That is exactly what I am going to do this weekend

Big plans turning this into Christmas presents
But perhaps I really should do what one of the stitcheries says:
Slapp av, det blir jul uansett (no)
Relax, Christmas will come regardless (eng)It is a free pattern

I just have to show you Frida Cat's new favorite place. Yesterday when I came home I looked for her high and low, but no cat to see. After a long time I discovered her on the floor, besides my basket, in front of the wall warmer (have no idea what the english name is). I guess she don't like the very cold temperature we've had the last days. Of course she now has a quilt to sleep on.
Saying for today:
One kind word can warm
three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb
Frida er en nydelig pus som jeg gjerne skulle hatt maken til :-))
The wall warmer would be called a radiator here in the states. And cats are definitely "heat trackers". Our cats have also been called "solar tracking cats" as they follow the spots of sun that come through the windows throughout the day.
Ja,gøy og morsom og helt sann tekst!! Noe å brodere etter hvert, og gratulerer med å vinne hos Natalie B. Hyggelig:-)
: ) Sometimes words just escape our minds. Frida kitty looks quite content.
It's a very good thing...
hank you for this pretty comment, here (Switzerland) it is also very cold +neige!
I hibernate for reading!
I just love those stitcheries and the message. I always have big ideas for Christmas presents but usually Christmas comes too quickly and I just say "next year"!!! I will be hibernating too - inside in the cool airconditioning away from the tropical heat and humidity. Happy stitching!
You have been productive today :-)
A purr and a lick to you from Rusket!
Sounds like a good way to put in a week May Britt, have fun and I can't wait to see what you produce..
I"m hibrinating this weekend also!
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