Thursday, May 17, 2007

May 17th

May 17th is Norways national day and we are proud to be Norwegian on a day like this.
We woke up to a wonderful sunny day.
Childrens parade with a marching band. It is always so nice to listen to the band and watch the norwegian flag. A lot of people are dressed in bunad and I am proud of wearing mine. I forgot to take a photo of me in bunad. But if you want to see how it look like please visit Anne's (Quiltaholic) blog and see. I got one just like hers.

My DD and her friend giving their cards to the children in the parade.

My DS and DD.
The last parade on this day is the parade made by russen. And my DD was in it. I'm sure they are starting to feel very tired now. Yesterday I invited my DD russ friends on pizza. I think it was about 15-20 russ at one time. And I think they loved my pizza. Then they went out partying all night, waking up the teachers early in the morning, joining the childrens parade and finally their own parade.
This has been a wonderful day. But now my feet are sore and I'm tired.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful ! Some day, I'll come and see that !...

Sore feet ??? Well, you don't need them for sewing ! Come on !.....(lol)

Biiiiig hugs !

Anonymous said...

Oh, it looks like such a fun day! Someday I'd love to come over there and visit, but I'm SO far away (West Coast U.S.). I look forward to seeing more! Best!

Anonymous said...

I love the costumes the children in the parade wore! What a fantastic day you had, the sky looked so clear!

Libby said...

Sounds like a wonderful celebration - everyone looks filled with joy for this special day. Thank you for sharing this tradition.

picperfic said...

I heard about this day on the radio this morning and then I realised what you were telling me.about the russ...I understand now. It looks like you had a beautiful day and had lots of happy moments. I'm sure those teenagers loved your pizza!

CONNIE W said...

Such fun! I enjoyed reading about your special day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day May Britt. Terrific photo's, thanks for sharing them with us.

Jeanne said...

It looks like a wonderful day was had by all. Wish I could have been there in person.

Monika said...

HEia Mai brittTakke takk for koselig brev fra deg - men eg trur det manngler noen aplikerings ark - eg er framdeles uten pc - låner svigers av og til
Smil fra monika

Susan said...

That bunad looks wonderful! What an exciting and tiring day. No wonder your feet were sore! Thanks for sharing pics of your children.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is all new to me but I think I'm catching on. Come see me again real soon.

Mandy said...

What a marvellous day! I'm not surprised your feet were sore.

Locket Pocket said...

Hi - thanks for your lovely comment - the children had lots of fun sewing. I saw one of the home sweet home quilts made up on Candleberry Country's web site and loved it - then I saw the easier one in Homespun - I just want to learn new skills and love the new fabric I have bought - the sampler one coming from America is really lovely and only £4 a yard - half price compared to here - WOW! I heard about Norway day on the radio - glad you had fun. Lucy

Vicky said...

Your day sounds divine! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Wendy said...

Looks like a fun day was had by all. Rest your feet with some hand sewing and you'll be great.

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