But now when visiting you I have discovered several things:
Some of you have not put the badge nor the monthly list in the sidebar. Have you regretted joining this challenge. Remember both Kris and I are using time to visit every blog and look for your finishes. So if you don't want to join please let us know and we remove you from the challenge.
Some have the badge, but not a monthly list. Remember that when we visit your blog in the end of the month it is what's listed in the monthly list that counts as a lottery ticket. So please make the monthly list to make our visits more easy.
Some of you have the badge one place and the monthly list faaaaaaaaaaar down at the sidbar. Please put he monthly list and the badge together.
And some blogs I have visited has not reported finishes or listed them in their monthly list. But I see on your blog that you have finished projects. Don't you want to be in the draw? Do not expect Kris and me to look through every post to find your finishes. You have to make it a little bit easy for us. We have a lot of blogs to visit.

I have had a great time visiting your blogs. You are all so creative and make such wonderful things and write such wonderful posts. Sorry I have not had time to comment on every one.
Looking through 280 blogs takes a little time of my day. But want to tell you I have enjoyed every blog I have visited.
Looking through 280 blogs takes a little time of my day. But want to tell you I have enjoyed every blog I have visited.
Some of you does only have one finish and some of you have many. But the main goal is to have fun doing this and to be proud about one finish as well as many finishes. And I guess many have done like me...........started several new projects too. And that is also allowed. We are having fun aren't we.
Last month we counted 493 finishes. This month we counted 479 finishes, and remember february is a short month. I know there is several of you that had finished more if the month had been longer, like me. I have two almost finished projects today. And this gives us a total of unbelievable 973 finishes. I wonder how many we will have in desember ????

And the winner is
Anette S at Sunshine Yellow
and this is what she wins
A Tilda stitchery with embroidery thread and cute angel buttons.
Hope you will like this prize.
Please send me a mail with your adress and I put it in the post for you.
Saying for today:
Winning has always meant much to me,
but winning friends has meant the most.
How cute. Congratulations Anette!
Wow May Britt, that's such a lot of finishes!!! I only managed one this month but I have a couple of "nearly theres" so next month I'm hoping for more :o). That's a lovely prize, I'm sure it will be much appreciated by the lucky winner Anette ... congrats!!!!
Thanks so much for all the time and effort you and Kris put into this fun challenge!!! I think it's great, it keeps me motivated to finish my projects :o).
Joy :o)
If only the month was a few days longer! :) I have 3 quilts that need binding! So at least I know I will have them finished in March!
Thank you to both of you for all the work you do in the finish contest. Do you mind if I stitch your little flower it is sooooo cute.
Congratulations Annette!!!!
May Britt, you and Kris do the most amazing job at running this challenge. Thank you! It is great fun and helps keep my WISPS in check. Between us we have finished an incredible amount in a short time. Congratulations to Anette. I'm sure she will enjoy her lovely prize.
Hello May, a huge thank you to yourself and Kris for hosting the challenge.No doubt a lot of hard work.Regards Lyn
Congratulations to Anette, and thanks for your work, May Britt and Kris too. I cannot even imagine how much time you need to go through all our blogs... I am still only at letter "J" in my reading...
Oh wow...we are pretty good ...right??
And congratulations to Anette!!! :o)
Hey May Britt! Did you go cross-eyed looking at blog lists! Tee! Hee! Hee! Congrats to Annette - looks like she's going to get a parcel full of fun from you - start stalking your postie, Annette! :0) Hope it's not too snowy for you today and if it is - stay warm! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Wow May Britt! I can't believe you and Kris are doing this -- what a fun project. But oh my -- that's a lot of blogs to read!
WOW! That's a lot of finished projects!! Thanks to you and Kris for all your hard work. I'm sure that some of my finishes would still be UFOs, if it wasn't for this challenge :-)
Congrats to Annette!
I have my badge and projects listed...thank you for doing this! It is a wonderful thing!
280 blogs! Really?! Thank you both for taking the time to manage this project. I certainly appreciate the efforts of you and Kris. Congratulations to Annette S, she has won a terrific prize. I am enjoying the challenge and it's amazing how many wonderful projects are being finished.
Cheers...Ann :)
I'VE just posted my February finishes..we've been redoing a bathroom and having some illness so I've not been so dedicated to my blog posting lately...
only two to report
- one baby quilt (1996)
- one Barbie dress (1974)
Wow! That is a lot of finishes!!! I am so pleased you are hosting this challenge - I am actually FINISHING things!!! Wooo hooo!!
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