Thursday, August 31, 2006

Surprise in the mail....again

I am so getting spoiled. When I got my mail yesterday I found a big envelope from Pat. I had already recived the heart I had swapped with her, so I could not understand what this could be. I rushed inside and opened it. WOW.....Pat, you are so crazy LOL. There was a huge pile of laces. Beautiful laces. Old croche laces, cream and white laces, black laces, beads, buttons aso. How can you do things like this. Sending me such lovely goodies. You hardly know me. My DD laughed at me when I was sitting there with tears in my eyes and my mouth wide open. She said: "How can anyone do such things?" Pat can I answered. I cannot tell you how much I appriciate this. And you understand how happy I am when you take a loo at all the goodies I got. I am still breathless. When looking through all the goodies yeasterday I thought, there was perhaps some old lady in USA who had crochet these laces, another lace had perhaps been a sleeve on a nice dress. The history behind some of the laces. That is why I now are so fond of CQ. We can put so much history in our crazy quilts. Use old buttons, laces, memorys from past. Please visit Pat's website. She has so much lovely things to show.

Jeg begynner å bli så bortskjemt. Når jeg hentet posten i går så fant jeg en stor konvolutt fra Pat. Jeg hadde jo allrede mottatt hjertet jeg hadde byttet fra henne, så jeg kunne ikke skjønne hva dette skulle være. Jeg skyndte meg inn og åpnet. WOW....Pat du er helt gal LOL Det var en stor haug med blonder som dukket opp. Vakre blonder. Gamle heklede blonder, krem og hvite blonder, sorte blonder, perler, knapper osv. Hvordan kan du finne på gjøre slike tig. Sende meg slike godsaker. Du kjenner meg jo knapt. Min kjære datter lo av meg der jeg satt med tårer i øynene og vidåpen munn. Og hun sa: " hvordan kan noen finne på å gjøre slike ting" Og jeg svarte, Pat kan. Jeg kan ikke beskrive hvor mye jeg setter pris på dette. Og jeg er så lykkelig når jeg ser på alle godsakene jeg har fått. Jeg er målløs. Når jeg så igjennom alle blondene i går så tenkte jeg, denne har kanskje en gammel dame i USA heklet, en annen blonde hadde nok vært på en arm til en nydelig kjole. Historikken bak noen av blondene. Og det er en av grunnene til hvorfor jeg er så glad i CQ. Det er så mye historie vi kan putte inn i våre crazy quilter. Gamle knapper, blonder og andre minner fra fortiden. Du burde besøke Pat's hjemmeside. Hun har så mange varkre ting å vise fram der.

Pat, thank you so very much. LOVE YOU.

When I started to blog I had not used my digital camera so very much. But now I do. And it is fun. I bring my camera everywhere and I had to make it a cover to protect it.

Når jeg startet å blogge hadde jeg brukt mitt digetale kamera svært lite. Men nå bruker jeg det. Og det er gøy. Jeg tar med kameraet overalt og da måtte jeg jo ha et trekk til det for å beskytte det.


Hedgehog said...

Your camera cover is so cool, May Britt! I used to use a sock, but finally bought a fun bright green cover. I should have made one!

Cynthia said...

You are so lucky getting all those lovely things in the mail. Enjoy them.
Thanks for showing your camera bag. Just the other day i was thinking i should make one for my camera. I don't know why digital cameras don't come with a bag.

Linda C said...

I got a little zip up Samsonite case for my new camera that would clip on a belt if I wore one. Yours is so much cuter!

What a generous gift from our friend. Only a quilter would get as excited over a pile of lace and bits of fabric, right?

I bet you cannot wait to get your mail everyday lately.

Libby said...

What a great surprise -- a nice gift for a nice friend.
The camera bag is a good idea. I would probably take my camera out more if it were protected.

Darlene said...

The trek to your mailbox has been fun! Such delightful goodies and treasures. Enjoy those goodies from Pat - you deserve them! I can't wait to see what you do with them.

Susan said...

What a great package! You will have such fun using those. Your camera is so tiny - at first I was thinking cell phone!

Judy said...

Oh May your stuff lately has been so inspiring and very beautiful!! Love all the bits and bobbs!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

May Britt, I am thrilled that you liked your goodies. I love to send surprises. I think I get as excited as the recipient. It feels good, and I am so glad you can use them.I have been collecting for so long that it would be sinful not to share. The baggies from Viv look scrumptious! They do an excellent job in selecting items don't they? You and your DD have fun. Keep creating!

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