Did you keep focus on your focus projects week one????
I did :)

One of the projects I was going to focus on was this table runner which Bjørg gave me as a kit for Christmas. Today I finished the binding on it. So now I have my first OPAM finish for january and I am so proud I manage to stay focus this week.

The other project that was going to have my focus was the Christmas Wish quilt. I have now sewed it together, basted it and I am handquilting on it. So one of my focus this week will be the handquilting on it. I will quilt several stright lines around the stitchery and then quilt hearts at the outher border.

And when I will relax from handquilting I will stitch on my easter rabbits. Hanne got a similar kit from me for her birthday last year and
she has already finished hers. I have very little easter decorations so my goal is to finish this quilt so I can hang it on my wall this easter.

And I have in mind always have both a project for relaxing and one with my sewingmachine. This is a project I picked out of my big box of started projects and bought kits. It is a kit i bought at our annual quiltmeeting in march last year. I want to play with some japanese fabrics now so this will be a perfect focus this week.
Still very cold here. The lowest we had last week was minus 37C. Right now it is only minus 28C. Hoping it will start getting warmer soon. It is unusual with so many weeks with this low temperature. But perhaps this cold temperature helps me focusing on my projects :)
Saying for today:
Life is about making
the right decisions
and moving on
jeg er imponert...........kanskje jeg skulle begnynne jeg også ;-)
Look forward to seeing this completed!!:0)
May Britt congratulations on your finish, it is a lovely table runner...and as for your Christmas Wish that is gorgeous...cute rabbits....Peg OPAM 2010
Congratulations on staying focused, May Britt. Your table runner is stunning.
Your plans are excellent and I'm sure that you will be able to remain on track. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Bundle up and stay warm. It went down to -27C here last night but it's supposed to warm up tomorrow.
Gorgeous table runner May!
I'm pleased I have some finishes for January too as I've been very focused lately, just hope it continues! Just trying to decide which project is next as I have a few to choose from.\Stay nice and warm, we're in for scorcher in Southern Australia today
Your table runner is just lovely and gorgeous.......so Norwegian and Christmas all in one! Thank you for an inspiring and heart-warming blog.
The tablerunner looks wonderful. I can't wait to see the rabbits finished, they look very cute. Keep warm!
Well done on being focused and completing UFOs (and other stuff just started)....love that reindeer runner, and the little Japanese kit is beautiful, cute rabbits too. You have inspired me to get a wriggle on and finish my Christmas BOM.
cheers Julz
Wow, maybe I should focus - I'd get more done! Your projects are great!! I love your bunny stitchery blocks! Who designed them? Love your blog!
Lovely table runner!
I love your projects. Focus and will power together.
Så strukturert du er. Løperen er bare kjempelekkert. Hvilket design er det?
Hi. the new tabelrunner are great . I have to start on mine also.
Have great stitching days on your easter projects.
Hugs ;-)
Gratulerer med en nydelig løper. Kjepe søte reinsdyr :o) Hjertekanten du har sydd på var også lekker.
Du har satt deg gode mål å fokusere på. Lykke til med prosjektne.
Great work! The table runner is lovely. Greetings to Bjørg.
Hello May Britt,
your focusing from last week worked very well, you actually finished the "christmas wish" up to the handquilting. I can´t believe it... didn´t you say you wouldn´t have much time the past week?
Good luck on your easter project, the blocks look very cute.
Well done for staying focused last week! I did too although didn't get anywhere near as much as you achieved!!
I am impressed! That reindeer table runner is beautiful, but you always do amazing work! I just caught up with your blog and see that Yoko Saito is coming to Norway. You are so lucky! I met her briefly last fall but got to see a few of her amazing quilts!
Bjørgs løper ble kjempefin. Du må få henne til å gi ut mønster
I love your reindeer table runner! Can you tell me the name and designer of the kit? I would love to get this pattern for myself. I live in the US, but I'm Swedish and I love the Scandinavian stitcheries.
I love the Easter Rabbits, how cute!
Herlig løper - nydelige reinsdyr.
Så mange fine prosjekter du har - lykke til videre.
Love the reindeer table runner! Where can I get a pattern or kit - I live in Australia with Danish husband. I would just love to make one!
HI May Britt,
I have to ask where you got the japanese purse kit. Every time I look at your blog and see the bag you are working on I want one too!LOL
I have tried surfing the net to find where i could buy a kit but no luck :-(....please help!
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