Friday, June 08, 2007

My summerbag

Or more correct I guess my DD summerbag. When she saw this bag yesterday she declared that she wanted to borrow it (read; to have it). And of course I give it to her if she want it. Isn't it fun when our children says; I want that one!! So I guess I have to make myself another bag. I feel so honored when she want one of my things. Usually she do not like the colours I choose. She want me to use more romantic light colours, or colours like the one used in this bag.

Some of you guessed it was a bag I was making. And here it is. My (my DD's) summerbag.

It was an easy pattern to follow. Good instructions together with very good photos of the process. But why doesn't the designer think about hiding the raw edges inside the bag. I won't have the raw edges !!!! So I made bias and sewed in on when I sewed the bag together. Easy to do and the raw edges are hidden. Don't you agree???? I like it better this way.
This bag was made from this pattern from Lazy Girl Design .
Now over to next project. This & That Buttonbag. I bought this pattern yesterday. Perhaps if I make it in other colours than the bag I will be able to keep it myself LOL Or I make two, one for me and one for my DD.
And still there is some of you who have "no reply comments" and have no profile so I can find your mailadress. Sorry, I am not able then to reply. Like Joolz from Sweden. I want to answer your question, so please email me your emailadress.
I just discovered this is my 199 post !!!!!! So next post will be my 200th blogiversary.
I wish you all a nice day.
Saying for today:
Only when I became a mother
did I learn to be a daughter


Joyce said...

No wonder your daughter loved the bag. The colors are wonderful. I like your idea of putting bias tape on the seams. I often serge the seams on an unlined bag. I don't like the raw edges either.

Melanie said...

I'm terrified of zippers!!! Great job! I love the button bag pattern-- where did you find it? What a compliment... if daughters think their purses are 'cool' they must be....

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bag. Your daughter is a lucky girl.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Gorgeous just absolutely gorgeous! I agree with the raw edges - after all that work it's nice to have a good finish inside.

Darlene said...

It's beautiful. I had a feeling you were making a bag but still wasn't completely sure! :-)

I'm also terrified of zippers. Ugh! And, making bags reminds me of making clothes - YUCK. LOL Someday I will finally take the plunge and attempt to make a bag.

I agree about the raw edges; they should be covered. You do such beautiful work.

Libby said...

Darn I didn't guess. It is so flatterning when a daughter wants to claim your work . . . she will enjoy *s*

tami said...

I love your bag. I don't blame your DD for wanting it. Great color choices.
I have a couple of Lazy Girl Designs. She has such nice patterns. The next bag looks great too. Summer must be bagmaking time. Blogland is full of bags now. :-D

Angie said...

Mmmm, I do like that wonder your daughter wanted it for her very own! LOL And yes, I love it with the lining in it. As much as I like this bag, I like the pattern for the patchwork bag even MORE!! LOL Those bags are both sure to get lots of compliments and "where did you get it, I want one too"! :D Great job, girlfriend!

Juliann in WA said...

Oh I love that Button Bag pattern - can't wait to see that one made up. And hopefully you will be receiving the Sue Spargo pattern I sent soon so you can add that you your bag making fun.

Hanne said...

Cool bag you have made and the same is the bag you are going to make :-)

Kim West said...

just beautiful!!! I have been wanting to make this bag for a while.

His Office, My Studio said...

Great Bag! Love the fabric and colors.

Judith said...

I like the bag you have made, but also the one you are going to make.

Happy Zombie said...

Your summer bag is so beautiful. Love your fabs too!

I have a thing about raw edges too. Doodleug Gail was spot on!

Unknown said...

Lovely bags - think I'll have to have a go at making another :o)

Ulla said...

Lovely words ans beautiful summerbags
Ulla in the north of Sweden

Anonymous said...

Absolutely F A B U L O U S!
You are sooo telented, May Britt !

Screendoor says she's terrified with zippers, well... I'm terrified with zippers, handles, and the whole process of bag-making ! (bloody machine piecing, again !)LOL

Each time I make a bag (not so often, I've got 2), I cut, handquilt, and then ask one friend in my quilting bee to finish it for me. She does it twenty minutes or so, telling me "see ? you do so, and so, and so...", and I keep telling "Yeah, yeah,..."... but it's Chinese for me ! LOL

So, there's only one solution : you give this one to Lena, make another one for you.... and then one for ME, of course !(you're on a roll with bags making ! You do that on one foot, with your left hand, while reading a quilt magazine ! LOL LOL LOL)

Love, love the other patterns, too.....

Good work, dear ! You're a quilting fairy !

Hugs & smiles ...

Anonymous said...

It's just lovely May Britt. I didn't guess what you were making.. I agree I hate it when there are raw edges showing. Zippers don't frighten me, must be the dressmaker in me. Love your new bag pattern.

Wendy said...

Yes I agree it's flattering when one of my daughters likes something I've made, which doesn't happen very often. It's all about the fabric choices! GREAT BAG! And for sure, I like to have the raw edges enclosed.
I've made the second pattern you showed but I didn't do the piecing the same, check out my blog April "Sewing Bag", I think you'll like it.

Paula, the quilter said...

I am currently carrying a bag in just those colors, I can't blame your DD for wanting the bag.

Little Penpen said...

I love the bag! My daughter would have taken that one right away too! She loves those colors too. Yes, your daughter is a lucky girl.

Nicole said...

That bag is adorable! I must branch out and make one too.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I love your daughters bag! I love her patterns! I can't wait to see your new one from that small pattern. I"ve that pattern in the stores and have been tempted!

Sweet P said...

Your DD is smart . . . she lets you make items for her that you only think you're making for yourself.

I have the This and That pattern. I haven't used it yet, but I"m thinking about it real soon.

McIrish Annie said...

May, they don't call themselves Lazy Girls for nothing! LOL . it's a great bag. I have made bags from the Lazy Girls before.

Leigh said...

What a fantastic bag!

Cynthia said...

what a lovely bag May Britt. I would have finished off the raw edges too.

Ms. Jan said...

Great bag! Daughters always get what they want, don't they? LOL I've not forgotten the Japanese fabrics for you!

Patti said...

You always make the most wonderful bags! I'm not at all surprised your daughter wanted it. I love every bag you make. I have a bunch of bag patterns but so far haven't attempted any. And I have no idea why! Zippers don't scare me at all.

Kairle Oaks said...

What an amazing bag. Oh, how I wish I were your DD! lol! I can't wait to see your next bag.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

What a great bag - you did a beautiful job - no wonder DD wanted it! I agree with the quote for the day...

Jenny said...

Your bag looks very professional. No wonder your daughter wants it for herself.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

I love that bag...and I would have been 'borrowing' it as well! My Mum probably wouldn't hand it over, your girl is very lucky! The next one looks good as well.
I think you are very precise to hide the raw edges, i would be more likely to overlock than stitch down bias! Tracey

Tanya said...

What a great bag! I love the shape too! I don't think I've made myself a bag in quite awhile. You may have given me a new project! I love it when my kids ask me to make them something whether it be knitted or quilted. (Well, actually, my son has never asked but I'm ready with needle in hand if he ever does!)

hortenzita said...

Beautiful bag!
In this case you can leave one the edges wider than the other in order to fold it twice on the smaller edge and to sew down.
I hope I was understandable.

Teodo said...

This bag is wonderful, in italian is SPLENDIDA.
Your daughter has a great taste and she's very lucky to have a mom like you who creates masterpieces!
ciao ciao

darlynn said...

Fab bag!!
The "This n That" bag goes together really fast. YOu will love it. Great size for small hand projects. Made lots for gifts this last Christmas and they were a smashing hit. You will need to finish off the inside seams again. :)

Gerry said...

Very nice bag, May. I bet your DD is just thrilled to have it!

Anonymous said...

Flott sommarveske i svalande fargar! Veit du om nettbutikkar som har dette mønsteret?

corry said...

great bag!! Beautiful colors!!

Helen said...

wow, 40 comments! Everyone loves this bag. You have a lucky daughter. I totally agree with you about the raw edges. You came uup with a great solution

Susan said...

It's just gorgeous. Do you have enough fabric to make one for you, or do you have to go *shopping* again?

atet said...

Love those colors for the summer bag -- the tuquoise and chocolate are lovely. If I were your daughter, I would have asked for it too!

I'm chuckling about the other bag pattern because I just bought that one myself this week. I can't wait to get started on it!

Quilting Pirate said...

OOO I love the blue/brown fabric line and I too have started my own purse with that fabric. I LOVE what you have done!

I also have done the button bag, it's just soo quick and easy!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely bag your doguter get :) The button bag have I done this weekend togehter with my quiltfriends and it was nice to do.

/Marica from Sweden

Jeanne said...

Your bag turned out wonderful! I look forward to seeing the tote from the other pattern soon.

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