Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Time to blog again.....

I have not been in blogging mood, nor in comment mood lately, but I promise I will change that. I read your blogs every day. The first thing I do in the morning is that I turn on the computer to see what have happend during the night. Due to the time difference a lot of blogs are written when I am asleep :) And you have all made such beautiful things that inspire me. But due to my shoulder I have been in a bad mood. Been a bit grumphy. But after having a "chat" with Nadine today I am now in a better mood. Thank you Nadine for cheering me up :)

She told (ordered) me to treat myself in the quiltshop and so I did LOL They have received a lot of new Lecien fabrics, and they were sooooooo beautiful. I am collecting japaneese fabrics and I had to buy these. Aren't they lovely. And there is several more bunles from this fabric collection left in the shop (waiting for me :) But one thing that wonders me is that there is so hard to find red, yellow and orange japaneese fabric. I am sure they are out there in the big world somewhere......or are they not?????
Later today Nancy (my friend from Grimstad) called me and told she and her husband was passing through Elverum on their way back home. And they wanted to have a little break on their long drive back home. I met them at the restaurant where they were having dinner and then I took them to the quilt shop. I had arrange that the shop was open only for her :) I couldn't let her pass Elverum without a visit to our quiltshop. She bought some fabric, and so did I ................. again. Three beutiful christmas fabrics. Christmas in may!!!!!!!!!!! But I had to buy them now because there was so little left at the bundles LOL And Nancy is making a beautiful pattern for a christmas tree skirt which I want to make.
My bad shoulder does not allow me to do very much sewing, but I have been able to do some stitchery this weekend. Sitting comfortable in my favorite chair I have made these two cute girls. Will do the final stitches this evening. And I think I know what to make of them.....wait and see.
Nadine have become a very dear friend to me. She and I are like twin sisters sharing joys and sorrows, laughs and tears. We have never met in real, but I hope we'll do very soon.
Last friday I received another beautiful treasure envelope from her. Look what she sendt me:

I love the book and the pattern.She know I am collecting japaneese fabrics and she had cut a little piece of her japaneese. I am now doing the same back to her with my japaneese. Sharing small pieces of the fabricstash is fun and you don't need big pieces to make beautiful things. And look at the tag I got "Warning, quilter on the move!" Thats me!!!! I'm going to have it on my suitcase next time I'm travelling. Or perhaps I should have it on my purse............or even better......on my jacket. Thank you Nadine, you know how to make my day!!

Saying for today:

What brings joy to the heart
is not so much the friend's gift,
but the friend's love


Anonymous said...

Oh May Britt, I'm sorry you haven't been feeling your happy self. I do hope your shoulder feels better soon. I just love your fabrics, the Lecien fabrics are so soft and pretty and the christmas ones are so lovely with the gold fleck through them. How sweet of Nadine to send you a parcel, and your stitcheries are just too cute. Isn't it wonderful to be connected to fellow quilters and stitchers through the internet and to make new friendships even though we may never get to meet them in person.

Darlene said...

I hope that you and Nadine will get to meet someday very soon. You're both such delightful women! A wonderful package of goodies for you. Should have put a huge smile on your face :-) No need to be grumpy anymore! LOL

Oh, those Japanese fabrics are yummy, May Britt.

Adorable stitcheries, as well.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

No better way to begin feeling a little lighter in spirit than going to the fabric shop! I've missed your posts - even though I sometimes don't comment either.

Leigh said...

I love those floral fabrics. They are superb. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

Hedgehog said...

Beautiful fabrics and a beautiful friendship!

It's amazing how with so many fabric choices out there, sometimes you just can't find certain colors or patterns when you are looking for them! It's like shopping for the perfect pair of jeans or a black skirt when you really need one!

Take good care of your shoulder!

Susan said...


Try there. You will find all kinds of wonderful Japanese fabrics.

I love your redwork angels!

Chookyblue...... said...

Well I did notice you weren't blogging as much but you need a little break occassionally.
Like the new materials you have.
Wonder where you got the little angels from. Looking forward to see what you have planned for them.
Hope your arm gets better soon. No fun when you can't do the usual things.
Take care.......

Anne Ida said...

Hi! I'm sorry to hear your shoulder is still acting up! Hope it gets better soooon!

And what a comfort to have Nadine there for you, to send you goodies via the postal service, and not to mention her telling you to spoil yourself at the LQS *lol* I'm not at all surprised you managed to buy fabric twice in a day down there :o) And the Japanese fabrics are wonderful! I just love the subdued colours of Lecien's fabric lines.

Have lots of fun thinking up Christmasy things during the summer! And your little redwork girls are really cute!

Take care! Riktig god bedring :o)

meggie said...

So sorry about the misery of your shoulder. My son has the same problem.
Your friendship with Nadine is wonderful & I can see she is a comfort to you.
Your little stitcheries are lovely. Look forward to seeing the end result.
Hope you feel better! Sending healthy happy vibes!!

Jenni said...

Yes I understand May Britt - sometimes you just need a bit of time to yourself. You'll soon feel in the mood to blog again. I hope your shoulder continues to improve.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear your shoulder is stopping you from sewing - it is so frustrating - hope it gets better soon

Libby said...

Quilt friends know just how to make you feel special when you really need it *s*

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! It makes me so happy to hear it! And that fabric....droool! It's beautiful! I wish you the best, and hope that things look up for you soon! ~A :-)

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Pleased that nadine perked you up, look after that shoulder! ps the stitcheries are very cute! tracey

Carole said...

You are very fortunate to have such a wonderful friend like Nadine. I do hope you get back into your usual self soon. Love the goodies you bought! Thanks for sharing! Take care!

Diana said...

May Britt, I am so sorry that your shoulder is still bothering you. I don't blame you for feeling grumpy!
I am glad that Nadine was able to cheer you up. Hopefully your shoulder will improve and then you'll have all that lovely fabric to play with!

atet said...

Beautiful fabrics and those sticheries are adorable. It is hard to be cheerful when you are in pain -- and that pain is keeping you from doing what you love. Hang in there, and I hope you feel better soon!

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