Thursday, August 17, 2006

Just in case

I have started to pack all my sewing things for tomorrows quilt reatreat. I will be going straight after work and everything ought to be packed today. But what will I take with me. That's the big question. Of course my sewingmachine and my sewingbox. I have prepared a lot of fabric for a new scrap quilt, but perhaps I sew it so fast that I will have nothing else to work on. Have to find something more. Oh....yes my hearts for swapping in the ChainsofHeart, the laces and all my embellishment ( I do not know now what I will do with themso I have to bring it all). And some of my ufo quilting. I will bring the one that is almost finished and the big one. If it gets cold in the evening I can crawl under it while quilting it. Handquilting will be nice to have in the evening after dinner when we always are tired and not in for sewing on the machine. And what if I am not in the mood of handquilting.........well......I have to bring some of my handapplication. And I ought to continue on my Leannes House BOM.

Is it just me having this problem? Deciding what to bring with me. Luckily we can drive the car to the door and if I leave something in the car, the others will not see I have so much stuff with me LOL. I have discovered that when you are away from home you always thinks, why did I not bring with me that or that. And when you are putting toghether things at a class you are participating in, you always miss THAT fabric you did not bring along to the class.

This is what I have packed so far. And I have not packed my clothes and the food.
My boyfriend always teases me, because I always have something extra with me, just in case I need it.

Jeg har begynt å pakke alle sysakene til jeg reiser på quiltetur i morgen. Og jeg bør være ferdig i kveld for jeg reiser rett etter jobb i morra. Men hva skal jeg ha med meg. Det er det store spørsmålet. Selvfølgelig symaskina og syveska mi. Jeg har skjært til en haug med lapper som jeg skal sy et resteteppe av, men hva hvis jeg syr det så fort at jeg ikke har noe mer å gjøre den helga. Må finne noe mer. Å ja....hjertene jeg syr til byttinga i ChainsofHeart, og da må jeg jo ha med alle blondene og perlene (for jeg vet jo enda ikke hva jeg skal gjøre med dem) Og så må jeg ha med noen ufoer å quilte på. Jeg tar med den lille som er nesten ferdig og den store . For hvis det blir kaldt på kvelden kan jeg jo bare ha den over meg mens jeg quilter. Håndquilting er så fint å ha på kvelden etter middagen når vi alle er så slitne at vi ikke har lyst til å bruke symaskin lenger. Og hva hvis jeg er i humør til å håndquilte........vel.....da får jeg bare ta med litt applikasjon også. Og jeg burde jo ha fortsatt litt på Leannes House BOM.
Er det bare meg som har det slik??? Å aldri klare å bestemme hva jeg skal ha med meg. Heldigvis kan vi kjøre bilen rett foran døra, og hvis jeg lar noe bli igjen i bilen så ser ikke de andre alt hva jeg har med meg ...hehe. Jeg har oppdaget at når du er langt hjemmefra så tenker du bestandig, åh...hvorfor tok jeg ikke med meg det istedet. Og når du er på kurs så mangler du akkurat DET stoffet du ikke tok med deg.
Og dette er hva jeg har pakket til turen. Kjæresten erter meg bestandig for jeg tar alltid med meg litt ekstra....i tilfelle.

I think this will be enough, but I bring some more.....just in case..... I'll be home at sunday afternoon and then I will give you a full report of my quiltingweekend.

Jeg tror kanskje at dette er nok, men jeg tar nok litt til med meg, i tilfelle......... Jeg er hjemme igjen søndag kveld og da vil jeg gi dere full rapport fra min syhelg.


Hanne said...

This brings to mind a class I once attended. I packed a full suitcase of fabrics and notions, and when I came home I had half a 5" block to show for it. It was just a Saturday class. Have a lovely weekend May Britt !

Libby said...

It's good to be prepared as you can possibly be -- you will have the most enjoyment from your retreat you possibly can. Have a great time.

Finn said...

All the stuff that you are taking looks perfectly normal to me..*VBS* I have that same problem when packing for a retreat..and I always take too much..but best to be safe. HOpe you have a marvelous time..I look forward to seeing what you did..*VBS*

abeautifulcraft said...

Have a wonderful time May, look forwards to hearing all about your time away and what you get up to. Loved seeing all the stuff you are taking with you! You shall have such a wonderful time........ hugs

Cynthia said...

Have fun at your retreat. Look forward to hearing about your weekend.

tami said...

It's better to have something you didn't need than to not have something you do need. Have a great time. Can't wait to see what you make. Wish I could come too.

Darlene said...

Oh, I think you NEED to have everything you've packed. One never knows! :-)

Have fun and I'll be waiting to hear everything!

Julia said...

Have a wonderful time May, look forwards to hearing all about your time away and see what you have made...
nice to have a little break away..

Digitalgran said...

You are not alone! I take so much stuff with me just in case I need it!
I like what Tami said.

Patti said...

May, you sound like every other quilter I know - including myself! I have to bring something of everything to a retreat, because who knows what I'll be in the mood to work on! I never touch 3/4 of what I take while I'm gone, but I figure the time I leave it at home is the time I'm going to want it!

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