Christmas Eve the house was set up side down.
My two children was playing Santa Claus
and gave me a very special christmasgift.
Meet our new family member
My two children was playing Santa Claus
and gave me a very special christmasgift.
Meet our new family member
So now you have met our new family member, and I guess you will see more of him on my blog.
And so far not so much sewing on me this Christmas. I guess you understand why.
Update: I already got a lot of questions what kind of cat Rusken is. He is an Abyssinian cat. You can read more about this breed here. I have had two abyssinian cats long time ago, and they are very very special cats. So I look forward to learn to know Rusken.
And perhaps you know understand the meaning of my blogname Abyquilt. It is a combination of ABY (abyssinian) and QUILT :)
Saying for today:
There are few things in life
more heartwarming
than to be welcomed by a cat.
There are few things in life
more heartwarming
than to be welcomed by a cat.
Gratulerer med Rusken! Gelder meg til å hilse på. Fortsatt god høytid. Bente
Gratulerer med det nye familiemedlemmet, han er kjempesøt!
Ønsker deg en fortsatt god jul!
Åhhh....så søt han var. Litt av en presang da :) Vi har ei hokatte, men kunne godt tenkt meg ei til i heimen. Det er jo så koselig! Fortsatt fin jul til deg og dine, og kos deg med Rusken, bare ikke glem "sjefen" ;)
He is beautiful. What kind of cat is he? Frida is also a beauty.
Greetings to Rusken and kudos to Frida for being such a good sport :-)
Take care - we are looking forward to hear more about Rusken's adventures in your house.
Purr and licks from the furball here and from me :-)
Benvenuto Rusken!
Bravo frida!
Gratulerer med den søte katten! Håpar du hadde ønskt eit nytt familiemedlem, elles kunne det vel vere eit lite sjokk....artig med namnet ditt, har aldri forstått samanhengen. Ha ei fortsatt fin jul!
Hedllo Rusken....welcome
Nemmen, han var jo bare helt sjønn! Gratulerer så mye med nytt familiemedlem!
Fortsatt riktig god jul til deg og dine!
Klem fra Anne Ida
He certainly is a handsome boy. And Frida is such a sweetie just going with the flow and letting him stay on.
Rusken is a beautiful cat and Frida too.
And thank you for explaining how you got your blog it makes sense :)
Hugs to your cats from my two xx
Hei ..
Gratulerer med Rusken. Skal bli spennende å møte ham. Kos dere videre i julen alle sammen. Klems ;-)
Nice to meet Rusken. My DD2 has an Abby. Her name is Holly as she was a Christmas present from me 11yrs ago.
Hi MAY...My you have many years of pleasure with your new addition to your family... Ruskin is beautiful and I am sure before long Frida will be playing along with Resken... They can be so funny to watch them play together... I have two and they always put a smile on my face.... Enjoy :)
I was wondering what "Abyquilt" meant and now I finally know ;-) !
Happy holidays to you and your family!
I was wondering what "Abyquilt" meant and now I finally know ;-) !
Happy holidays to you and your family!
Rusken is so beautiful! Maybe Frida won't like him so soon... Females doesn't aceept easily other cats, but in the end everything will be ok!
Rusken is a beautiful cat!!
Aw - welcome Rusken! What fun to add a new member to the family!
Hey May Britt! Your new little family member is a cutey ... and Freda cat is being very patient by the look of it. :0) I had often wondered how you'd decided on 'Abyquilt' for your blog name ... now it all becomes clear! Bet you're having fun hiding all your sewing supplies to your new 'baby' doesn't decide they're for playing with! May be bring you hours of entertainment and years of joy! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS
Rusken is a lovely kitty. Ah, but my heart belongs to black cats.
What a beautiful cat and what a great present your children gave you.
Well done Frida for accepting Rusken.
Helledussan så lekker! Regner med at disse to sjarmisene blir gode venner. Elsker katter og hadde alltid ei i hus helt til jeg begynte å jobbe offshore og ungene utflytta.
Ønsker deg ei fortsatt trivelig romjul og masse kos med pusene.
Åååååså heldig du og Frida er! Virkelig sjarmerende liten fyr og jeg gleder meg til å bli kjent med Rusken :o)
Fenix (and Satu) are welcoming Rusken to the wild, WILD quilting world;) Hope you are becoming friends with Frida easily.
Oh wow!!! What a fantastic Christmas present! He's gorgeous!! I hope he settles in quickly. I got my darling black Russian blue X last Christmas, what special gifts they are! I look forward to seeing more pictures of him as he grows and gets into all kinds of mischief!
What a sweetheart - that was so nice of your children. Hope she likes sewing as much as Frida! And thank you for explaining your blog name!
Oh what a fun gift! How is Rusken doing? He is adorable!
Welcome to Rusken, he looks so cute. Felix and Hugo say hello x x
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