Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quilters at the cabin

Thursday all the girls in "Trådsnella" (the threadspool) was going to our annual quilttrip to the cabin. This is actually the 9th year we do this so it has became a tradition.

But this time I was very in doubt if I manage to come along. While sitting in the front om the computer at work, stretching to reach a folder, my hip suddenly said spoooooooiiiiiiing and a big pain came as a lightning from a claire sky. I hardly could stand on my right foot, and walking was such a pain. I manage to meet my friend Irene and she told me she was going to drive, I had to come along and all the ladies promised to take care of me.

And so they did. I have been relaxing with my foot on a pillow. But my back and hip was so much hurting so I had to get up and walk slooooooooooooowly around to ease the pain. And not so much sleep because I could not find any comfortable way to lay down. But I had a great time with the girls.
Thursday evening they really surprised me. Soon I am celebrating my 50th birthday and the girls had made me this little quilt. What is so special about this quilt is that my mother, who was a very talented quilter and now is living in an old peoples home and not quilting anymore, had made the star block on the top right. She made it several years ago and the girls have saved it for this quilt. So with tears in my eyes I hugged this quilt to my heart. I will always treasure this quilt. (The colours on the photo is so wrong, the colours is much more deeper)

It has been the perfect sewing weekend. A lot of rain and wind. Fire on the open fireplace and a lot of good food and laughter.
I offered my help basting this quilt, but they just laughed at me..........hmmmm.....

So nice to sit and sew together and just look at the rain outside.

We are so lucky to have electricity at this cabin so we can bring our sewingmachines.

In between walking around to ease the pain, doing the dishes (the only thing I could do this weekend), I manage to do some sewing.

Like finishing the rest of the blocks in Gail Pans A Christmas Wish. I was so behind finishing these small blocks . Now all eight is done and I am ready for the last one in september.

Two small stitcheries done.

I started to prepare these baskets blocks. And I love them. Will prepare a lot of them to bring with me in my bag. Will make them just in japaneese fabrics.

And I started this cute stitchery.

Tomorrow is my Stitchers Angel week.
The pattern is ready to be posted for you.
and I am seriously thinking about seeing the doctor tomorrow...
or not???
Saying for today:
We can’t all be stars…
But we can all twinkle


Nancy in Norway said...

Hope the doctor can find a cure for your hip/back. Looks like you all had a lovely stay in the cabin. Even in pain, you have done so much work this weekend!

Elizabeth said...

Olá May,
Adoro visitar seu blog, ele é lindo e seus trabalhos são maravilhosos.
Um abraço.

Hanne said...

Thanks for sharing the special quilt. You deserve it very much, and it proves again that quilt stitches also leave stitches in our hearts - forever.

Looks like you had a wonderful trip in spite of a bad hip.
You sure were productive :-)

Laila said...

Hi. I'm soo happy for the girls that you loved the special quilt. ;-)
Hope you are getting bether soon.

LeKaQuilt said...

Hei May Britt, Så koseligt dere har det ! Kurvene dine er kjempe fine og katte stichery også :o)

LeKaQuilt said...

PS: Håper det nå går bedre med hoften din..... :o)

denise said...

Sorry to hear about your hip...definitely see a doctor soon! Love the cat stitchery - can you tell us where to get the pattern? Hope you feel better soon.

Sølvis blog said...

Skikkelig kosehelg! Gøy med en slik tradisjon og at så mange blir med! Min opam for august er nå lagt ut, fra lånt pc.
Og du - ta en tur til legen i morra er du snill.

Karen said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear that your hip is giving you problems. You need to get to the doctor soon.
Looks like you all had a very good time at the cabin. And you have accomplished a lot of stitching.

siv hege said...

Go see the doc! Hope you get better soon. Hug!!

Elin said...

Eg ynskjer deg riktig god betring! Godt du fekk gjennomført helga trass alt! Er veldig spent på kva du vil avsløre i morgon...

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Hope your back/hip pain settles down soon - sounds like the weekend away was the perfect thing to take your mind off of it! How sweet your friends are to make you the little quilt for your birthday. How wonderful that your Mum contributed the feature block.

Noémia said...

I guess that weather begins to change there, September is near! :)
Here seems to start the Summer, 35º C too hot for my taste, I can stitch or quilting because I'm melting! :)
I think it's wonderful go to a cabin, just with friends to do what all love most, here we don't do that and it's a pity!:)

Ulli said...

Hope you get better soon, sounds like a lot of pain. The special quilt is so wonderful - what a lovely idea to have the very one block centered by smaller ones. Also your Christmas BOM Sticheries are just wonderful, aren't you looking out also for that last one in September? I have finished mine, too, just have to blog about it.

Jo in TAS said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend! I love the cat stitchery, who is it the designer?

annette said...

So glad you still managed to have fun with your quilting friends. I know what it feels like to almost be 50 (next month for me - YIKES) - what a WONDERFUL gift from your friends. You are lucky woman to be surrounded by such lovely ladies.

Have a great week. Looking forward to tomorrow's project. Look after yourself - maybe going to the doctor's would be a great idea.

Unknown said...

Oh yes go to the doctor and see if he can help you. What a nice weekend :)

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi May Britt...thank you for the wonderful Stitcher's Angel project...a lovely time at the cozy to sit there in the rain amongst friendship...stitching...and the rain to help it all along. Yes see the Doctor if you can...and try to rest up...Keep Stitching...Dzintra Ingrid♥x

Jeanette said...

Hi, your projects look great. Thank you for the pattern youmade for the Angel Swap. Hugs, Jeanette

Joy McD said...

oh, I hope your hip is better soon! Yes, go to the doctor :)
It looks like you had a lovely quilting time despite the pain,

carole ann said...

You best get to the doctor for that hip, and hope you feel better soon. However it did not seem to stop you from having a good time and get some nice work done. That was so very sweet of the girls to get that little quilt done for you. Get well soon.

Sonia said...

rest up and see the doctor, love the cat stitcher oh and the book cover is sweet, off to add it to the pile of todo's

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your injured hip!! I hope it improves soon. Your birthday quilt is beautiful. You must have some special friends. Keep your chin up (be brave) and hopefully you just need to rest.

Anonymous said...

Ouch your poor hip! I feel for you... and you braved your fun weekend anyway... what a girl :o) I love your stitcheries.. those cats are CUTE! Hope you heal fast.

Roxie said...
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Roxie said...

Your weekend looks like my quilt retreat weekend. We are in a lodge in the woods. 55 women and we have the best time together. We get a lot accomplished too. Maybe your hip will go back in place so you won't have to see the doc. A couple of years ago, the day before my retreat, I was doing some last minute rotary cutting and sliced my index finger. I refused to go to the emergency room and went to a friend who was a nurse and she wrapped it up good for me, and away I went the next day to the retreat. Want to thank you for the design for Stitcher's Angel swap. Really nice project!

Jindi's Cottage said...

I hope your hip/back is feeling much better after visiting the doctor. It's great to go away with the same little group of friends regularly and just sew and the cabin looks very warm and cosy. You certainly managed to get a lot accomplished in spite of your pain. The little quilt with your mum's block is just lovely - what a wonderful way for your friends to use that special block. Looking forward to your Stitchers Angel design.

Stitching Angel said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for the pattern its going to make my Mortal very happy.

mascanlon said...

Goodness, please take the time to check your hip checked out. Its no fun to be down and I'm glad your firned convinced you to make the trip...but now take time for you! I love your project...even if I didn't sign up this year.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I think you should see the doctor. I had some low back pain, leg and hip issues and it took several doctor visits and a cortisone shot to give me relief.
I, too, was behind in my Gail Pan blocks but am caught up and ready for block number 9.
Your cabin sewing bee looked wonderful and I loved the sound of rain outside with a warm fire, friends and stitching inside!!

What Comes Next? said...

Oh I do hope the doctors can relieve some of that pain for you! I know what you're going through, as just before a retreat last January, my back went out on me. Please take care, and hopefully you'll feel better soon. Thank you so much for particpating in the Stitchers Angel series. Looking forward to doing your project this week.

Anne Ida said...

What a special little treasure of a quilt your friends gave you! Thank you for sharing it!

Hope your hip is feeling better! Good thing Irene acted as chauffeur, and you were able to spend the weekend at the cabin. Looks like you were very productive despite the pain :o)

Hugs and stitches

Chookyblue...... said...

looks like you got some rest with the girls............

Jantine said...

I really hope you feel better now, this doesn't sound to good... But they took good care of you, hurray for friends!

Carin said...

What a wonderful birthday gift! I hope your hip is better.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you get some relief soon. Your quilt is special indeed. Happy birthday.

Stina Blomgren said...

Vilken underbar present av dina vänner!!!
Era dagar i stugan ser ut att ha varit hur härliga som helst...mycket gjort också..:o)))

Karla said...

So nice to hear what all is going on. The cat stitchery is there a name for it? Good to hear and see your projects coming along. Hope your feeling better.

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