Today Rusken, Frida Cat and I have had a busy day in the sewingroom.

I have to be very careful about Rusken being so curious. The rotary cutter is put on top of the shelf after each time I have used it, and I have to stop sewing when he is nearby the needle. His paws are so fast chasing everything.

And he have found his special place in the sewing room.
On top of my little ironing board.
Look at this guy saying: "This is MY fabrics..........

.....and I protect them with my....................zzzzzZZZZZZZZZ

Frida Cat still have her special place. Looks like Rusken and Frida Cat has a understanding between them who owns the special places. And the both accept eachother being in the house. And they are both likes to stay with me in the sewingroom.

And I have finished the top of the Christmas hearts.
Quilting will be done next year.

The baking cover is also finished today.
Now I will relax with some more stitching on my Life is beautiful blocks. One done, 31 left.
Saying for today:
Even if you have just destroyed
a Ming Vase, purr.
Usually all will be forgiven. ~Lenny Rubenstein

Oh.....Rusken is so beautiful, so elegant! And Frida is very friendly! And the quilt is wonderful!!
Happy new year!
It looks like you have had a lovely day together :-)
Hi May... I just love hearing about Ruskin and Frida... They are so sweet... I love your quilt with the hearts on it... You did a beautiful job on it... I also think the Baking Cover is lovely as well... You do such beautiful work... Happy New Year... :)
Den der Rusken er jo helt med! Så mange supre kattebilder du har!!
Fint bakeklede.
Godt Nytt År til deg, May Britt:-)
Bella la trapunta stella....
quanta compagnia ti fanno i gatti....
Buon anno!!!!
Så flinke hjelpere du har! Juleduken og bakstekledet er flotte begge deler, gleder meg til å se duken quiltet :-)
Duken ble kjempefin. Skal quilte min på nyåret.Og Rusken er jo bare helt herlig, kan nesten kjenne den gode pelsen hans. Gi han en klem fra meg. Godt nyttår til deg og dine, klem.
Hello May Britt,
wonderful the Christmas-hearts-Top!!!
So beautyful the stitcheries and the fabrics...
But with these two helpers at your side - no problem...
I wish you a very happy new year
Greetings from Germany
Rusken is so elegant and Frida supercute! Your both today's finishments (I'm not sure is that a real word;) are beautiful. HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU ALL!!!
Ruskin is a beautiful cat , I have always been curious about the Abbey's , they are gorgeous and it is nice that Frida is accepting of Ruskin. Your quilt is beautiful.
What beautiful cats you have. I just got my first cat 6 mos. ago and love her so much. I never realized how much you could love a cat, I was always a dog person. Now I think I am both.
Your projects are coming along nicely. Keep going with your LIB, they are a joy to stitch. I am going to pin baste mine today so I can start quilting it in January.
Talk about cats with an attitude ! Rusken is really sooo special and elegant, and Frida as sweet as ever ;>) You gor lovely company in your sewing room and your Xmas heart quilt top is just gorgeous !
Such sweet friends and "helpers" :). Great job on the quilt too!
Rusken is so so cute! I am so glad him and Frida have worked out how to live together and share the sewing room!
How lucky to have those beautiful cats to help you May Britt - my dog isn't very helpful with my sewing - she hides my fabric in her basket :)
"Julehjerter" looks really lovely - I can't wait to get mine finished soon.
It's wonderful that they're getting along so well so quickly!! And rusken is just gorgeous!! I love the Christmas hearts quilt top!!
It did not take long for Rusken to make himself at home.
Love your quilt and baking cloth.
Happy New Year, May Britt. I loved seeing your recap of 2010, and wish you a Happy and Healthy 2011!
Nydelig jule-hjertduk:-).
Ønsker deg et riktig godt nytt sy-år 2011!!
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