I have entered this quilt in
SewCalGal's Christmas Quilt Show 2010. If you go there you can follow links to other blogs that have entered quilts in this Quilt Show.

I stitched this quilt some years ago, and it is always the first one that comes up on my walls when preparing for Christmas. I have hung it up today, preparing for Bente and Hannes visit next weekend. It was used as an adventcalendar to hang packages on in the original pattern, but I just love it this way.

I love the stitcheries in it. It is a design from Jordbærstedet (a norwegian shop that do not exist anymore), so I guess this pattern is not available anymore.

I am looking forward to Christmas and I always start decorating the first sunday in advent.
Saying for today:
Christmas is not as much about
opening our presents
as opening our hearts.
~Janice Maeditere
Lovely Christmas quilt:))
Love your quilt! Nicely done!
Beautiful banner May...heartfelt indeed
May, that is a wonderful Christmas wallhanging. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Hi. I clicked on your photo and then zoomed in on it so I could see blocks closer. It is just beautiful. Each block is so well done and the colors just say "Christmas". Appreciate the value and truth of your quote. Thank you. LOve Lois
What a darling quilt...no wonder it is the one you hang up first!!
I love stitchery and quilting! Those two together are beautiful!
I love this quilt and your stitcheries are so sweet ,great job.
Your quilt and stitching is beautiful. I love it. Thank you for sharing this with us
Kjempe fin quilt! Hadde planer om å sy denne jeg også, men så strakk ikke tiden til :o)) Flott å se den ferdig, og på vegg!
Lovely Christmas quilt. Your redwork is fantastic.
Your wall hanging is beautiful.
What a treasure. It's a beautiful wall hanging, and you stitched it so well.
Den er kjempefin! Synd at Jordbærstedet ikke finnes lenger, de hadde mye energi og inspirasjon. Fint at du fikk lagd denne i alle fall. Den vil alltid være vakker! Ha en fin søndagskveld. Klem
Oh what pretty red work!!! Lovely!!
Beautiful stitching May Britt!
I love your saying today, too!
Its lovely and the stitcheries are fabulous. Looks very Christmassy :)
Very nice work! I like the pattern and design. This has really turned out cute.
Beautiful embroidery work!! Thank you for sharing
I love your stitching, these are so nice.
I can see why you put it up first, it is a lovely quilt.
Beautiful wall hanging May Britt..
May, what a truly beautiful quilt. Such a sweet design and beautiful stitching. Love it. Thanks so very much for sharing in the Christmas Quilt Show.
I love your quilted wallhanging AND your saying of the day :) Have a wonderful beginning of advent season :)
how cute, I just love the deers at the top
Your embroidered banner is so cute.
I've always loved that little wallhanging! Those Advent candles are beautiful. I'm going to do a search to see if I can find something similar in English.
Your stitchery is wonderful. It's a lovely quilt.
A lovely quilt, and VERY Norwegian :-)
Beautiful Stitching!
Such a lovely Christmas quilt.
Beautiful stitching.
Wow! I can't even imagine how long that must have taken to make.
What a lovely Christmas quilt with beautiful stitching.
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