Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quilters christmasparty - part three

Saturday evening Bentes husband made us a wonderful traditional christmasdinner with ribs of pork and ribs of sheep (both my favorites). It gave at least me a feeling of christmas and as usual I ate too much.

Enjoying a great meal like this with good friends is always wonderful. Laughing, chatting about everything and nothing, a glass of good red wine and getting in the mood for christmas.

We have a tradition with advent packages. Not one for each day counting down to christmas eve, but one for each sunday in advent. Bente is hanging her packages up on the wall ready to be opened.

And early this morning all three of us brought our advent gifts to the breakfast table.

And started to open them. Excited like small children :) I got to open the gift from Hanne and Bente.

And when I came home today, two more advent gifts from Stina and Nancy, was waiting for me.

And this is what was in my advent gifts this first sunday in advent. From Hanne a beautiful fabric and a angel to make ginger bread angels with. From Bente a cute angel stitchery with DMC thread. From Nancy a beutiful red fabric. And from Stina some lovely ribbons and red thread. Thank you so very much all of you. I love everything.

More to come.......

1 comment:

Nancy in Norway said...

It's so exciting with the advent gifts. We are just like children :-)

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