Saturday, May 05, 2007

Off to class.....

My first post in May. Have I really not posted anything since monday. Time just rush away.
What have I been up to these last days. I have prepared my strawberry table runner from one of AnnAKa's patterns. I love strawberries and wanted to make this. So I have been out in the sun on my porch doing the applique on it. It procedes very slowly because of my bad arm. The doctor told me to keep my arm completely off sewing (have you heard anything THAT stupid), but you know......... I have to sew a little bit. If not I am getting crazy (read; more crazy than I'm already)

Now I have packed my fabrics, sewingmachine and other sewing gear to go to a class this weekend. It is here in Elverum so it is not far to drive. We are going to make a christmas- or a summer/spring table cloth. I had planned to do both, but perhaps I should take it a bit easy (due to my arm) and make just one of them???????????
Here is the fabric I have chosen. Red and cream for the christmas, and white, cream and romantic flowers to the spring/summer.
I'll bring my camera and show you later. The sun is shining and it will be a warm beautiful day. I wish we could bring our sewingmachines outside in the sun.
Saying for today:
You know you're a quilter
when you have more quilting ideas than time .


Anonymous said...

Your strawberries look like real ones! Beautiful!And look at those neat, organized, quilter's luggage ! I'd like to be part of your class (any "small" room for me ?)Can't wait seeing your photos !...
Have a good class-dayand please take care of your arm....

Hugs & smiles !

Judith said...

I am in love with your strawberries. They look beautifull.

Doodlebug Gail said...

What delicious looking strawberries - enjoy your class, that's always a fun thing to do.

QuiltingFitzy said...

I am nursing a sore arm too..ugh! Too chicken for the Dr. tho.

Have a wonderul time today, I love the strawberry runner.

You do such nice work!

Hanne said...

Have fun at your class!
Go easy on your arm - if you can.

Carole said...

Oh... that strawberrie table runner looks lovely! Do have fun in your class. Remember to take good care of yourself! Happy quilting!

Gerry said...

You runner is so lovely. What a perfect way to welcome Spring! Have a great time at your class :-)

Anonymous said...

It is so inspiring to read your blog and see the pics of your lovely work. Your doctor must be more crazy than you to suggest that you don´t sew at all. Hilsen fra Island.

Darlene said...

Wait, wait, I want to go. Oh, shoot, I think you've already left. :-( LOL

Hey, I like the luggage for your project - perfect size. I'm going to have to search for one of those. I use one on wheels when I go on a retreat but it's too big for classes or day sewing with friends. I also use a basket but if it topples over everything is everywhere in my car. Ugh! I really like your idea - everything fits perfectly.

Anonymous said...

What delicious looking strawberries May Britt, good enough to eat. Hope you enjoy your time stitching.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your strawberries! Have fun at your class!

Angie said...

Ooooh, May Britt, I do LOVE that strawberry tablerunner! Those berries look like you could pick them right off of there and eat them! Luscious! Have a great time this weekend, and you best take it a BIT easy on that arm!! *s*

Kim said...

I love your strawberries! I'm planning to make some cherry "stuff" but haven't started yet--which must mean I'm a quilter since I have more ideas than time! LOL! Have fun at class!

atet said...

The strawberries look good enough to eat! And what a silly doctor, no sewing? Eeeekkk!!!

Sølvis blog said...

Hopefully your doctor does not read your blog....

Nydelige applikasjonen may-britt

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