Monday, June 29, 2009

A hot hot hot weekend

Hot summer in Norway. Temperatures over 30+ every day, and hot summer nights. I do not complain, but it is almost to hot to sit out in the sun. But lovely in the shadows on my porch.

Saturday my DD was a wedding photograper and I spendt the time waiting for her at Mjøsa (Norways biggest lake). And it was hot hot hot so I got into the water for a swim, and it was faboulous.

As I have told you earlier I love to sit on the porch in the shadows. And sunday was "prepping" day. You all know I love to have projects ready "on the go". I am so behind on several BOM's so this was the day to catch up a little bit.
I prepared block 2-3-4-5 on Bunny Hills Autumn House BOM.

I prepared block 5 and 6 on Bunny Hills Basket BOM

And block 5 - 6 in Gail Pan A Christms wish BOM
And today I started to sew 9 inch blocks for two quilts,
one for my DD mainly in pink fabrics

and the second one for my DS, mainly in blue colours.
This is a BOM from Lappemakerie, but I want to make it in my own colours.

Saying for today:

A messy house is a sign of a happy quilter.


Hanne said...

Lovely blocks of all kinds :-)
I have rather ambitious plans for tomorrow too.

Unknown said...

Well done being so organised . The swim sounds lovely .

Joy said...

Good for you being so organised!!! :o)
I love your saying for today ... if a messy house is a sign of a happy quilter ... oh boy, I must be DELIRIOUS!!!!! LOLOL
Joy :o)

Teresa said...

I think it is fun doing the prep work too. I love picking out the fabrics, and then having something I can pick up and take along when I need some handwork. The lake looks so serene.

a good yarn said...

That's a heat wave - 30 deg in Norway. More like the weather we have in Sydney in early summer. You have lots of terrific projects on the go and are especially organised. I can only dream of being so.

Happy Stitching...Ann :)

Sandy in Buenos Aires said...

Hi May Britt!
I love your blog and have followed you since last year when I discovered it!
I love all the prep work that you do, I'd love to be organized, but I must admit, I must be a GREAT quilter, because my house is in a GREAT mess!!! LOL
I followed your tutorial to make the lovely pincushion and ended up as a Success!! Thank you for such a great tutorial, I loved it, but I must admit...I made the terrible mistake you warn not to make, and had to unsew to then sew for the second time as it had to be!!!
You can see it finished at my blog!
Have a wonderful summer!

Deb said...

You are so organised May, absolutely fantastic.
I feel so inept when I read your blog.
That lake looks stunning and very inviting.

Mormors matter said...

Ser ut som du har fått gjort en hel masse til tross for varmen. De teppene til unga dine blir flotte.

Mormors matter said...

Sorry - forrige kommentar kom fra mormors matter - skulle være Sølvi i Trondheim - satt innlogga i feil blogg.

siv hege said...

Wow, what efficiency! The heat makes it hard to do anything else than just sit in a chair.

Cattinka said...

You have been very busy! Have fun completing your BOM´s

Deb said... done really well such warm weather. I love that you "include yourself" in your photos it shows real personal touches.
Your blocks are as gorgeous as ever and your fabric choices exceptional.
I hope you had a lovely poolboy (DH) is very late with opening our pool this year!!

Lise in Norway said...

Du er flittig May Britt. Og jammen får du gjort masse. Her lever jeg bare late dager på sjøen i båt og ikke et sting sydd.....

LeKaQuilt said...

Så mye spennende du har på gang! Det ser ut for at barna dine skal få hver sitt flotte teppe - jeg likte begge farve kombinasjonene. Autoum Hause er kjempe morrsomt å sy - holder selv på med blokk nr 5. Sender en liten tanke til Frida, i denne varmen :o)

Gerry said...

Good morning, May. My goodness you are ORGANIZED! I don't know how you do it. LOL.

The lake is lovely. And your porch looks like a wonderful place to sit, relax, and 'work'.

Take care.

Mary Ann said...

Wow, you're getting lot's of prep-work done, May Britt! You'll have lots to keep you busy with during these warm days and evenings! It's hot here, too. We're sitting outdoors, it's nearly midnight, and enjoying the stars!
Cheers! Mary Ann

Karen said...

Now that's a great idea for prepping so much ahead of time - that way if you get tired of one project you can take a break and work on something else. Do you do needle turn on all of those projects - they are lovely by the way.


Anonymous said...

I can't agree more about your saying for today! I have a ceramic plaque on the door to my craft room saying "I am creative, you can't expect me to be neat too". Instead of warm weather we have the fire on. We are expecting some colder weather this week. It was a mild 21 C today, with lots of dust in the air. There must be some strong winds winds blowing in the dust from the dryer western areas. I have been finishing off a baby boy's bib. I should have finished it 6 months ago, I know, you can't rush these things. I like knitting and crochet in the cooler months. I am over sock knitting. I have made about 12 pairs this year, the last ones being for my 88 year old dad. He reckons they are a wee bit too colourful, so he is using them as bed socks. I am also knitting a magenta coloured lace scarf in a 2ply 50/50 wool and silk yarn sooooooooooooo soft.

Leanne said...

I wish I could come sit and stitch with you it is cold over here.

Unknown said...

You are so productive and organized.

Christine said...

Looks like a very productive day. I like to be organised too. (Although it doesn't always happen!)

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