Thursday, May 31, 2007

Summer party

My quiltgroup have tradition to have a "summer party" every year. And this time we was invited to the cabin own by one of the ladies in our group. It is a very old mountain dairy (don't know if this is the right word for i, but the dictionary gave me it). It's a very old house from 1861 which they have restored. In old times they used to keep the cattle and sheeps here during the summer and there was a lot of activity. Now it's just long grass and flowers to see.

The view from the cabin down to the lake.
They have a outdoors toilet. A bit windblown, but so charming. Look at the door.......
...... a little quiltet heart !!!!
Inside we was met by a open fire at this beautiful fireplace.
Bjørg, who is the owner of this cabin, have decorated the whole cabin with beautiful quilts. And of course I have to showe you some of them........
Beutiful bluework
And look at these birds. She have used an old window to frame the quilt.
More bluework
A landscape with moose. If you look closely you can perhaps see that she have used real hooks on the appliqued windows.
A beautiful tablerunner. I love this one.
All over the house you can see old items.

Some of the girls in our quiltgroup. Look at the tablemats of hexagons on the table.
Summerparty means food.
Me sitting at the left. We was not able to do any sewing because there was only candlelight. No electricity at this cabin. But I find that very charming. And now I was able to rest my shoulder a bit :)
Another detail from the cabin.

Some years ago our quiltgroup had a visit from a friendship quilt group from Grimstad. They gave us a lot of blocks they had made. Since Grimstad is a city by the sea, they had made maritime motives on the blocks. Now we have finished it. It's beautiful.
Some other ladies sitting in the blue room.
A little show and tell.
Lisbeth and Laila have started this BOM. And now they have a lot of applique to do :)
This has been a wonderful evening. The weather was not so good, but the cabin was big. Even when we was 37 ladies the cabin could have room for several more. Good food, laughter, beautiful quilts and good friends. Now our quilt group has summer vacation and we will not have any meeting again until the last thursday in august.
Saying for today:
Everyone smiles in the same language


Tanya said...

What a wonderful cabin! I would love to just sit and drink in the rustiness. Your friend's use of windows and quilts is very striking and it goes very well with the applique. Congratulations to all your friends wonderful quilts.

Rose Marie said...

It looks like a "wonderful time was had by all"! What a great cabin to have your party. I especially liked the little heart quilt on the outhouse!

QuiltingFitzy said...

I am SO jealous!!!

What a wonderful place to visit, thank you for taking us there in pictures (that's the next best thing).

Tazzie said...

Ohhh, it looks just gorgeous! What a wonderful atmosphere for you and your group to spend time in.

CONNIE W said...

There are so many wonderful photos with so much to see. The event sounds perfect. A cabin full of happiness!

Patti said...

This is a perfect place for a retreat! It looks like you are having a wonderful time. One of my Tangled Threads friends has a place like this - no electricity and an outside toilet - but it's not nearly as big. We take handwork for retreats there. Now she has a treadle sewing machine there so she can sew to her heart's content even without electricity. She has an iron that she heats on the wood stove when she wants to press her patchwork

Tracey in CT said...

It looks like you had a nice day with your quilting friends. The location is gorgeous and your friend has done a nice job of decorating her cabin with all of her beautiful quilts. Lucky you to have such a nice place to spend the day today!

Jenny said...

All I can say is I'm so jealous!

Anonymous said...

It seems that you had a very happy time with your group in this wonderful place, and the quilts are lovely !

Hanne said...

Thanks for the lovely summer party photos. I could hear your laughs :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing such a wonderful place ! Such a good taste for decorating ! Beautiful quilts (I love the boats one) and the blue works are fantastic ! Food also ! (lol)

Big hugs & smiles,

Anne Ida said...

Hi! Thank you for sharing so many wonderful pictures! It looks like you all had a wonderful time :o) I'm happy you got to rest your shoulder a bit, as well. Take care and have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the suggestion of stitchery on my purple and white star runner - it was an inspired idea - just LOVE that blue ivy runner - and the cabin is so precious!

Darlene said...

Thank you for taking us along to your party. The cabin is delightful and it appears to be the perfect place for a group of quilters! So many beautiful quilts and such!

sharonb said...

May thanks for sharing - It's a lovely cabin for your quilting group and I love your saying
"everyone smiles in the same language"

Melanie said...

Thanks for sharing--- I feel like I got to attend!!! I love the candle lights... You must have had so much fun...

Feeling Simply Quilty said...

What a lovely group! It's refreshing to see so many different ages in one quilt group. I was beginning to think we were all a sea of white hair, but your group is alive and well with the

Susan said...

Such a special place. I enjoyed every picture you sent..... Even the rolling pin on top of the window. I always get great ideas from you and your friends.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time catching up with friends, and what a beautiful place to have your get together. Just love Lisbeth and Laila's applique, I'm sure it will be stunning when it's finished. Hope your shoulder heals quickly.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely cabin! I was surprised to see that the terrain looked just like the area around where I live in the United States! (I live in the Pacific Northwest). And the quilts are so charming, thanks for sharing! ~A :-)

picperfic said...

oh how lovely for you...I am so glad you got to rest your shoulder. I am going away for the next week or so...I need to rest my shoulder too! This retreat looks really special! I would have loved to have done some photography around there, that door shot is so gorgeous!

Libby said...

What a wonderful place to get together and enjoy your quilt friends. Thanks for taking us along, too *s*

jovaliquilts said...

Such a wonderful cabin! Seems almost like a fairytale! I love the through-the-window look of many of the quilts. Very, very nice. And the Grimstad friendship quilt is lovely.

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

What a charming place-excapt for that outdoor toilet!!

Kim said...

Oh, I'm so happy you had a wonderful time with your quilt group, even with your bad shoulder! The cabin and all the decorations and quilt projects are just wonderful! Thanks for taking photos to share with us.

atet said...

It sounds like a wonderful place to enjoy each others' company. How lovely!

Helen said...

That cabin is so cute. It looks like a doll's house. I can't believe 37 people fitted in!

Susan said...

What a great place for a little time out! If it were a cattle ranch, we'd call it a line shack, but I don't know anything better than dairy. Thanks for sharing pictures of her wonderful place.

Pam said...

37 quilters at a summer party!!! Sounds like that would be such a fantastic thing to do. The cabin looks so nice and comfortable. Great place to party :))

I sure hope your shoulder gets better soon. It is so hard when you can't do the things you love to do because it causes you pain. I will say a prayer for your shoulder :)))

Rose Johnston said...

what a gorgeous place for u and ur friends, i love all the quilts and all those extra little touches that give it its charm!!!
what a great time u must have had??

Anonymous said...

How sweet to get to share with your girlfriends! Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Love that cabin, and all that handwork and piecing and quilting! What would we do without it? I might have to encourage my group for something like that!

Have fun! Mend that shoulder.

gloria g. Richards, TX

Sweet P said...

What a great place to have a party. Thanks for letting us "come" along.

Gerry said...

You seem to do the most fun things. The cabin is wonderful. I'm so glad you have a GREAT time!

Elaine Adair said...

Oh dear ... is it tooooo far from Nebraska USA to visit that lovely dairy cabin? What lovely photos - thank you so much. Judging from all the comments, we ALL wish we could have come. And the outhouse? Holy smoke - even THAT is cute!

La Tea Dah said...

A beautiful cabin --- and a delightful group of ladies sharing common interests. Very special post! Thank you!!!!


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