Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home again

In for surgery 08:00, woke up 11:15 in the room. surgery ok, but they had to do more than expected because my shoulder was a mess :) Home by 14:00 with a lot of pain killers. A bit dizzy.

Hugs to you all. Thanks for all your lovely thoughts.

Blog more later.


May Kristin said...

Good to hear you are back and that the surgery went ok! Eat your painkillers and have a good recovery!

Anita said...

Godt å se at du begynner å komme til "live" igjen. Håper smertene gir seg raskt. Stooooor trøsteklem fra meg i sør (som nå har lagt ut "fangsten" min fra i går på Bloggen)

Jenny said...

Get well soon. You are now one step closer to sewing.

Darlene said...

Wonderful new - now you need to rest and allow your body to recuperate.

Elin said...

Riktig god betring til deg!!

Carole said...

Wow, I didn't expect news so soon. Glad to read that the surgery went well. Rest and take care of yourself.

Hanne said...

Lovely to see you again May Britt ! Take care and take it easy so you will heal real fast!

dutchcomfort said...

I hope you feel better soon and you’re taken care off! I’m happy for you the surgery is over, went well, now your shoulder can heal!

Doodlebug Gail said...

Rest up and allow your shoulder to heal slowly. Get well soon.

Belvie said...

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. Spend lots of time over the next few days planning all those wonderful sewing projects you will do with your new, pain free shoulder.

Libby said...

Glad you are home and all is well - blogging can wait . . . time to rest up and get better *s*

Sew Create It - Jane said...

hope your recovery goes well. take care of yourself!

hortenzita said...

Get well soon, May Britt! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon May, thinking of you and send well wishes from waaayyyyy down here too.
Hope it doesn't keep you away from your craft for too long. xx

Alice I. said...

A speedy recovery to you, May Britt....soon you'll be stitching away!

Yvonne said...

Happy to hear that all went well and you are home. Take care, rest and get well. :)

Tanya said...

Said a prayer for you. Hope your pain goes away quickly.

Ms. Jan said...

So glad thats over! I hope you get well soon and are back to normal. Take good care of yourself!!

Wendy said...

Wonderful news May, now rest so that you are ready to go for Leanne in October. Wendy

Anonymous said...

Glad your home and resting May Britt. Take care....

Katie said...

Wonderful that it all went so well!

Nancy in Norway said...

Take care and rest!

Tazzie said...

I'm sending big hugs your way for a speedy recovery. Rest up now, cuz you'll want to be quilting soon!

meggie said...

May Britt, please take good care of yourself! Just rest & recover so you can enjoy your sewing again.
Hugs!! (((((((0)))))))!!

QuiltingFitzy said...

...and we're STILL thinking about you! Feel better soon!

Gail said...

Glad things went well, obey the doctors and get well quickly.

Julia said...

Take care and get well soon!!! I hope that you are not in a lot of pain and that you will recover quickly and be pain free!!!! Get back to stitching soon, but follow dr.'s orders too.

Anonymous said...

Ønsker deg rask og god bedring! Det verste er vel over nå, håper jeg.

Anne Ida said...

Godt å se deg tilbake! Og så fint at alt har gått bra!!! Lykke til med rekonvalesensen! Snart kan du SY igjen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ta vare på deg selv! Klem...

Unknown said...

Get well soon , and take care your
body and recuperate it soon . Hugs, Vero

Quilts And Pieces said...

Glad to hear you are ok, even though in a lot of pain. I hope it helps once it is healed. I'll try and do some quilting for you! :)

Teodo said...

I hope you will be better soon.
ciao ciao

Kairle Oaks said...

I send you my good wishes, too. I hope that your recovery goes quickly and that you are back to quilting soon.

Patti said...

Glad to hear everything went OK, even though the doctor found more than looked for. I'm sure you are glad to be at this spot - with lots of good drugs to keep you pain free. Sending lots of hugs and healing thoughts your way.z

Pam said...

Prayers and good wishes for you!!!

Sigrun said...

Håper det fremdeles går framover med armen og skulderen din.

Unknown said...

just take great care and dont try and do too much too soon

Unknown said...

Get well soon.

Jeanne said...

Happy to read your surgery is over and hope you are recovered very quickly. Take good care of yourself, May. You'll be sewing and stitching up a storm in no time.

Angela said...

Sending you healing prayers and happy thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Take it easy and get well soon. Hope you'll be good as new real soon.

The Naturalist's Daughter said...

Hope your shoulder heals well and your recovery is fast. Am praying the pain goes away quickly for you.

Tina said...

God bedring
Mange varme klemmer fra Tina

Nina In Norway said...

Wish you a quick and smooth recovery. Maybe it is time to reorganice your stash (using one hand)? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Get well soon and take care of yourself, you will be back sewing in no time!

Kim said...

I'm glad to hear it went well--I was thinking of you! Before long, you'll be back to quilting and stitching all those things you've had to put off!

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