My sewingroom have been occupied as a guestroom this christmas. But today I have removed the bed and put up my sewingmachine again. So next year will be starting with my dear sewingmachine.
But I've done a little stitching. I've finished my Peace and Plenty which I started on the class with Leanne Beasley. So I hope to add the border around it now when I've unpacked my sewingmachine again. But I have no frame yet so I won't get it up on the wall before I have bought that. I love this stitchery and know exactly where to hang it in my house.
And when this stitchery was finished I started on some small stitcheries. I bought this pattern from Jordbærstedet and I had traced all stitcheries so they was ready to be worked on while my sewingroom was occupied. I have done six out of twelve small stitcheries and there is also one big to do. It is a adventcalender, but I want to use it as a wallhanging for next christmas. OMG this means I very very very early for next years christmasplans .......yoooohoooo!!!!! Here are photos of the six small stitcheries I've made so far.

Oooooh so beautiful ! You KNEW I would love those stitcheries, didn't you ? ... And you were right ! Your work is always so nicely done, my friend.
I wish you a very happy New Year, too, and I thank you so much for your friendship...
(LOVE the saying, too ! LOL)
(Norway, here I come !)
Koselig mønster du har kjøpt. Det er fint med stitchery når symaskinen er nedpakket. Har vært innom bloggen din nesten daglig og du lager mye fint. Inspirerende har det vært. Ønsker deg også et riktig godt nytt og kreativt år!
Happy New Year, May Britt! Enjoyed visiting you this year and looking forward to do the same 2008 and beyond!
I LOVE your Peace and Plenty stitchery. I just sent my check for leanne's Butterfly quilt with the same themes but now I want this piece to go with it.
Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing with us.
Your embroideries are beautiful!
The Leanne stitchery is really cute, but I love the ones for your wall-hanging. The little house at the bottom of the list is so cute!
Your stitcheries are wonderful! You do great work! Happy New Year to you!
Disse var søte, - godt nytt år!
Hvor er det smukt :-)
You have gotten so much done this year - I can't imagine what all you would have gotten done if you hadn't had shoulder problems!
Your little stitcheries are perfect - of course! How you must have enjoyed making them. I wonder what it is about all the overseas designers - designers in your country, Australia and others. It seems the American designers just haven't caught onto the idea of combining stitchery with quilts the way others have. I never see anything half so attractive from American designers as I do from foreign designers.
Godt Nytt quilteår!!
A Happy New Year to you as well. Your stitcheries look beautiful!
Your stitcheries are gorgeous. I enjoy visiting your blog. Happy New Year.
Godt nytt år!! Så mange fine og koselige stitcheres det var her.Leannas bilde var også helt nydelig. Bjørg, Fjellhamar
I love your stitcheries. Happy New Year to you....looking forward to seeing more of your projects in 2008. Wishing you health and happiness in the new year. :)
These little stitcheries are so beautiful and so Nordic.
Happy New Year for you too!
Happy New Year.....looking forward to seeing what you sew up in 2008
Oh your stitcheries are beautiful. I hope you have a very great and productive New Year.
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greetings!!
Lovely stitchery! Have I mentioned that I'm hooked on hand embroidery?!? ;O) Thanks for sharing!
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