Så tenner vi to lys i kveld,
to lys for håp og glede
De står og skinner for seg selv
og oss som er tilstede
Så tenner vi to lys i kveld,
to lys for håp og glede
(the english version is in my saying for today)
Now I am heading to my sewing room again. Got a lot done yesterday, and so I hope today too:)
Guess I'm not the only one spending time in the sewing room these days.

Saying for today:
We light two candles tonight
two candles for hope and joy
They stands there shining by themselves
and we who present are
Tonight we light two candles
we light it for hope and joy.
Tonight we light two candles
we light it for hope and joy.
Enjoy your Advent Sunday :-)
I am heading for the sewing corner now.
Du har helt rett, jeg utfordrer deg litt i den blå verden :) Jeg er så glad for denne tradisjonen vi nå har og at jeg får være med uten å ha blog. Både når det gjelder kalender og utfordringer. Jeg husket mine pakker, og har kost meg med de på sengen i dag. Sykepleierne lurer litt, men syntes vi er heldige som gleder hverandre på denne måten.
God klem fra Bente
I hope you enjoyed your Advent Sunday and had lots of fun stitching. I am planning to spend the next week seriously sewing for Christmas. I do my best work when a deadline is looming. Happy stitching!
Tenner lys sammen med dag! Ønsker deg en fin adventstid. Klem
I hope you enjoyed you advente too!!!!
Happy sunday for you and you family!!!!
Hey May Britt! Your advent candles are lovely, as are the verses you're sharing with those of us who don't have this tradition. Hope and Joy are lovely things to light a candle for! :0) And lovely gifts to enjoy from good friends ... what more could you want to celebrate! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS
Thank you including the little stitchery over last week-end. I have finished one and am working on a second one. They are just perfect. Good holiday wishes,
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