Now I too have a mug rug and I love it!!!!
I have seen mug rugs on several bogs, and they have all said it is addictive to make mug rugs. And yes it is.

So while making my own mug rug, I made three more. Some months ago when Hanne and I visited Bente we got some wonderful mugs, travelling mugs as Bente said it was. And I picked fabric that matched the mugs and made mug rugs for all of us. Bente and Hanne got theirs when they arrived here for our advent weekend.

Thursday was my quilt guilds meeting
(will show you photos from the meeting later) and both Hanne and I brought our mug rugs with us. It is perfect for my mug, gingerbread cookies, chokolate and thread. Even useful to pin my needle there :) Did I mention I love my mug rug.

I guess you all remember the challenges between
Hanne, Bente and I. Last time we met it was Hanne's turn to give us a challenge. And this is what we got. Two stripes of yellow fabric. and the text on the challenge was: A lot of light and warmth (lines from a Norwegian song).
And what did I make :)

A MUG RUG of course.
I told you they are addictive.
I have to make more.
Don't forget about the challenge/giveaway in
my previous post.Saying for today:
Because we can't call people
withouth wings angels,
we call them friends
(this is the saying on my mug)
Very beautiful mug rug !
the mug rugs are so useful and so lovely.You can also play with patterns and fabrics.
Ulla wishes you a nice weekend
Oh May Britt, these are wonderful... a great idea for Christmas gifts too.
They look Great May.
I love my new mug rug - thank you very much :-)
It goes well with a piece of chocolate or a bisquit on the side of the mug, as well as doubling as a pin cushion!
I like your mug rugs very much. What a nice idea!
they are lovely! I am also thinking of making some mug rugs for some time, and now seeing yours I think the time has come to go and start straight away :-)
They are lovely, look quick to make too. I love the saying on your mug too - very true!
Your mug rugs are very beautiful. It's a wonderful idea for little christmas gifts.
Have a nice weekend with Hanne and Bente.
May Britt, these are wonderful.
Nice idea for Christmas!
Så fine de ble! - og sikkert fort gjort. Fin julegaveide :-)
Kjempe fine Mug Rugs og veldig koselig at du har sydd like til dere alle. Ha fortsatt en riktig fin helg sammen med Bente og Hanne.
Klem Lena og Puselusken
Your Mug Rugz look great.
You are so nice to have made one for each of your friends.
Hey May Britt! Love your mug rugs! They are so cute ... and how lovely that you all have matching mugs and mats for your stitch-ins - I'm very jealous! :0) Enjoy your time of friendship and stitching and I'll look forward to seeing the photos of finished projects. Bear Hugs! KRIS
Hi May Britt,
I LOVE those mug rugs, I have not seen them before ! I was thinking they would be good for our quilt guild retreat.
How big are they ? I think it is a great idea to make them with space for chocolate and cookies on the side :-))
De er kjempefine; veldig god ide! Hva er størrelsen?
Hi May... What a beautiful Mug Rug... You gave me an idea to make mug rugs for me and my sister... I just need to find a pattern and or size of one... I could surly make them for friends of mine ... Keep up the beautiful quilting... :)
Oh I love your mug rugs! I want to make some too!
Genialt! Jeg elsker min :-)
Very pretty and now another item to add to my 'to do' list! :D
Love your mug rugs!!!!
They are addictive May Britt and love what you have done...
j'aime beaucoup votre tapis sous tasse
amicalement de France
Er så stilige disse Mug Rugsene, kjemeflott de du har laget. Tror nok at det må bli noen slike til julegaver.
love all your mug rugs. Very cute
I love your mug rug(s), what size are they?
I know this is silly, but can you make a tutorial for the mug rugs. Your mug rug looks like the perfect beginner quilt.
I appreciate all of your photos and your blog, thank you for sharing your talent with so many people all over the world. Quilted Blessings to you and your adoring blog fans!
very cute rugs i like it.
this mugrug is lovely! I love those colours.
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