My DD have celebrated her 20th birthday. So we have been baking cakes, having family for coffee and she also had a big birthdayparty with all her friends yesterday. So not much time for sewing these days.

But I've stitched one more angel block and almost finished another one, just the birdcage left to stitch on the left one. I love stitching on these cute angels. Makes me smile when I'm working on them. If you click on the angel badge on the sidebar you come to Stinas blog and you can see a list of all the others in the angelclub and see how their progress on "An Angels Story Quilt" are.

I've got some magazines in the post. I've swapped with Liz, and I hope the package I posted for her will arrive soon. I was a little bit late sending it, sorry :) I'm amazed about this package of magazines. Two lovely magazines and it was also included a small cutting mat. All in one issue. I love both magazines and I will make a cover for this cuttingmat to bring with me to quiltmeetings.

I also got this Homespun from Leanne B. She wanted me to read her article about her trip to Norway last year.

She even mention my "Krumkaker" (the speccial cake I made for her)

And I also got Anni Downs "Simple Pleasures" book. I LOVE IT. So many cute stitcheries. I did not join the cyber stitching this weekend, but I will for sure make something from this book.
Saying for today:
To receive a smile...Give one away

De blir kjempefine disse blokkene dine. Har prøvd å få tak i mønsteret, men må nok fortsette å lete litt til. Magasinene dine ser veldig interessante ut. Jeg har bestilt dette som Leanne B. har sendt deg, så det kommer vel i posten snart. Gleder meg. ha ei riktig fin uke.
Your angels are lovely May Britt. we also had birthday celebrating this weekend LOL but we got time to stitch some cyber stitch too
Happy Birthday to your daughter *s*
How fun to have the magazines arrive . . . and to know you are famous with your own mention in one *s*
Great lot of Aussie Magazines..and the new Annie Downs book is fantastic...May Britt your Angels what a great job you are doing...Happy Birthday to your DD.
You have a lot of new magazines to read. Your angels are beautiful.
I forgot, belated happy birthday to your daughter, to turn 20 is a big milestone.
Jeg kjøpte boken "An Angel story" av Anne Downs for en god stund siden. Blir inspirert av dere, må vel sy noe fra boken snart...Tusen takk for titten på bladene dine. Jeg har nettopp lest artikkelen om Leannes besøk hos dere. Ser ut som hun trivdes kjempegodt.
Så nydelege desse blokkene er! Eg har hatt denne boka i hylla lenge, men har ikkje laga noko i den enda. Blir nok ikkje eit heilt teppe på meg, men kjem ganske sikkert til å sy eit veggbilde, ei pute el.l. til guddøtra mi til gjebussen. Blir jo litt inspirert her då...
Må prøve å finne det Homespun-bladet på nettet.
Belated Congratulations! to L.
Thanks for the Angel inspiration :-)
I have finished my first block - will blog it later.
I was able to read the Leanne article - Thank You :-)
The angel story blocks are coming along nicely. Happy birthday to your daughter...i hope you all had a great party. Jo x
Love the angels! I love the pleasures book so I am going to treat myself to that one for sure!!! Happy Birthday to your DD!
dem englan dine bli jo bare såååå fiiine da! Jeg får hjem boka mi i morra, så da kanskje jeg bare MÅ begynne jeg også? Lurer på om dette er smittsomt?
Disse engleblokkene blir jo bare så fine da. Har kjempelyst å bli med, det er to år sidn jeg kjøpte boka (2006) så jeg skulle ha starta avgårde, men....
Koser meg og nyter dine imens:-)
Hi May Britt! Congratulations on your DD's BD!! Oh, to be 20 again!! LOL!!! That was great reading the article...thanks for posting it! I would love to get a copy of Anni Downs new book, Simple Pleasures! I've heard it's great! Hope all is well with you! Mange hilsener fra Mary Ann
Happy belated Birthday to your daughter!! She´s the same age as my middle one...;D And love your angels... fantastic!!
Now you got fantastic reading for some days...those mags are the best!!
Take care..
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