January will be my month of finishing WISP's (Work In Slow Progress) . I read Kims big plans of having a "January - finish it up month" and I decided to join her in doing this. I have too many projects in my sewingroom that needs to be finished. But I still have to take care of my shoulder so I'll concentrate of the small WISP's I got. And I know it will feels so good to have something finished.
And while thinking of this I decided to make a challenge out of it. Who finish the most WISP's in january ?? The rules are that it has to be something "old", started in 2007 or earlier :) And you have to finish it before january 31th. And you have to blog a photo of the WISP before you start working on it and when you have finished it. And report it to me. I've decided to make a post in my sidebar that links to my finished projects, perhaps you can do it too??
And finally I'll give a prize to the one that finish the most WISP's. I do not know what it will be yet, but one thing is for sure; if you join this challenge you all will win the prize of feeling satisfied over finishing many WISPS. If it is more than one with the same amount of finished WISP's I'll draw one winner. So girls...........do you join this challenge????
Ask not what your fabric can do for you,
but what you can do for your fabric!!
I need to reduce my stach too!! I have collected Hannes Fabric diet badge to put in my blog. I will sign up for your challange too :-)
This is really fun, I have the same goals as you, but I have to continue diating my body as well as my fabric stash...
I join in this fun prosject, although I know very well I will not be the winner.
Happy new year, and thank you for your nice blog and your kindness and generousity!
Happy New Year
I am in! But don't have time to report anything till next year.
A Happy New Year to you, May Britt.
I do think I will take Hannes challange on the Fabric diet... ( but don't tell her yet ;-) )
You bet I'll join you in this challenge! I have lots and lots of WISP's - as evidenced by the lists on my sidebar. I'd love to win - and with my extra time due to retirement I just might have a chance.
Thanks for this challenge May - what a great idea!
And a very happy new year to you also.
Seems we are all thinking along the same lines this last day of the year. I have saved Hanne's badge and need to do some counting and will be back by tomorrow to post my plans. Happy New Year.
Happy new year to you !
I like to read your blog, I don't often leave comments because I don't write english very well..
I have lots of Wip's too(not quilt but stitch...)! your idea is very good !!!
I'm in for the January challenge!. HeeHee... this will be so funny. Though I know I won't win, because most of my WIP's are BIG quilts to be handquilted, yet I've got one small project that I'll be sooo pleased to finish...
As to the 2008 Fabric Diet : I'm in, as well ! The time has come for me to really reduce that stash of mine (and I know you'll be watching my efforts, when in Norway ! LOL)...
THANKS for the push, my friend, (I need it) !
And here's my last 2008 biiig, special (((HUG))), with a huuuuuge smile, of course !
I think I will join you in the challange for January. i don't have som many prosjects, but I need to finish those I have. i don't like UFO. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
Well, you KNOW I'm in already! LOL! I can't wait to get started! Oh, wait a minute! Isn't that what got me into this mess? Too much "getting started" and not enough "getting finished"! ROFLOL!
I’m working on a list and plan to finish a lot in January, so I have to consider to join the party....
I will be back tomorrow if I do so! Happy new Year May Britt!
A Happy New Year to you *s* I hope you have a great success in meeting your challenge - I'll be right here to cheer you on!
Here is the URL for my post May. Thanks so much for doing this!
I'll join in your challenge, May, I have one posted on my blog now that needs finishing and have another waiting. One all pinned to be quilted. Maybe more to be finished this month. Great to have some company. Course there is also about 20 tops some to be hand quilted which will not be finished. LOL
Hello and Happy New Year to you too. I am not sure if I can join the challenge, being new to this blog thing. Can I win for having the most WISPs or UFOs? I think half my stash is bundled with a book or pattern, just not started yet. But I do have 3 little things on my design wall, 2 are on my blog, they just need quilting. That should be doable before 1-31. Thanks for the nudge. Mary
Happy New Year to you!
What a great commitment-using up the stash before buying. Good luck!
Happy New Year!! I would love to take on your challenge but my WISP's, PhD's and WIP's are just all too big. I won't be able to finish any projects before the 31st :( I do hope you and all the others are able to reduce your stach. Good luck and have fun.
I need to do something like this but with yarn instead of fabric! Happy New Year to you May Britt!
Happy New year, what a great challange, I really have no idea actually where to start, I have so many unfinished projects, so I will try and work on some.
Thanks for a great blog, I enjoy reading what you are up to.
It'a a very nice idea that one of fabric diet....I think I'll do it!!!
Have a happy 2008!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! And that challenge, let me think a little!!
Take care!
Ja dette vil jeg gjerne være med på. Også håper jeg inderlig at skulderen din blir bedre i dette nye året.
Jo da jeg har masse UFOer rundt om kring. Jeg burde klare noen. Jeg vil nok ikke vinne, har ikke tid nok til det, men det vil være fint å gjøre noe ferdig.
I am going to do a little thinking on this. It is a great idea and the meaning of WISP made me laugh. I hope you and your family will have a great new year.
I'm in for the 2008 fabric diet.. Much needed! ;)
Ok, I'll join in on the WIP's I sure have several of them needing finished. Thanks for the gentle push to complete them ;-)
Happy New Year from me too... And I really need to join you in this challenge...but I have to consider this one...cause I think i have "special gift" to join all kind of challenges and not finish any of them!!! So...we will see...;D
I am joining your WISP challenge May Britt. Thank you. Happy New Year.
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