Saturday, November 13, 2010
Needleturn in Trysil
Today I have been giving my workshop in needleturn in Trysil. Went there yesterday to stay over with my friend Laila and we had a nice evening chatting and sewing.
I finished the other two Christmas baubles. Laila had bought some lovely wool fabric at Kathrines Quiltestue and she also made one for herself. Now I just have to order that wool fabric too, I want to sew more with wool :)
Today it was the needlturn workshop and I think the ladies enjoyed it. They got to try my favorite thread that I am using for sewing needleturn. And I think they all have put the Yli 100 silkthread on their Christmas wish list.
Some used my pattern and some started to sew on other things. But they all got a lot of tips how to build up a motif and how to do needleturn sewing. Needleturn is my favorite way of applique and it was so fun teaching the ladies to do it.
It was a great saturday together with 15 ladies :) Always fun to have a workshop in Trysil.
And winter has arrived. Look what was outside my apartment when I came home today. The boys next door had buildt a lovely snowman. It is so cute!!!!
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I love needleturning too and also just started with woolen fabric, love your Christmas Baubles! Have fun, greetings
Hi again .
Thanks for a great workshop to day, and a cosy evening last nigth. :-)
But I got so many new ideas on my "must do"list.. LoL
Hope to see you again soon. Hugs :-)
love the decorations........always wonderful to be able to share our skills.......i am sure the girls appreciated it.......
Looks like you all had a great time doing applique!! And your wool decorations look fabulous.
Looks like you ladies had so much fun during the workshop :o) Your wool work looks really great! I've never tried it, but I definitely would like to when I've seen your cute projects!
Have a great Sunday,
Your baubles turned out adorable if I do say so myself! I"m so happy you enjoyed making them!
Love your little ornies, the house one is really cute.
The workshop looks fun and glad we don't have snow;)
Så koseligt dere har hatt det! Jeg elsker needle turn, og artig å se at dere hygger dere med søm :o)
Yippi, jeg klarte å bli følger nr 300 !!! Den har jeg ventet på.... bare for morro :o)
Puselusken hilser med purr purr til Frida.
kunne tenkt meg et nett-kurs;}, har ikke helt funnet Tonen med needle-turn......
Wow, snow already? I love your wool projects. It seems like you all had fun sewing together. It is so nice to share skills while visiting with friends.
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