Thursday, August 09, 2007

Rockin' Girl Blogger and Nice Matters Award

During these last days I have been nominated as a Rockin' Girl Blogger from Anne-Grethes quilteblog and MaritaBK's blog. It is so nice that you read my blog and find it interesting. I visit your blogs too very often. Thank you for visiting me.

And then I discovered that Pat Winter from Gatherings had nominated me the Nice Matters Awards for bloggers who are always very pleasant and just plain nice, because it does matter! Thank you. I really appriciate it.
I am now supposed to nominate to both the Rockin' Girl Blogger and Nice Matters Award. I think I do this at the same time. In fact YOU ALL are nominated for both these awards, but I want to mention some blogs that are very special to me.

Of course Nadine, my dear friend in Belgium. We are now planning her visit to Norway next year. And I am sooooooo looking forward to that.
Hanne, also a dear friend who shares my passion for stitchery. We have had a lot of nice sewing days together. And I know there will be more.

Laila, who I tricked into blogland just a few months ago. She works at my local quiltshop and is also a dear sewing friend.

Nancy, another dear friend I tricked into blogland during my vacation by her :)

Leanne , Natalie and Gail that provides us with such lovely patterns. I'm so happy you both spend your time making patterns for us.


As you see I'm writing a little at my blog now. My arm is feeling a little bit better, but still I have big trouble raising my arm. I guess Voltaren and strong painkillers are helping together with complete resting my arm. Only 12 days to my surgery now.

You should see me sitting here writing this with my left hand. It takes some time to type LOL

When I have my computer in my lap (now I understand why they call it a laptop) I am able to use my right arm a little too.

I have done a lot of reading this week. Luckily I'm very fond of reading books. And yesterday Laila brought me a big bag of books that I could borrow. I'm so happy. And it was all Nora Roberts books. I love this books.

And today I have spend som time at the local quiltshop. I guess Laila will post some photos at her blog of me/us preparing the big sale tomorrow.

And they got a big package full of new patterns. So now the quiltshop have all Gail Pans patterns in the shop. And two of them had to come home with me. I'm so looking forward to when I can sit at stitch again.

I want to thank you all for all comments and cards I got on my last post telling about the pain in my arm. I've not been able to reply because of the pain so therefore I do it now. I appriciate it so much. All your kind words to me. Love you all and I want to give you all a hug. You know I'll be back 100% when my arms is better.

Saying for today:

A true friendship...
Is a treasure that can never be lost.
I'm so glad we found each other!


Anonymous said...

And I'm so glad too, my friend !
It's just sooo nice to read your posts. You fully deserve your awards, because you're giving so much inspiration to many of us.
Than you for mentioning my name in your awards (you're going to bring tears in my eyes... What's the matter with me, tonight ?) I know sooo many bloggers who deserve it too, and I'll do it as soon as my PC is working !

((HUGS)) & smiles ç

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

May, I am so sorry that I am just getting around to notifying my nominees. It has been a hot and busy day! So, I guess you know you are a very nice gal who happens to blog! You have always been so kind to me and nice to everyone!Hugs,Pat

Juliann in WA said...

So glad to see an upbeat post from you. I do so hope that the surgery in a few weeks will bring you relief so you can get back to all the fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

May, I'm so glad you managed to get out today and have a little fun, what lovely patterns you took home with you. Hope the next couple of weeks goes quickly for you.

Wendy said...

May glad to see you are out and about, hope you enjoy Gail's patterns, I am just putting the finishing touches on her Magic of Christmas quilt which I am sure you would love. Consider yourself koala hugged. Wendy

Finn said...

Hi May, and congratulations on your well deserved awards!! Can't think of anyone more deserving unless it's the gals you nominated!
Glad to hear the arm is some better. Hope it heals completely soon. Hugs, Finn

Quilts And Pieces said...

Hmm, A rockin nice girl? You deserve all those awards! I love Nora Roberts also!

Susan said...

You definitely deserve the awards. It looks as if your shopping trip was a dream time, too, with two new stitching projects to do! I hope the shoulder will not be too bad before the surgery, and that you'll be able to do much more shortly after.

dutchcomfort said...

A Rockin’ Nice Norwegian Blogger Girl that’s what you are! Just a note to say I hope you can still cope with the pain in your arm!

Cordula Klöfkorn said...

Thank you for your wonderful blog and that you give us the opportunity to share your sewing life. I hope that the surgery will be successful. Think about sewing, read the blogs all over the world and soon you will be able to sew by yourself. Hugs from Germany

Hanne said...

I re-nominated you for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award, just so you know I appreciate your blog very much :-)
Take care - not many days to go now!

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