Sunday, May 06, 2007

I'm tired

I'm so tired after this weekend. But we had such great fun and we managed to do a lot on our table clothes we were making. After all our homework yesterday (photo from yesterday), and we had a lot of drawing, ironing on vlisofix and then cutting to do, we entered our class early this morning.

Here is a photo of Lisbeth and Laila sewing on their blocks.
And during the day some manage to start the application.
Since I never learn and started on both summer/spring and christmas table cloth I was not able to get so far as the others who made only one. I'm like Winnie the Poo who says: Yes please, I take both......... (I do not know if this is the correct translation of "Ja takk begge deler"). I guess I am not the only one starting on too many projects at the same time. So I started both. During this two days I made almost all the blocks. I managed to get all the application on my center piece. And that's all..................
A photo of my summer/spring with all the blocks completed. Now I have to start handapplique around all the flowers. And belive me, there are quite a lot of them :) But I love applique so I look forward to do it. I have chosen beige/white in my blocks and very light colours on the flowers and leafs. And between the blocks I'm going to have a floral fabric.
And this is going to be my christmas table cloth. Angels, stars, hearts and gingerbred men on the centerpiece. With blocks in red and cream/white. A lot of applique to do on this too. And THIS one is going to be finished before next christmas.
Now I have to take it a bit easy the next days, because my arm is hurting like h..... Too much cutting and to much sewing was not good for my arm. And tomorrow is the last day in my handstitching class. They have made beautiful samplers. I will show you photos of them tomorrow.
Saying for today:
I don't need to get organized,
I just need a bigger sewingroom


Anonymous said...

May Britt ! What a GREAT job ! Congratulations ! Your class friends are sooo lucky, with a teacher like you... This tablecloth pattern is gorgeous (what's its name ? and who is the designer ?)...
Now, you know what you have to do : REST !

Big hugs & smiles,

Pam said...

Those are so cute. I can see why you chose to make both. I love the Christmas one with the angels and holly. They are different enough that you really did need to make them both!

Sweet P said...

Great job on both projects. I'm not sure I could make two of the same project at the same time. I hope doesn't hurt too much tomorrow.

Darlene said...

I would have chosen to do both, also. They are both adorable so how could you do only one. LOL
Actually, I think you got alot done however now it's time to rest your body and your mind!

Leigh said...

They are both lovely but I especially like the Christmas one.
Look after your arm and give it a rest.

tami said...

Oh that sounds like so much fun. I'm sure it was worth the soreness in your arm that will go away. Your tablecloths are lovely. I can't wait to see them complete.

atet said...

I completely understand why you chose to make both. Now rest that arm so you can finish them!

Hanne said...

LOL - we are like Winnie the Pooh - oh yes :-)
Lovely table cloths you have in the making May Britt!
Be careful with your arm today - promise!

Teodo said...

Great job !!!!
I like very much both...
You are tired but happy for these days, I'm sure.
ciao ciao

Fiona said...

Oh, those tablecloths are so pretty - no wonder you had to start both.

Anonymous said...

Your saying today is just perfect!

Monika said...

Heia Mai Britt :-)
Flotte duker - det blir spennedne å se fortsettelsen
og heldige du som har fått gått på kurs med Bente
Smil fra monika

Anonymous said...

Both of your tablecloths look very cute! Your applique is soooo nice! Please rest your arm...we don't want anything to happen to you!

Luísa Silva said...

You are a very busy lady. Such lovely things you are doing. I like the idea to begin early in the year Christmas decorations but I am not organized and I'm always in procrastination.

Wendy said...

Wonderful table toppers and the colours you picked look fantastic. A lot of work but worth it.

Libby said...

I think the definition of 'quilter' may be one who like many projects *s* You are no different than the rest. Looks like a fun retreat.

Nicole said...

You must be a Gemini May Britt! We "twins" tend to always do things in twos. I hate having to choose between things, and often end up with doubles! It sounds like you had a great time.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I would have to have both as well and I think you got a lot done considering you had two and a sore arm. I love that you can't work but you can sew!! Good prioritising! Tracey

Kim said...

Those are both beautiful! Sounds like you had fun. Yes, I always want it ALL too!

Anne Heidi said...

They are both so wonderful, I can totally understand you wanting to make both of them :) Now I hope your arm gets better so you wont't be in pain any longer.

Passionate Quilter said...

Looks like you had a great time! And what a beautiful applique piece! Now--rest up. :)

Laura said...

I like your comment for the day! I so agree!!!!!!!

Patti said...

Oh, it looks like you are all having such a wonderful time! I'm like you - I never would have been able to choose one over the other. And I think your translation is just fine - we know exactly what you mean! Your colors and fabric choices are perfect. But then you always do beautiful work!

MARCIE said...

Yes! You must make them both! Is there a pattern available? I want to make them both too! Great color choices May Britt! I want to join right in your fun class!

Grazia said...

They're wonderful!!!!!
Congratulations May Britt!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hei. De to prosjektene du startet på et kurs første helga i mai er bare helt nydelige. Syns alt du syr er fantastisk fint, fine fargesammensetninger og pent utført. Tilbake til det kurset: Er det mulig å få vite hva kurslederen heter? Kunne godt tenke meg et slikt kurs i Tromsø.
Ha en fin uke.

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