Sunday, August 09, 2009

I'm moving in

The last week has been a rollercoaster with painting, trip to ikea, moving my DD to her new bedsit in Trondheim, visiting my brother at his cabin, going to a outdoor concert and moving in to my new sewingroom. Today is my last day of my summer vacation. And I am looking forward to come back at work to relax LOL

Last weekend I started to paint my new sewingroom.
I have chosen light antique (almost white) as colour. And I am so glad I repainted the room, because the previous wall colour was so yellow-green-creamish and not that pretty. I wanted my sewingroom to be light and airy.

After a trip to Ikea I have put together a new shelf and a new drawer. (Have I mentioned I hate going around at Ikea LOL and last two weeks I have been there four times LOL)

And then I started to move in.
My old sewingroom exploded in to the new one.

Frida have already found her place in the sewingroom. Even though it was a complete mess at the desk she claimed the quilt in front of the window to be her place. And so it will be :)
Frida the quilt inspector have to have her own place in the sewingroom.

AND THEN........
today I finished moving in
I have a new sewingroom

From having a tiny little sewingroom with space only for one person to sit and sew, I now have room for four persons around the table. I do not understand how I manage to store everything in my previous sewingroom. I still have a lot of tidying to do. I have just moved everything from the old room to the new room, and I want to organize a little bit more.
But first
I look forward to sit down and sew
first project now will be my Stitchers angel pattern for you
stitchery is done, I just have to put it together.
And I will soon have a giveaway
first because I now celebrate my 3 year as a blogger
and second I celebrate my new sewingroom
Stay tuned.......

Saying for today:

When work is a pleasure,
life is a joy


Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!!! You are going to enjoy all that new space and having friends come to sew with you. Have a great time!! ( After seeing your new room all neat and tidy, I have to go get busy in my room. )
Hugs, Barb

Laila said...

Congrats with your mew room. It looks great.. But are you sure you have got all you stuff..There are no mess--- YET.. LOL
You have been clever. HUGS

Terry said...

Your new sewing room is fabulous! Congratulations on having more space now! :0)

Maria Harrits said...

Det ser skønt ud! Men lidt sjovt - jeg elsker at gå i IKEA! Nyd nu at du kan sy... Glæder mig til at se dit engle projekt.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! GREAT job, dear, congratulations ! I'm sure you must feel sooo good, with all that work accomplished. This new sewing room willsoon be seeing new heirlooms become real, I'm sure ;>)
Now, time for some relaxing Sunday stitching. ENJOY !

Scraps4dreams said...

wow wow nice sewingroom :) congratulations :)

Lorraine said...

wow May Britt....that new sewing room is amazing!! my sewing room hasn't had a "face lift" like the front rooms in my house.....but I do need to get in and have a good clean up in there......maybe next weekend!

Anonymous said...

Gratulerer med, nytt superflott syrom!! Mye jobb, vet jeg, men er det ikke deilig med følelse av orden og oversikt? Så lenge det varer ;) Håper du får til masse kreative og spennende prosjekter på syrommet ditt, selv om hverdagen begynner igjen nå. Kos deg!!

Joy said...

May Britt you've done a fabulous job with that room!! Everything looks so beautifully organised ... and I just love the quilt you have on the wall!! I'm sure I won't be the only one looking forward to seeing your Stitcher's Angel project ;o)!!! Have fun in your new haven :o) .....
Joy :o)

Marisa said...

If I could have a sewing room like yours, I would never go out from it!!! I am impatient to see the productions of this room!!!!
Marisa (from Spain)

Unknown said...

Your new sewing room looks great, so organized!

Kriza said...

wow, what a great sewing room, I am sure qou will enjoy working in it. And that quilt over your chest of drawers is just awesome!
Isn't it funny how ikea is the same everywhere and you can find similar furniture in any flat anywhere in the world? :-)

Ruth said...

Your new room looks great! I'm sure it feels great too. I've never been to an Ikea store, but there is one now in this area - kind of far from here, though. Someday I'll have to go see what they have.

Nancy in Norway said...

Gratulere med nytt syrom! Der blir det nok sydd mange nye prosjekter - og fullført gamle.

Lise in Norway said...

Gratulerer May Britt Kjempe lyst og lekkert har det blitt!!!!!!!!. Tips til designvegg er en stor rullgardin festet flanell til som kan trekkes ned ved behov
Lykke til meg å nyte rommet!

Gloria said...

Beautiful!! You will really enjoy your bigger sewing room. I wish I could bring my sewing machine and sew with you.
Gloria (Trysiling in Minnesota)

Vicki W said...

What a great space!

LeKaQuilt said...

Tusen takk for de flotte bildene av Frida ! Jeg har fall pladask for det skjønne lille pelstrynet:o) Gratulerer med nytt syrom - det ser kjempe koseligt ut! God plass ved symaskin og plass til gode venner :o))

Annette said...

I love it!! Such a beautiful room. I'm so excited for you. You have made it so cute and welcoming. A place anyone would love to be.

Sheila said...

What a wonderful room you now have - those trips to Ikea were so worth it!
Love all your tins and boxes and ...well everything! :)

Sissel H.S said...

Gratulere så mye med nytt syrom :-)

Anonymous said...

It looks WONDERFUL!!! What a wonderful place to sew and create, and you can even have friends join in the fun... very nice :o)

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Gratulerer med nytt syrom - ser kjempetrivelig ut.

siv hege said...

Congratulations!!!! I love the room. They do have a lot of nice stuff at Ikea, although it is a pest to be there, he he. I am going upstairs this minute to celebrate your sewingroom with some cake ;))

Carin said...

Its beautiful! Congrats on the great new area to sew.

Anne Heidi said...

Congratulations, your new sewingroom looks just perfect! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Lovely space to quilt with friends! Looks fantastic...when is the next stitch and gab?!!

mascanlon said...

What a fabulous space, I especially like that you have room for friends to sew with you. Now I am really contemplating a switch in my house too!

Joyce said...

Had to chuckle when you said you "love" to go to Ikea. My daughter went yesterday, and hated it. She said she'd never go back. Too much confusion and disarray for her. Love your new sewing room. It's looks so pretty. I hope you have lovely times in there with your friends.

Marit Johanne said...

Så lekkert syrom du har fått! Og så lyst og romslig. Og den quilten på veggen med quiltere på var kjempefin!

Annelies said...

Congratultions on your new sewing room. It is beautiful !!

Teresa said...

Your room is wonderful, and certainly full of light. I know Freda is very pleased with her new place in the sun too. The table you use is beautiful and I would love to see a picture of the complete chair. Looks so sturdy and like a great, comfy workspace.

sewkalico said...

Wow! what a wonderful new space! Happy sewing in your new room!

Unknown said...

Gratulerar till ditt nya syrum, det ser jättemysigt ut!

Cattinka said...

Your new workspace looks great, you will have a lot of fun sewing there with your friends, or alone!

Julie in the Barn said...

Your new room looks so inviting. I just know you will create wonderful works of art in your new space. My sewing room is a chaotic mess at the moment and in great need of a facelift as well. Maybe I need to move everything out and start over. I could pretend I'm moving into a "new" room and get it all re-organized!

“Old World Goodies” said...

WOW---Awesome.......wonderfull room and yes, light-bright and all else ....choice of colors reat, plus kitty got the best spot in the house .......

crongrats to you and kitty

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your wonderful new sewing room. It looks great and you have so much space for visitors.

Maria Alejandra Kaminski said...

Wow! Everything seems so handy and sooo nice and neat.

SusanPatch said...

It was worth investing all this time and effort. Your room looks fantantic and is inviting to new quilting projects. Ups, looking forward to starting stitching angels swap.
Best regards from Spain.

Ullis said...

Grattis till ditt nya fina syrum! Det ser ljust och fint ut och jag hoppas att du kommer att trivas och skapa mycket fint i det. Kramar Ulrika

Wendyb said...

You've inspired me....I have a reasonably good sized sewing room but desperate need of a fix-up! Guess what's on my list for the weekend???
Have a great week
Wendy B

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

What a fantastic room May Britt, lots of room for friends and looks like you have great lighting as well...

Tudy said...

How wonderful to have a place like that for sewing. I would love that much room. Enjoy

Pokey said...

How inviting! It "oozes" creativity!

suz said...

What a wonderful new space! I hope I can transform my son's room as fast once he moves out! My son feels the same way about IKEA - we went recently (it's an hour and a half to get there) and went thru the entire store in about 45 minutes - and that was with me constantly making him wait while I checked something out. He wanted to look at beds and bureaus and leave!

Gari in AL said...

Your room looks wonderful and I love your table. You should be very productive in that light, airy space.

Chriss said...

What a brilliant sewing room - congratulations!!!I love the idea of having room for more than one person - so cool to be able to have friends....

Chocolate Cat said...

Enjoy your new sewing room! So glad Frida already has her place.

Joy McD said...

Lovely!!! You will want to spend lots of time in that room! said...

Many little steps make a great room, many little posts make a great teacher, many little jokes make a quiltfriend, many little stiches make great quilts. Happy quilting and greatings

Michelle said...

Congratulations May, you no what they say a bigger room a bigger mess to create, Have fun!!!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

May, your sewing room is awesome!! Worth all those trips to IKEA don't you think? ;-)You will be so inspired to create in that beautiful space! Good on you!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news May Britt. Congratulations on finally moving in to your roomier sewing room. It looks just beautiful. I need a BIG tidy up in my large craft room. Seems to be that the more space I have, the untidier it gets!

carole ann said...

May, I love your new sewing room, and I have been living at Ikea for the past month. Now I have to go back to things for my sewing room. Enjoy all of that space and what wonderful light you have.

Ondrea said...

What a beautiful light and airy sewing room you have created! It is so inviting, the perfect space for wonderful creations. You have inspired me to re think my room now.

Rose Marie said...

A delightful room and it will be a pleasure to work in.

Bedstes Patchwork said...

Tillykke med dit nye syværelse, det er blevet rigtig flot, og din kat ser også ud til den nyder de nye omgivelser.

SG said...

Congrats on your new room! Great space!

Stina Blomgren said...

Härligt jobbat May Britt.. det ser helt underbart ut.. åhhh va skoj du kommer att ha därinne!!!!! :o))

quiltmom anna said...

May Britt,
What a fantastic inviting space- I am sure that you will enjoy many happy hours creating there with your handsome cat at your side. I bet your cat loves having a window to survey the world outside.
Thanks for sharing.

Sweet P said...

I love your new room! I hope you get to spend many, many wonderful hours of creating in there.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Jøjemeg!!! For et herlig sy-rom du endte opp med! Håper kreativiteten vil blomstre med gleden av å ha et så fint sy-rom! Kos deg masse ;o)

Karen said...

Your new sewing room is absolutely wonderful. Won't it be fun to have your stitching friends over for a great time of stitching together in a room that has everything :). Congrats on a job well done. Now enjoy it.

Hugs - Karen

Käranån said...

Ååååh, så fint du har fått det i ditt nya syrum! Frida ser ut att tycka om sitt nya rum också...
När jag fick ett eget syrum var det ordning och reda ungefär 3 dagar, du skulle se hur där ser ut NU! Jag blir riktigt inspirerad av dina bilder till att börja städa opp i rummet, men då vet jag inte var jag har mina saker längre...

quiltygal said...

oh you are going to have so much fun in there....I have only been to Ikea once and that was just after putting Whitney on the plane to Wales so I wasnt exactly "with it" don't remember much but did manage to buy some material...LOL

Unknown said...

congrats on your new sewing room, i love it. i don't think those shelves could hold one more thing. lol

2ne said...

Kjempeflott syrom, så rent, lyst og deilig :-) Håper du får masse tid til å kose deg i dette rommet ja. Ha en flott dag.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Your new sewing room is great! It's so cute that Frida has declared it great, too! LOL!

Merete said...

Kjempeflott syrom du har fått deg her. Venter spent på å se alt det flotte du kommer til å sy her inn:-)

teresa sako said...

Ohhhh! Your new sewing room looks gorgeous....
You are so much lucky.
This year I´ve join up the stitching angels swap. I already have my partner´s name and I´m looking for the next monday to came so we can start.
Sincerelly, Teresa Sako.

Jantine said...

You were brave to get all that work done in your holidays, but it was worth it, wasn't it? And lucky indeed with having a bigger room to move into. Don't think I will be able to convince my DH we need to sleep in a smaller room, but well, I just move all my stuff to the living room when necessary ;-).

marina said...

What a beautiful sewing room. I dream of having a sewing room one day!

Lynn S said...

May, your sewing room is wonderful. You will have many, many hours of joy in this special space.
A question...what is the name of the quilt hanging/designer of the four needleworking scenes? It is really nice!

Sølvis blog said...

Gratulerer med flott syrom!

Leanne said...

What a nice space to spend some quality time. 4 trips to Ikea how brave.

Hanne said...

I am very much looking forward to inspect your new sewing room in person :-)

Sigrun said...

Gratulerer med et kjempeflott syrom. Lyst og deilig. Der kommer du nok til å kose deg masse.

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