, I hope she mends quickly, it is horrible when they are unwell.
I am happy Frida has you on her staff!
I hope she is on the mend now, poor thing!
The needlebook is cute and just what you needed right now.
Thanks for the award - you make my day too :-)
I can image you are looking forward to come back to work. It has been many long months now.
Rusket sends her soft cuddles and friendly licks to Frida :-)
Ohh thank you so much for the award!!You made my day...I have been feeling all lost since Anne Ida went home!! Hope Frida is doing ok, I hear she is a special cat!!
Kjempefin pakke du har fått deg. Håper det går bra med Frida nå. Ha ei fin helg.
I hope Frida will be up and running soon. I'm glad to hear that your shoulder is better.
Heia May britt :)
Håper pus blir bedre - ikkje greit når våres kjeledyr blir syke.
men eg rekner med at dere har ein flinke dyrlege - så det ordner seg - men det tar sikkert littt tid.
Flotte gaver du har fått :o)
Misunner det som skal på olavsgård - selv om det sikkert er mye jobb
smil fra monika
som har prøvd symskina i dag ;)
Lots of deserving awards! :-)
I'm sorry that Frida is not well but I hope she'll recover soon and be back to her old self.
What a lovely gift from your friend!!! Hope Frida recovers and take care of her and yourself...and congrats to the award!!
Stakkars pusekatten - håper hun blir bra nå!
Så fint at du kan begynne å jobbe igjen - håper det går bra. Lykke til - med begge deler!
Åh den lille stakkels Frida hun har det da slemt lige nu, flot broderi du har fået, det er så hyggeligt at brodere, ha en god weekend men du passer din lille pus.
Poor little Frida, I hope she is getting better.
It's true that you do make my day when I see a new post *s* Hope that Frida is feeling like a regular kitty again soon . . . I know how you worry . . . we all do over our furry kids.
My husband is a vet. But when "we" have to take our dog to the vet, guess who gets to do it? Me. Hope your cat is feeling better.
I'm so sorry about Frida's surgeries... poor little thing... but she's loved and taken care of... thats the most important thing. I have three cats myself and every one of them is special to me in different ways.
I have read all the Elm Creek books... fun series!
Oh so sorry to hear about Frida again. Hope this is it for her too! But the good news is your shoulder is all better!
Oh, May Britt! Hugs for little Frida from me!! She's had a rough go of it lately!! Keep spoiling her!! :o)
get well beams for poor little Frida and I'm glad your shoulder is better.
I hope Frida feels better soon!
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