Friday, September 26, 2008

Beautiful fabrics

Today at the local quiltshop (which is MY favorite quiltshop of all)
not one bolt..........
not ten bolts....................
HUNDREDS of new bolts of beautiful fabrics.
Beautiful colours

As a volunteer some of us helped preparing the fabric into 30 cm's and to find a place to store them in the shop. This is my friend Britt making 30 cm's. She teared the fabric and I folded it.

And just look at these wonderful fabrics

These are just some of the wonderful
fabrics that has arrived the shop.
My eyes is shopping
my wallet is crying
nothing has come home with me
Saying for today:

If men liked shopping,
they'd call it research


Sherri said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous fabrics...I want a yard of each!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi May, I don't know why, but us women that quilt or just sew get our fixes with the touch and fill of fabrics. Men have the same fixes with fishing lures and sporting items (I call it big boy toys) I want to get new fabric in on the online shop, but I still need to list fabrics I have.
Keep Stitchen',

Browndirtcottage said...

Darn those quilt shop know they do it on surpose!

Gesine said...

Great fabrics ... and where do you get all your sayings, they are always so funny and to the point.
Greetings, Gesine

Unknown said...

Yes beautiful colours.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Love those red fabrics!!

Nanette Merrill said...

Ahhhh the reds! The reds! Why do I love red so much.

Mila said...

OOOhhhhhhh!!! yes, I want too... I'd like to buy or to have all this wonderful fabrics!!! sure...

Libby said...

Have fun selecting and bringing your favorites home.

Abby and Stephanie said...

How strong of you to go home without any of that gorgeous fabric! I really need to put myself on a fabric diet...maybe in the new year.

Lorraine said...

Hope you are able to choose which ones to take home.....! so many lovely fabrics.....! good luck! LOL

Willow Grove - Kez said...

Oh I love the fabrics. Its like working in a lollie shop. You want them all and cant stop buying them. Good luck

Kez xxxx

Julie said...

My wallet wouldn't stand a chance with those fabrics around!

merete said...

Så mange nydelige stoffer! Det kan jo hende at du får med deg noen hjem når den rette dagen her, - Nancy skrev at jeg skulle stikke over i bloggen din og ønske deg til lykke med dagen! jeg vet den ikke er i dag, men bedre nå enn glemt på tirsdag ;-)

Takk for fine bilder fra kurshelgen, - eia var jeg der. Vel, en annen gang, ikke sant?
Gleder meg til å treffe deg igjen!
God helg!

Kari Anne said...

Lekre stoff! Hva er navnet på quiltenærbutikken din?
Kari Anne

Nancy in Norway said...

Oh boy! I love your favorit store! My savingsaccount would be empty and my sewingroom full of gorgeus fabrics if I lived in Elverum!

May Kristin said...

What an eyecandy! My mouth is watering...

Lemi said...

ah herlig! æ har flere av di på nederste bidet, oransje... og nån i andre farga.. herlige stoffa.

ha en fin dag!

Hanne said...

oooohhhh - all these lovely temptations!
Lead me not into temptations...... :-)

Steinbokkjen ;o) said...

HEIsann ;o)
Digga bloggen din og dine hærlege sayings! Nyyyyt helga, hausten og Akkurat NO ;o)

Anonymous said...

You were very strong not taking any home with you. I don't know that I could have had such good control.

ranette said...

Oh those reds are just beautiful. Actually all of the fabrics are beautiful but the reds speak to me!

Sølvis blog said...

Så masse flotte stoffer. Tror du får ta en tur tilbake og kjøpe deg en liten bursdagsgave over helga. Gratulerer med dagen på tirsdag ø- Nancy har kviskra, og jeg er utenlands fra i morra tidlig og en god stund framover, og uten dataforbindelse, så hilsninga får komme her, fra lånt pc. Gratulerer så mye!

Chookyblue...... said...

Don't know how you managed to work there and not bring some home........thanks for sharing they are all lovely.......

Mary Johnson said...

So pretty, I would like one yard of each of those reds! Good thing the shop is too far for me travel!

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