Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy birthday

My DD is turning 19 today. My little girl is becoming a grown up. I still remember the day she was born. A beautiful warm june afternoon. I was so happy when I got to hold her in my arms. And now she is a beautiful independent young lady who I am very proud of. Happy birtdhay dear.
We always had the tradition to wake up the birthday child with gifts and food in the morning. Singing the birthday song. Today it was only me singing for her (poor girl listening to me singing LOL).
I had made her this make up purse. And it was very convenient because her old one was destroyed yesterday. And I filled it up with some makeup and money. She is saving for a new computer.
And some cakes are ready. Her favorite is "Verdens beste", it's a cake with meringue, almonds and vanilla cream. I also made a strawberry crem cake.
Saying for today:

Childhood should be a journey - not a race


Anonymous said...


You are very lucky with such a nice, beautiful daughter, May Britt !

And Lena is lucky, too with such a nice and talented Moma ! (who can make beautiful cakes, too !)

Enjoy this day together, and many, many more !

A biiiiiig hug to both of you (and smiles !)


LittleByLittle said...

Happy Birthday to Lena! From now on, enjoy each day as they come, dont rush the days cos kids grow up much too soon.. Cos I know, my 2 DD are suddently 24 and 21! LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lena...Hope you have/had a wonderful day.

May Britt those cakes look soooo yummy, it's not right to make my mouth water so early in the morning. Love the makeup bag you made for her and those flowers are beautiful.

Melanie said...

She's beautiful -- She looks about 14-- that's a compliment... when she's 30 she'll look 25... When she's 50, I'll bet she'll look 40...
Tell her Happy Birthday....

Darlene said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Lena! I hope that you've had a wonderful day!

Anne Ida said...

Gratulerer med dagen til Lena! Hurra!!!

You have a beautiful daughter! No wonder you are a proud Moma! And your treats for her today looks wonderful, May-Britt! Verdens beste really is the World's best! Lucky girl!

Hanne said...

Gratulerer med dagen Lena!

Happy birthday Lena!
Enjoy your day. I hope you get a something you wish for. Verdens Beste is one of my favourites as well. Enjoy :-)

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

What a lovely blog, just filled with inspirations!

Pam said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter. Such a nice way to wake up - fresh strawberries and a gift.

Those cakes look absolutely delicious! Both of them :))

Judith said...

Congratulations on your daughter. The cake is beautifull, also the make up bag is gorgeous

Laurie Ann said...

Looks like the perfect way to start out a birthday!

That is a neat looking cat.

Anonymous said...

Gratulere med dagen til Lene :-)

Hilsen Nancy

~Bren~ said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!!! The cakes look soooo tempting!

McIrish Annie said...

Your Lena is a beauty!! They grow so fast. I have a handsome soon to be 21 year old son looking for a pretty girl!! LOL

Simonetta said...

Very happy,happy Birthday to Lena!!!!Have a great day!!!"Verdens beste" and strawberry crem cake are GNUMMMM!!!! LOL :))))Lena is lucky, you have one great and talent best Mama :)))

Gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gerry said...

She's such a pretty young lady. And you're obviously a proud mom!!!! Have a great time, May.....AND.....Happy Birthday, Lena :-)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter, I hope you both had a nice day.

Chookyblue...... said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl...like the little bag you made for her.....the cakes look so yummy.....just feel like grabbing a piece........

Teodo said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

tami said...

Happy Birthday to your DD. That cake looks really yummy. Nice and light for a warm summer day.
I'm sure she was thrilled with the purse especially since it was filled with makeup and money. :-D

Carole said...

Happy birthday to your daughter. Nice food to wake up too! Thanks for sharing!

Sweet P said...

Happy Birthday Lena!

Wendy said...

Yummy strawberry cake, I'll be right over to have some...hee hee.
Happy Bday to Lena.
The make-up purse to so adorable.

Libby said...

Happy Birthday to your darling daughter. Such a special tradition you have there *s*

CONNIE W said...

Miss Lena, Many Special Birthday Wishes are sent. Happy 19th!

Susan said...

What a wonderful tradition. The little make-up bag is darling, and I know she will appreciate the help toward the computer. What a nice mom! The cakes both looks delicious.

Happy birthday to your little girl. Who isn't so little any more.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my God! Did you save me a piece? I'd like one of each, please. (This is a side of you I didn't know!)

Sew Create It - Jane said...

June 19th is a very good day to have a birthday...(it's my birthday too) Hope she had a lovely day!

Anita said...

Lovely girls - both the two-legged and the fire-legged ;-D Give them hugs from me

sewprimitive karen said...

Oh, May, lovely shots of the celebration for the birthday girl. Children are such a blessing.

Shelina said...

Hapy Birthday Lena. You have a beautiful daughter. I just love the quilt behind her, and the makeup bag is adorable. I was trying to reach across the screen to steal your cakes - they look so delicious.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated wishes to your daughter. Our blogs enteries are looking very similar at the moment.
Daughters Birthdays and Books.
Love the book too.

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