But, this is the reason:
The paint is bought.
New shelfs and a desk is bought.
And the bedroom is now being turned into
Yoooohoooo.....I finally decided (after a lot of pressure from my friends) to move my tiny little sewingroom into a bigger room. I agreed with them that I spend more time in the sewingroom sewing than sleeping. And sleeping can be done as well in a little room than a big one. And I really need more space in my sewingroom. But I am not looking forward to moving all my sewing stuff over to the new room. I expect it to take a lot of time because there is so many boxes and drawers to open, and I am afraid I will find a lot of forgotten stuff in them LOL But it will be fun.
Another saying for today:
Although my house is quite a mess,
come in, relax, converse.
It doesn't always look like this
sometimes it's even worse
God arbejdslyst! Det er jo noget skønt at arbejde frem mod.
Lykke til med nytt syrom ! Vi pusser også opp til nytt soverom, slik at jeg skal få stort syrom (som også skal pusses opp) - Gleder meg til å se det nye syrommet ditt, og alt det lekkre som var glemt og gjemt i det gamle LOL :o))
Good luck with your new sewingroom. I love this saying, it sooooo describes my home. Thanks a lot!
I've suggested the same thing to my husband, but he won't give up his half of the room for my quilting. ;)
I did that in one of my previous apartments. I put my sewing room in the Master bedroom and I took one of the small ones. It was a perfect set up!
Dette ser bra ut!! Gleder meg til å se det ferdige resultatet.
PS. Frida ser ut som en blekkflekk på lakenet. Hehehe.
A genious thing to do!! Did the same, never regret :)
Great saying May Brit!! I do agree. You won't know yourself with a larger sewing room as well. Oh what fun opening forgotten boxes again. I wonder what treasures you may find lurking therein!!!!!!
WOOO HOO a bigger sewing room is awesome Congratulations!
Så flott May Britt! Dette gleder jeg meg til å se ferdig.....Jeg så et flott tips på arbeidsvegg.....flanell var satt fast på en rullegardin på veggen....da kan du rydde vekk når det trengs
Lykke til videre
Regner med du vil finne mange skjulte skatter i bokser og esker når du har en slik "oppsummering" etterhvert som du skal plassere alt i det nye sy-rommet. Så herlig du får et større rom å kose deg på:o) men det er litt inspirerende å holde på med sånt, det syntes jeg når jeg holdt på i "sy-sakene" mine for ei stund siden, og jeg er ikke ferdig å rydde på plass ting enda... jeg måtte bare sy imellom :o)
Kos deg med malearbeid, og litt dagdrømming ilag med det:o)
Can't wait to see your new sewing room all put together! Your cat is adorable :o)
Congrtulations May Britt..It will be lovely to have more room.....I agree sleeping is very overated !! takes up sewing time !!
Good going !
I am looking forward to see your new sewing room - and bedroom :-)
What a wonderful idea for the sewing room. I can't wait to see what you do with your new rooms.
What a fun project! Lots of work but the fun kind of work...sorting and organizing all your precious sewing supplies just the way you like them to be. Can't wait to see the finish.
Good for you! I finally convinced my Mom a couple years ago to get rid of the large bed in the middle of her sewing room and replace it with a day bed that takes up much less space. She was reluctant but now she loves it. I think it's important to give ourselves as much space as possible for our quilting since that's where we spend so much of our time.
goodluck with your makeover......it will get way worse before it gets better but it will be all worth it.........
i would switch too if i could...what a great idea! Happy moving day!
I can't wait to see your new sewing room. The new bigger space will be fantastic!
What a great idea, you always need more sewing space. And with your eyes shut, you won't even notice that the bedroom is smaller.
May, that is a great idea. I think you will not regret changing rooms.
Woohooo...new sewing space. I just love setting up sewing areas and wish I lived close enough to help you! But if you are like me, you probably would rather do it yourself anyway. I will be watching to see your progress.
What a wise decision to move your sewing stuff into a bigger room. You will see it will be lots of fun to open all the boxes and find some old treasures.
Så deilig det blir med nytt stort syrom!
Excellent idea!My son is moving soon and at first I thought I'd move my bedroom and then I realized it would be so much better for sewing! I'll miss him but I can't wait for that room!
Hello May, good luck with your new sewing room.......once completed you will enjoy it...Warm Regards Lyn
Helloooo, sweet friend !
I'm back, catching up with mails and blogland... and I see you've been quite BUSY, BUSY ! ;>)
A new sewing room ??? WOW, this is gonna be GREAT ! (so you're going to sleep upstairs, now ? In "MY" bedroom ?? HeeHee).
Speaking about sewing rooms, I had arranged my son's ex-bedroom, and enjoyed it sooo much.... for a few weeks only ---> slowly but surely, it became a house storage room :o(
seems that everyone here waited for this room ! -sigh-
I think I should build a cabin in my garden, just for me, myself. LOL
Dette blir kjempe fint. Tenk på alt som kommer fram som du har glemt.... lykke til med innflyttingen.
Ha en fin dag :0)
Takk for koslig besøk av deg :o)
Lykke til med reorganiseringa av alt lappestæsjet ;o)
En liten hilsen til deg på bloggen min :o)
So funny! I just got back from IKEA in Helsinki with lots of Billy boxes!! I switched the bedroom and sewing room a while back, but now have new shelves for the living room and the old living room shelves are going in the sewing room! Good luck and have fun!!
What a great idea. We all need more room in our sewing rooms. Can't wait to see it all finished.
I am just now in the troughs of deciding to switch our large guest room which only has people in it 10 nights a year with my small sewing room which I am in all the time! And here you are forging ahead! I just might take your example to heart.
How exciting to get a bigger sewing room. I can't wait to see the progress.
I loved visiting your blog and seeing all of the quilt pictures - now I'm motivated to get into my sewing room and produce something! Thanks for the great read! xo, Nan (PS: Your comment section does not let me sign in with my blog's address, but only my Google blog, which happens to belong to my dog! My blog is: wwww.potsandpins.com)
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