Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Some thoughts

Talking about UFO/WISPS (whatever). I do not dare counting mine. I have tooooooooooooo many of them. Too many tops ready to be quilted, to many tops that needs batting, too many half done projects, too many...........................

And too much fabric, too much patterns, too much books............................ and I still want more. Do we never get enough of it????

I doubt it.

But I feel like this sometimes: SELL ALL OF IT........THROW IT AWAY...............GIVE IT TO CHARITY............ I HAVE NO MORE IDEAS

But then I pull myself together and realize that this is who I am and this is what I want to do. And how much I love it. I love playing with colours and creating things. Perhaps not all the projects I start will be finished. But that doesn't matter as long as I am happy.

So I keep on collecting fabrics, books and patterns. Shares it with my dear friends. Starts new projects. Abandon old projects.

And I guess I'm not the only one feeling like this :)
Thank you all for being my friends.

Saying for today:

God put me on earth to sew
and finish a certain number of things
(not all of them)


Anonymous said...

THANKS, May Britt ! (you've got the key to my heart !). So, I'm not completely crazy... LOL

A special biiiig hug and a huuuuuge smile !


His Office, My Studio said...

It is so good to know I am not the only one with "toooooo many"

Welcome to the club of special quilters!

Anonymous said...

You said it MB! Once in awhile I feel guilty having "tooooo many". But you're right, do whatever makes you happy!

Juliann in WA said...

I have gone through that "sell it all" phase a number of times over the years. Usually it ends with me cleaning out my stash and getting rid of some stuff and that helps me get refocused. But I too love sewing and quilting and fabric crafts. Can't imagine a life without it.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Are you still taking links for your pincushion tutorial? Because I made one.

I made a mistake when sewing it together (not te mistake Nemo did, a different one) but it still looks really cute. Specially since it's the first thing I've sewn ever.

Anonymous said...

argh! hate those long links.
I'll try again:

Anonymous said...

Amen!! You know- as a quilter you are an artist. You have your unfinished canvases, your pallet of color, and its all a cretive proces having these extra bits and bobs. Don't feel sorry one bit!

Abby said...

Were you reading my mind? I said these same things to my friend the other day. I just wish that I had more time to do all the crafting I want to do.

Susan said...

Oh, if you toss it and give it away, you just wind up replacing it, so don't bother. =) There is no such thing as too much fun . . . or fabric, thread, projects, books, patterns, etc. There just can't be!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Since you commented on my blog I wanted to come and visit and I'm so glad I did! Your blog is wonderful! I've added you to my link list and hope to see you again soon!

Oh yes, and I have you down for two entries in the giveaway! Good luck!

Hanne said...

We are in this for the fun, right ? :-)
Just you be you own lovely self, always!

Hanne said...

Me again :-)
Can we ever have to many books ?? To many patterns ??
I do not think so :-)

Anita said...

Hei May Britt :-D
Godt å høre at det "spinner til liv" oppe hos deg. Her nede flyr dagene avsted. Det er nr. før jeg bestiller rulleskøyter med motor har på jobben ;-D Ha en riktig fin 17 mai - stor klem fra meg

Gerry said...

Hi May. If all of these things are related to your passions, you should definately keep them. Even if you don't get around to using them, take comfort in just know that they are there :-)

Libby said...

I think this is just a way of life for a quilter. I love that a project can be put to the side and it will wait, patiently, and not change one bit until I come back to it. If it was the garden left untended, it would die. Quilting and quilters are just the best.

McIrish Annie said...

you read my mind! that's how I was feeling last night tooo many but never enuf!! LOL

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I never seem to want to sell it all. I do feel like everyday there just isn't enough time so I find that frustrating. Too many quilts, not enough time.

Nicole said...

I like your attitude!

Wendy said...

Yes you have hit the nail on the head, I feel the same way sometimes. Until I visit a quilting friend who has WAY MORE fabric than me. I was stunned to see shelves all the way up 9 foot ceiling and full of fabric and other quilty stuff, abit overwhelming I must say but she knows where it all is and loves it.

Elaine Adair said...

Yes, I'm in that same boat, but one thing I am concerned about -- even though I am not old and feeble yet, I definitely DON'T want to leave this mess for my family to deal with after I'm gone. And it's starting to get ahead of me, and out of control! Arghhhh -- what will become of our lovely UFO's if your family moves in and cleans up after us?

Even the thought of clelaning out the closets/cupboards, under the bed, etc., is sounding pretty overwhelming. Oh dear, what is person to do?

Thanks for the visit!

Anne Ida said...

Wow, what a blow out! *lol* Love your conclutions, though! This is who we are, we love fabric as a base for creating beauty around us. And it makes us happy! Keep up the great work, May Britt!

Og gratulerer med morgendagen! Skal du ut og se russetog??? Ha det hyggelig :o)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better May Britt. Love your saying for today, it fits perfectly for all of us.

Luísa Silva said...

Wise words. I think we are all in the same boat!

Greenmare said...

I love your sayings! Especially the teenager and jello one!
I have one for you now-
Keep a positive attitude, it may not help, but it will annoy enough other people to be worth the effort.

meggie said...

Oh May Britt, you often blog about things I have been talking about!
I say, "Too much is never enough!"

Darlene said...

Why are we so hard on ourselves? This is my passion and enjoyment - it's definitely puts a song in my heart and smile on my face and yet I beat myself up when I think I have too many projects in the works!

Sigh! Thank you May Britt for helping us focus on just the fun! We have a tendency to forget that we're suppose to be having fun.

MARCIE said...

I love your daily sayings, but this one really cracks me up! You are too funny!

Jo Raines said...

Good saying. Mine is "As ye sew, also shall ye rip!" I had never heard this before I said it on a forum and since then I've heard it around.

Finn said...

Hi May, I'm not sure truer words have ever been spoken by a lover of fabric, color, quilts, thread...all of it!!! Even crayons!
Thank you for worrying about it for all of us. You came to JUST the right conclusion!! I love my hobby, hoppy,passion, addiction or whatever it is...*VBS* Big hugs for you, my friend and soulmate, Finn

Silverthimble said...

I love your saying for today! I believe you have justified my pile of UFOs! *LOL*

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